LD 1744
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Item 1

4.__Drug utilization review program or DUR program.__"Drug
utilization review program" or "DUR program" means a system that
includes both retrospective and prospective drug utilization
reviews and is designed to ensure that drug utilization is
medically appropriate, medically necessary and not likely to have
adverse medical results.

5.__Drug utilization review criteria or DUR criteria.__"Drug
utilization review criteria" or "DUR criteria" means standards
approved by the board for use in determining whether use of a
drug is likely to be medically appropriate and medically
necessary and unlikely to result in adverse medical outcomes.

6.__Prior authorization.__"Prior authorization" means
verification to a prescriber or a dispenser or its contractor
that the proposed medical use of an outpatient prescription
medicine for a patient meets predetermined criteria for coverage
by the medical assistance programs as referenced in section 400-

7.__Prospective drug utilization review or prospective DUR.__
"Prospective drug utilization review" or "prospective DUR" means
that part of a drug utilization review program that occurs before
a drug is dispensed and that uses the DUR criteria to screen for
potential drug therapy problems pursuant to section 400-D,
subsection 3.

8.__Retrospective drug utilization review or retrospective
DUR.__"Retrospective drug utilization review" or "retrospective
DUR" means that part of a drug utilization review program that is
an historical review of drug utilization data using DUR criteria
to examine pharmacy claims data and other information pursuant to
section 400-D, subsection 4, paragraph B.

§400-C.__Establishment of Drug Utilization Review Board

The Drug Utilization Review Board is established within the
Department of Human Services, Bureau of Medical Services for the
implementation of a drug utilization review program.

1.__Board; membership.__The board consists of 11 members
appointed by the Director of the Bureau of Medical Services:

A.__Four physicians licensed in this State and actively
engaged in the practice of medicine, chosen from a list of
nominees provided by the Maine Medical Association;

B.__Five pharmacists licensed in this State and actively
engaged in the practice of pharmacy, chosen from a list of
nominees provided by the Maine Board of Pharmacy;

C.__One person who is a resident of this State, chosen to
represent beneficiaries of the medical assistance programs
as referenced in section 400-A in this State; and

D.__One person representing the pharmaceutical industry,
chosen from a list of nominees provided by a nation
association of pharmaceutical researchers and manufacturers.

2.__Terms.__Board members serve staggered 3-year terms.__Of
the initial appointees, one physician, one pharmacist and the
beneficiary representative must be appointed for 2-year terms and
one physician, 2 pharmacists and the industry representative must
be appointed for one-year terms.__A member may be reappointed 3
times.__A vacancy on the board must be filled for the balance of
the unexpired term by a nominee with the same qualifications as
the nominee's predecessor chosen from the list for the
appropriate member category described in subsection 1.

3.__Chair.__Board members shall select a chair and a vice-
chair on an annual basis from the board membership.

4.__Meetings.__The board shall meet at least 4 times per year
and may meet at other times at the discretion of the chair.__
Notice of any meeting of the board must be published at least 30
days before a meeting and must comply with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act.__Board meetings must comply with
the provisions of the freedom of access laws under Title 1,
chapter 13, subchapter I and are subject to the provisions of the
Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

5.__Duties of board.__The board shall:

A.__Advise and make recommendations regarding rules to be
adopted by the department to implement the provisions of
state and federal law related to drug utilization review;

B.__Oversee the implementation of a DUR program for the
medical assistance programs as referenced in section 400-A,
including having the responsibility for recommending
criteria for selection of contractors and reviewing
contracts between the medical assistance programs and any
other entity that processes and reviews drug claims and
profiles for the DUR program in accordance with this

C.__Develop and apply the DUR criteria for the DUR program under
paragraph B, as long as the DUR criteria are consistent with the
indications supported or rejected by the compendia and FDA-
approved labeling for a drug.__The board also shall consider
outside information provided by interested parties, including
prescribers who treat

significant numbers of patients under the medical assistance
programs as referenced in section 400-A;

D.__Establish a process to reassess on a periodic basis the
DUR criteria and, as necessary, modify the DUR programs; and

E.__Provide a period for public comment during each board
meeting.__Notice of proposed changes to the DUR criteria and
modification of the DUR program must be furnished 30 days
prior to the consideration or recommendation of any proposed
changes to the DUR program.

§400-D.__Drug Utilization Review Program

1.__Create DUR program.__The board, in cooperation with the
department, shall create and implement a DUR program for
outpatient prescription drugs under the medical assistance
programs as referenced in section 400-A using DUR criteria.

2.__Drug claims.__The department may contract with an entity
to process and review drug claims and profiles for the DUR
program under subsection 1 as long as the department uses a
competitive bidding process as required under Title 5, section

3.__Review conducted.__The prospective DUR under the DUR
program in subsection 1 must be based on DUR criteria established
by the board and must require that, before a prescription is
filled or delivered, a prospective DUR review must be conducted
by a pharmacist at the point of sale to screen for potential drug
therapy problems.__In conducting the prospective DUR, a
pharmacist may not alter the prescribed outpatient drug therapy
without a new prescription order by the prescribing physician and
approval by the patient.__The prospective DUR review must screen

A.__Therapeutic duplication;

B.__Drug-disease contraindications;

C.__Drug-drug interactions;

D.__Incorrect drug dosage or duration of drug treatment;

E.__Drug-allergy interactions; and

F.__Clinical abuse or misuse.

4.__Retrieval system.__The retrospective DUR under the DUR
program in subsection 1 must be based on DUR criteria and use the
department's mechanized drug claims processing and information
retrieval system to analyze medical assistance claims to allow
the board to:

A.__Identify patterns of fraud, abuse, gross overuse or
underuse and inappropriate or medically unnecessary care;

B.__Assess data on drug use by applying and reviewing
criteria consistent with section 400-C, subsection 5,
paragraph C to evaluate:

(1)__Therapeutic appropriateness;

(2)__Overutilization or underutilization;

(3)__Appropriate use of generic products;

(4)__Therapeutic duplication;

(5)__Drug-disease contraindications;

(6)__Drug-drug interactions;

(7)__Incorrect drug dosage or duration of drug
treatment; and

(8)__Clinical abuse or misuse; and

C.__Propose remedial strategies to improve the quality of
drug care and to promote effective use of funds of medical
assistance programs as referenced in section 400-A or
expenditures for beneficiaries of the medical assistance

§400-E.__Establishment of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee

1.__Prior authorization system.__The department has the
authority to implement a prior authorization system for
outpatient prescription drugs under the medical assistance
programs as referenced in section 400-A only as provided in this

2.__Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.__The Pharmacy and
Therapeutics Committee is established within the Department of
Human Services, Bureau of Medical Services for the purpose of
implementing a prior authorization system for outpatient
prescription drugs under the medical assistance programs as
referenced in section 400-A.

3.__Membership.__The committee consists of 11 members as
appointed by the commissioner of the state Medicaid agency:

A.__Five physicians licensed in this State and actively
engaged in the practice of medicine, chosen from a list of
nominees provided by the Maine Medical Association;

B.__Four pharmacists licensed in this State and actively
engaged in the practice of pharmacy, chosen from a list of
nominees provided by the Maine Board of Pharmacy;

C.__One person representing beneficiaries of the medical
assistance programs as referenced in section 400-A in this
State; and

D.__One person representing the pharmaceutical industry who
is a resident of this State, chosen from a list of nominees
provided by a national association of pharmaceutical
researchers and manufacturers.

4.__Terms.__Committee members serve staggered 3-year terms.__
Of the initial appointees, two physicians, one pharmacist and the
beneficiary representative must be appointed for 2-year terms and
one physician, one pharmacist and the industry representative
must be appointed for one-year terms.__A member may be
reappointed 3 times.__A vacancy on the committee must be filled
for the balance of the unexpired term by a nominee with the same
qualifications as the nominee's predecessor chosen from the list
for the appropriate member category as described in subsection 3.

5.__Chair.__Committee members shall select a chair and a vice-
chair on an annual basis from the committee membership.

6.__Meetings.__The committee shall meet a least 4 times per
year and may meet at other times at the discretion of the chair.__
Notice of any meeting of the committee must be published in a
manner consistent with the provisions for notice of public
hearings contained in Title 5, sections 8052, 8053 and 8053-A,
except that notice must be given at least 30 days before a
meeting.__Committee meetings must comply with the provisions of
the freedom of access laws under Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter
I and are subject to the provisions of the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act.

7.__Duties of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.__The
committee shall:

A.__Advise and make recommendations regarding rules to be
adopted by the department regarding outpatient prescription
drug prior authorization;

B.__Oversee the implementation of an outpatient prescription
drug prior authorization system for the medical assistance
programs as referenced in section 400-A;

C.__Establish the outpatient prescription drug prior
authorization review process in compliance with section 400-

D.__Make formal recommendations to the department regarding
any outpatient prescription drug covered by the medical
assistance programs as referenced in section 400-A that is
to receive prior authorization;

E.__Review on a semiannual basis whether an outpatient
prescription drug that has prior authorization status should
continue to have that status; and

F.__Modify the prior authorization review process as
necessary to achieve the objectives of this chapter.

§400-F.__Drug prior authorization system; review process

1.__Drug prior authorization system.__A drug prior
authorization system must include the following:

A.__Telephone, fax or other electronically transmitted
approval or denial of prior authorization of an outpatient
prescription drug must be provided within 24 hours after
receipt of a prior authorization request;

B.__In an emergency situation, including a situation in
which a response to a prior authorization request is
unavailable within the 24-hour period under paragraph A, a
72-hour supply of the prescribed drug, or, at the discretion
of the committee, a supply greater than 72-hours worth that
ensures a minimum effective duration of therapy for an acute
intervention must be dispensed and paid for by the medical
assistance programs as referenced in section 400-A;

C.__Authorization must be granted if a drug is prescribed
for a medically accepted use supported by either the
compendia or approved product labeling unless there is a
therapeutically equivalent generic drug that is available
without having prior authorization; and

D.__The system must consult with prescribers to develop a
streamlined process for the prescriber to furnish any
documentation required to support a prior authorization request.__
Documentation may include the name, title, address

and telephone number of the prescriber making the request;
the date of the request; the product name of the requested
drug; a description of the circumstances and basis for the
request; and whether the request is an emergency.__The
process must result directly from patient care interaction
and not a separate set of tasks required of the prescriber
by the State.

2.__Conditions for selection for prior authorization.__A drug
may not be recommended for prior authorization by the committee
and given prior authorization by the department unless a review
process is followed under which:

A.__The committee analyzes the retrospective DUR data using
the DUR criteria to identify a drug whose use is likely to
be medically inappropriate or unmedically necessary or
likely to result in adverse medical outcomes;

B.__The committee considers the potential impact on patient
care and the potential fiscal impact that may result from
giving the drug prior authorization;

C.__Any consideration of the cost of the drug by the
committee reflects the total cost of treating the conditions
for which the drug is prescribed, including
nonpharmaceutical costs and costs incurred by other sectors
of the medical assistance programs as referenced in section
400-A that may be affected by the drug's availability for
use in treating beneficiaries of the medical assistance

D.__The committee provides 30 days' public notice prior to a
meeting developing recommendations concerning whether the
drug should be given prior authorization.__An interested
party may request an opportunity to make an oral
presentation to the committee related to the prior
authorization of the drug.__The committee shall also
consider any information provided by interested parties,
including, but not limited to, physicians, pharmacists,
beneficiaries and manufacturers or distributors of the drug;

E.__The committee makes a formal written recommendation to
the department that the drug be given prior authorization.__
The recommendation must be supported by an analysis of
prospective DUR and retrospective DUR data demonstrating:

(1)__The expected impact of the decision on the
clinical care likely to be received by beneficiaries
for whom the drug is medically necessary;

(2)__The expected impact on physicians whose patients
require the drug; and

(3)__The expected fiscal impact on the medical
assistance programs as referenced in section 400-A;

F.__The department accepts or rejects the recommendation of
the committee and in a written decision determines whether
the drug should be granted prior authorization status.__The
department may consider any additional and clarifying
information provided by an interested party in making its
decision; and

G.__The department's decision is published for public
comment in accordance with the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act for a period of no less than 30 days.__The
effective date of the decision may not be prior to the close
of the comment period, and effective notice of the
decision's finality must be available to prescribers.

3.__Drugs approved by Federal Food and Drug Administration
under priority review classification.__A drug may not be
recommended for prior authorization by the committee and granted
prior authorization status by the department that has been
approved or had any of its particular uses approved by the
Federal Food and Drug Administration under a priority review

4.__Grievance mechanism.__The committee shall develop a
grievance mechanism for interested parties to appeal the
department's decision to grant a drug prior authorization status.__
After participating in the grievance mechanism developed by the
committee, an interested party aggrieved by the placement of a
drug on prior authorization is entitled to an administrative
hearing before the department pursuant to the provisions of the
Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

5.__Review.__The committee shall review the prior
authorization status of a drug every 6 months.

6.__Public notice.__The committee shall provide 30 days'
public notice in accordance with the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act prior to a meeting determining whether changes
should be made to the drug prior authorization review process.


This bill establishes standards and criteria governing the
establishment and operation of a prescription drug prior
authorization system instituted by the Department of Human

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