LD 2029
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Item 1

(3) A justice of the peace; or

(4) A notary public under Title 4, chapter 19; and

Sec. 6. 19-A MRSA §657, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. B, §2 and
affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

§657. Lack of jurisdiction or authority

A marriage, solemnized before any known inhabitant of the
State professing to be a justice, judge, justice of the peace or
notary public, or an ordained or licensed minister of the gospel,
is not void, nor is its validity affected by any want of
jurisdiction or authority in the justice, judge, justice of the
peace, notary or minister or by any omission or informality in
entering the intention of marriage, if the marriage is in other
respects lawful and consummated with a full belief, on the part
of either of the persons married, that they are lawfully married.

Sec. 7. 22 MRSA §253, first ¶, as repealed and replaced by PL 1995, c.
653, Pt. C, §1 and affected by §3, is amended to read:

The department shall adopt before January 15, 1997 2002 and
review every year 2 years after 1997 2002 a state health plan in
accordance with the United States Public Health Services Act, 42
United States Code, Sections 201 to 300 aaa-13 (1995). This plan
must identify the health care, facility and human resource needs
in the State, the resources available to meet those needs and
priorities and recommendations for addressing those needs on a
statewide basis.

Sec. 8. 22 MRSA §772, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 1999, c. 76, §1, is
further amended to read:

C. Has been determined to be acceptable by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency under the Radon Measurement
Proficiency Program conducted under 15 United States Code,
Section 2661, or other means of proving proficiency as
determined by the department meet the proficiency
requirements as determined by the department through rule.
Rules adopted pursuant to this paragraph are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

Sec. 9. 22 MRSA §776, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 657, §1, is
amended to read:

1. Personal use. A person performing testing or mitigation
on a building owned or inhabited by that person but not for sale

at the time that person performs testing or mitigation on that

Sec. 10. 22 MRSA §1405-A, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 780, Pt. LL,
§2, is repealed.

Sec. 11. 22 MRSA §1406 is enacted to read:

§1406.__Maine Cancer Registry Data Review Committee

The Maine Cancer Registry Data Review Committee, referred to
in this section as the "committee," is established.__The
committee is appointed and convened by the Bureau of Health to
review and advise the administrators of the statewide cancer-
incidence registry established in section 1404 on the release of
identifiable data as requested by researchers for the purposes of
cancer prevention, control and research.__The committee is
composed of not fewer than 3 members, representing training and
experience in the fields of medical or public health research or
disease prevention and control.__The committee must be guided by
rules adopted by the Bureau of Health providing for the
protection of the confidentiality of all cancer case data
reported to the registry.__These rules, which are routine
technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-
A, must include a prohibition on disclosure to any person of
information to the statewide cancer-incidence registry that
identifies, or could lead to the identification of, an individual
cancer patient, except for disclosure to other state cancer
registries and local and state health officials.

Sec. 12. 22 MRSA §2000, as amended by PL 1971, c. 598, §36, is
further amended to read:

§2000. Definition of "child"

For the purposes of this chapter, the word "child" shall mean
means any person who has not attained the age of 18 22 years.

Sec. 13. 22 MRSA §2001 is amended to read:

§2001. Program of service

The department, through its Bureau of Health, is authorized to
administer a program of services for children who are crippled
disabled or who are suffering from conditions which that lead to
crippling a disability, and to supervise the administration of
those services included in the program which that are not
administered directly by it. The purpose of such included the
program shall be is to develop, extend and improve services for
locating such children and for providing for medical, surgical,

corrective and other services and of care, and for facilities for
diagnosis, hospitalization and aftercare. Nothing in this chapter
shall may be construed as authorizing any public official, agent
or representative, in carrying out said this chapter, to take
charge of any child over the objection of either the father or
the mother of such child, or of the person standing in loco
parentis to such child, except pursuant to a proper court order.

Sec. 14. 22 MRSA §2615, sub-§1, as repealed and replaced by PL 1995,
c. 622, §5, is amended to read:

1. Notification. A public water system shall notify the
public of the nature and extent of possible health effects as
soon as practicable, but not later than the time periods period
established under subsection 4, if the system:

A. Is not in compliance with a state drinking water rule;

B. Fails to perform monitoring, testing or analyzing or
fails to provide samples as required by departmental rules;

C. Is subject to a variance or an exemption granted under
section 2613; or

D. Is not in compliance with the terms of a variance or an
exemption granted under section 2613.

Public notification under this section must be provided
concurrently to the system's local health officer and to the
department. When required by law, the department shall forward a
copy of the notification to the Administrator of the United
States Environmental Protection Agency. The department may
require notification to a public water system's individual
customers by mail delivery or by hand delivery within a
reasonable time, but not earlier than required under federal

Sec. 15. 22 MRSA §2615, sub-§§3 and 4, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 622,
§6, are amended to read:

3. Form of notification. In addition to the notification
required under subsection 1, a public water system shall provide
public notification by furnishing a copy of the information
required under subsection 1 in accordance with this subsection
pursuant to the requirements in 40 Code of Federal Regulations,
Sections 141 to 143 (2001). A public water system that may
provide notification via newspaper or media may voluntarily
provide notification to its customers via mail or hand delivery.
Notification must be provided:

A. To a daily newspaper or the communications media
covering the territory served by the system; or

B. When a public water system is not served by a daily
newspaper or communications media, or when a public water
system is a nontransient, noncommunity system, directly to
its customers via hand delivery or through continuous
posting in conspicuous places reasonably calculated to reach
the customers within the territory served by the system.

4. Additional time of notification. A public water system
shall provide public notification pursuant to subsection 3 on a
notification schedule as follows:

A. When a boil-water order is properly issued to a public
water system under section 2614, subsection 3, within 24

B. When a violation of a maximum contaminant level does not
result in an acute risk to public health, when a treatment
technique is required or when a schedule is contained within
a variance or an exemption, within 14 days;

C. When a violation of a maximum contaminant level results
in an acute risk to public health, within 72 hours of the
identification of the violation;

D. For minor monitoring violations, as defined by the
commissioner by rule, at least once annually;

E. For monitoring violations, other than for minor
monitoring violations, within 90 days of the identification
of the violation and at least once annually; and

F. For ongoing violations, once notification for a
violation under this section has been provided, notification
by mail delivery or by hand delivery at least once every 3
months for as long as the violation continues.

Sec. 16. 22 MRSA §2701, first ¶, as amended by PL 1975, c. 293, §4, is
further amended to read:

The Department of Human Services shall establish an the Office
of Vital Statistics Health Data and Program Management, which
shall maintain a state-wide statewide system for the registration
of vital statistics.

Sec. 17. 22 MRSA §2701, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1985, c. 785, Pt. B,
§89, is further amended to read:

1. Registrar. The Commissioner of Human Services shall
appoint a State Registrar of Vital Statistics, referred to in

this chapter as the "state registrar," who shall must be
qualified in accordance with the standards of education and
experience prescribed by the Bureau of Human Resources.

Sec. 18. 22 MRSA §2701, sub-§2, as repealed and replaced by PL 1995,
c. 694, Pt. D, §29 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

2. Supervision. The state registrar has charge of the Office
of Vital Statistics Health Data and Program Management and is
custodian of its files and records. The state registrar:

A. Shall preserve all certificates, records and other
reports returned to the state registrar under this Title;

B. Has general supervision of this Title and rules of the
department relating to the registration of vital statistics;

C. Has general supervision of Title 19-A, chapter 23;

D. Shall direct, supervise and control the activities of
all persons engaged in the operation of the system of vital

E. Shall conduct training programs to promote uniformity of
policy and procedures throughout the State in matters
pertaining to the system of vital statistics; and

F. Shall monitor the accuracy, completeness and validity of
all information returned to the state registrar under this
Title and Title 19-A, chapter 23.

Sec. 19. 22 MRSA §2701, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1983, c. 669, is
further amended to read:

5. Deputy State Registrar. The state registrar may designate
an employee of the Office of Vital Statistics Health Data and
Program Management to represent the Office of Vital Statistics
Health Data and Program Management. The representative shall be
is known as the Deputy State Registrar of Vital Statistics and
shall have has the authority of the state registrar in the state
registrar's absence.

Sec. 20. 22 MRSA §2701, sub-§7, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1995, c.
260, §2, are amended to read:

A. "File" means the presentation and acceptance of a vital
record or report for registration by the Office of Vital
Statistics Health Data and Program Management or a municipal
clerk as specified in departmental rule.

B. "Date of filing" means the date a vital record is
accepted for registration by the Office of Vital Statistics
Health Data and Program Management or a municipal clerk.

Sec. 21. 22 MRSA §2704 is amended to read:

§2704. Registration of births and deaths at Veterans

Administration Center

Certificates of live births, deaths and fetal deaths occurring
at the Veterans Administration Center at Togus shall be are filed
directly with the state registrar. The state registrar shall
forward copies of all such certificates of live birth, death and
fetal death to the clerk of the municipality where the parents of
the child reside or where the deceased was a resident or was

Sec. 22. 22 MRSA §2706, sub-§5 is amended to read:

5. Person's own records disclosed. Vital records of a person
shall must be made available at any reasonable time upon his that
person's request or to his that person's duly designated attorney
or agent or attorney for an agent designated by such that person
or by a court having jurisdiction over said that person whether
the request be made in person, by mail, telephone or otherwise,
provided the state registrar is satisfied as to the identity of
the requester, and if an attorney or agent, provided the state
registrar is satisfied as to his the attorney or agent's
authority to act as such agent or attorney. If such agent or
attorney has been appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction,
or his the attorney or agent's appearance for such person is
entered therein, the state registrar shall upon request so
ascertain by telephone call to the register, clerk or recorder of
said court, and this shall must be deemed sufficient
justification to compel compliance with the request for said
record. The state registrar shall, as soon as possible,
designate persons in the Office of Vital Statistics Health Data
and Program Management who may act in his the state registrar's
absence, or in case of his the state registrar's
disqualification, to carry out the intent of this subsection.

Sec. 23. 22 MRSA §2761, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1997, c. 537, §57 and
affected by §62, is further amended to read:

4. Child not born of marriage. Except as otherwise provided
in this subsection, if the mother was not married at the time of
either conception or birth, or between conception and birth,
neither the name of the putative father nor any other information
about the putative father may be entered on the

certificate without his written consent and that of the mother.
The signature of the putative father on the written consent must
be acknowledged before an official authorized to take oaths. The
signature of the mother on her written consent must also be
acknowledged before an official authorized to take oaths. If a
determination of paternity has been made by a court of competent
jurisdiction, then the name of the father as determined by the
court must be entered on the birth certificate without the
father's or the mother's consent. If the putative father
executes an acknowledgement of paternity with the department and
the putative father is either named in writing by the mother as
the father or is presumed to be the father based on the results
of blood or tissue-typing tests, the name of the father must be
entered on the birth certificate without the father's or the
mother's consent. All voluntary acknowledgments and
adjudications of paternity in this State must be filed with the
Office of Vital Statistics Health Data and Program Management for
comparison with information in the state registry of support
orders as established in Title 19-A, section 2104.

Sec. 24. 22 MRSA §2765, sub-§2-A, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 818,
§10, is amended to read:

C. When a new certificate of birth is established following
adoption or legitimation, it must be substituted for the
original certificate of birth. After that substitution, the
original certificate of birth and the evidence of adoption
or legitimation are not subject to inspection except upon
order of the Probate Court or the Superior Court. The
application for legitimation may be released to persons
listed on the original birth certificate upon completion of
written application to the State Registrar of Vital
Statistics or the registrar's designee.

Sec. 25. 22 MRSA §2766, 2nd ¶, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 356, is
amended to read:

Upon verification of the information in this section, the
state registrar shall prepare a form identifying the birth
parents of the adoptee. This form shall must be attached to the
new certificate of birth established pursuant to section 2765. A
copy of the form shall must be attached to an abstract of birth
issued by the Office of Vital Statistics Health Data and Program
Management and shall must be provided to the adoptee.

Sec. 26. 22 MRSA §2842, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1993, c. 600, Pt. B,
§§21 and 22, is further amended to read:

2. Medical certificate by physician. The medical
certification of the cause of death shall must be completed in

typewritten block style and signed in a timely fashion by a
physician authorized to practice in the State who has knowledge
of the patient's recent medical condition, in accordance with
department regulations and other laws detailing who can certify
and in what time frame, except when the death falls under the
jurisdiction of the medical examiner as provided in section 3025.
If the patient was a resident of a nursing home licensed under
section 1817 at the time of death and if the physician in charge
of the patient's care or another physician designated by the
physician in charge had not examined the patient within 48 hours
prior to death, or within 2 weeks prior to death in the case of a
terminally ill patient, the physician in charge or another
physician designated by the physician in charge shall examine the
body prior to completing the certification of death process. Any
physician who fails to complete the medical certification of the
cause of death fully, in typewritten block style and in a timely
manner, or who fails to examine the body of a nursing home
resident prior to certifying cause of death as required by this
section shall must be reported to the Board of Licensure in
Medicine or the Board of Osteopathic Licensure, whichever is
appropriate, by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics of the
Department of Human Services.

For the purposes of this subsection, the following terms have the
following meanings.

A. "Life-sustaining procedure" means any medical procedure
or intervention that, when administered to a qualified
patient, will serve only to prolong the dying process and
shall does not include nutrition and hydration.

B. "Terminally ill patient" means a patient who has been
diagnosed as having an incurable or irreversible condition
that, without the administration of life-sustaining
procedures, will, in the opinion of the attending physician,
result in death within a short time.

Sec. 27. 22 MRSA §2842, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1987, c. 329, §1, is
further amended to read:

3. Medical certificate by medical examiner. When a death
occurs under circumstances which that make it a medical examiner
case as defined in section 3025, or when inquiry as to the cause
of death is required by law, the medical examiner shall complete
and sign in typewritten block style the medical certification of
the cause of death and sign the death certificate. A
certification need not be completed before the remains are ready
for release.

The medical examiner shall be is responsible for the identity of

the deceased and the time, date, place, cause, manner and
circumstances of death on the death certificate. Entries may be
left "pending" if further study is needed; or, at the specific
direction of the Attorney General relative to cases under
investigation by his the attorney general's office, entries shall
must be left "withheld" until such time as the Attorney General,
in his the attorney general's sole discretion, determines that
any criminal investigation and prosecution will not be harmed by
public disclosure of such information. Notwithstanding section
2706, subsection 4, unless directed otherwise by the Attorney
General as specified in this subsection, this information for
which the medical examiner is responsible may be made available
to the general public by the Office of Chief Medical Examiner.

Sec. 28. 22 MRSA §2843, 3rd ¶, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 231, §2, is
amended to read:

A municipal clerk may issue a burial-transit disposition of
human remains permit to a funeral director who presents a report
of death and states that he the funeral director has been unable
to obtain a medical certification of the cause of death. The
funeral director shall name the attending physician or medical
examiner who will certify to the cause of death and present
assurances that he or she has agreed to do so. The funeral
director shall exercise due diligence to secure the medical
certification and file the death certificate as soon as possible.

Sec. 29. 22 MRSA §2844, as amended by PL 1989, c. 54, is further
amended to read:

§2844. Subregistrars

The town or city clerk may appoint one or more suitable and
proper persons in the municipality as subregistrars, who shall be
are authorized to issue permits for transportation and final
disposition of dead human bodies in the same manner as is
required of the town or city clerk. Permits may be issued by a
subregistrar only when the town or city clerk or deputy clerk is
not available. The completed death certificate or report of
death, upon which the permit is issued, together with a copy of
the burial-transit disposition of human remains permit shall must
be forwarded to the town clerk at the earliest opening of the
municipal office after the date of issue, and all permits by
whomsoever issued shall must be returned to the town clerk as
required by section 2843. The appointment of subregistrars shall
must be made with reference to locality, so as to best suit the
convenience of the inhabitants of the town, and such appointment
shall must be in writing and recorded in the office of the town
or city clerk. The subregistrars in any town shall hold office
at the pleasure of the town clerk.

Sec. 30. 22 MRSA §2845, as enacted by PL 1973, c. 252, is amended
to read:

§2845. Certificate of death typewritten

Any death certificate required to be filed by this chapter
shall must be typewritten or printed in block type prior to such

Sec. 31. Retroactivity. That section of this Act that amends the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 253 applies
retroactively to January 1, 2001.


This bill makes the following changes to the laws regarding
public health.

1. It renames the burial-transit permit the "disposition of
human remains permit" and makes other minor changes to the burial
permit laws.

2. It requires residents of the State intending to be married
to record notice of their intentions in the office of the clerk
of the municipality in which at least one of them resides. It
also removes a reference to "justice of the peace" from the list
of persons authorized to solemnize marriages.

3. It renames the Office of Vital Statistics within the
Department of Human Services the Office of Health Data and
Program Management.

4. It requires the Department of Human Services, Bureau of
Health to publish a state health plan biennially instead of

5. It changes a reference to a program for children who are
crippled to a reference to a program for children who are

6. It repeals the Cancer Prevention and Control Advisory
Committee and establishes the Maine Cancer Registry Data Review

7. It amends the laws governing personal use regarding owner
testing for radon.

8. It makes changes to the laws governing public

notification that must be given by a public water system to
conform the requirements to federal regulation.

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