LD 1821
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Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Require Further Study of the Effect and Cost Impact of Mental Illne... LD 1821 Title Page
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LR 2649
Item 1

children. In addition to the estimates of cost savings, the
departments shall provide the following information:

1. The aggregate number of children and adult beneficiaries
of state-funded services who have or have had private health
insurance at any time while they are receiving or have received
state-funded services and the aggregate amount of state dollars
expended for those services; and

2. The aggregate number of children who have received the
eligibility option under the Katie Beckett program for mental
health services after denial of coverage by their families'
private health insurers.

The departments shall submit a report containing the
information required by this section to the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance by
November 1, 2001; and be it further

Sec. 2. Private health insurance; claims denials for coverage of mental illness. Resolved:
That the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation,
Bureau of Insurance shall collect the following information
related to claims denials for coverage of mental illness for the
years 1995 to 2000:

1. The number of claims denials for coverage of mental health
services and the general reasons for those claims denials for
each health insurer doing business in Maine; and

2. The number of complaints and grievances filed with health
insurers and the Bureau of Insurance for denial of coverage for
mental health services and the resolution of those complaints and
grievances; and be it further

Sec. 3. Bureau of Insurance report. Resolved: That the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance shall
submit the report required pursuant to the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 24-A, section 2752 evaluating the proposed
mandated health insurance benefit for parity coverage of mental
illness and mental disorders, eating disorders and substance
abuse to the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance by
January 15, 2002. The report submitted by the bureau must
include the information required under sections 1 and 2 of this
resolve; and be it further

Sec. 4. Allocation. Resolved: That the following funds are allocated
from Other Special Revenue funds to carry out the purposes of
this resolve.




Bureau of Insurance

All Other$2,400

Allocates funds to compile information related
to claims denials for coverage of mental
illness from 1995 to 2000 and to prepare the
required report.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.




Other Funds$2,400


Other Funds$2,400

The additional costs associated with submitting a report to
the Bureau of Insurance can be absorbed by the Department of
Corrections, the Department of Human Services and the Department
of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
utilizing existing budgeted resources.

The Department of Education will require additional General
Fund appropriations of an indeterminate amount in fiscal year
2001-02 to collect certain information from 3,834 students and
their families who are expected to be affected by this

This resolve includes an Other Special Revenue funds
allocation of $2,400 in fiscal year 2001-02 for the Bureau of
Insurance within the Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation to compile the required information and submit the
report by January 15, 2002.


This resolve is reported out pursuant to joint order by the
Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance. The resolve
requires the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services, the Department of Human Services, the
Department of Education and the Department of Corrections to
study the cost savings to the state budget that may result from
legislation requiring parity coverage for mental illness and
mental disorders, eating disorders and substance abuse. The
resolve also requires the Department of Professional and
Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance to collect information
relating to the denial of claims for coverage of mental illness
over the last 5 years. The resolve requires the Bureau of
Insurance to compile this information on cost savings and claims
denials in a report to the Joint Standing Committee on Banking
and Insurance by January 15, 2002.

The resolve is an emergency and takes effect when approved.

The resolve also includes an allocation section and a fiscal

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