LD 1737
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cutting, hauling, handling or processing of forest products or for
the physical implementation of timber stand improvements or other
silvicultural activities or measuring or scaling activities
performed by persons licensed under Title 10, section 2365-A.

5.__Intern forester.__"Intern forester" means a person
licensed under this chapter to practice forestry under the
sponsorship of a forester.

6.__Person. "Person" means an individual.

7.__Sponsor.__"Sponsor" means a forester who is responsible
for overseeing the activities of an intern forester.

8.__Supervisor.__"Supervisor" means a forester who is
responsible for the activities of an unlicensed person providing
services under the direction of the forester.

§5502.__License required

Except as provided in section 5503, it is unlawful for a
person to practice forestry or advertise or offer to practice
forestry without a license issued under this chapter.

§5503.__Exemptions to licensing

A license is not required for forestry activities conducted

1.__Forestry instructional and educational institutions.__A
forestry instructional and educational institution approved by
the Commissioner of Education pursuant to the laws of the State
or a program of education at an institution licensed or approved
by the State to grant a bachelor's or higher degree;

2.__Federal Government employee.__Federal Government employees
conducting forestry practices within the scope of their

3.__Person registered and practicing forestry.__A person
registered and practicing forestry under the supervision of a
forester as set forth by section 5515, subsection 9; or

4.__Owner.__ An owner managing or otherwise conducting
forestry practices on that owner's land.

§5504.__Penalties; injunction

1.__Unlicensed practice.__A person who violates section 5502
is subject to the provisions of Title 10, section 8003-C.

2.__Endorsement.__It is a Class E crime for a forester or
intern forester to endorse any plan, map or report other than a
forest management and harvest plan as defined in Title 36,
section 573, subsection 3-A, unless that forester or intern
forester prepared or was in charge of the preparation of the map,
plan or report.



§5505.__Board; organization

1.__Establishment; purpose.__The Board of Licensure of
Foresters, as established within the department pursuant to Title
5, section 12004-A, subsection 17, administers the provisions of
this chapter to protect the public by improving the standards
relative to the practice of forestry, to protect the public from
unqualified practitioners and to help ensure the proper
management of the forest resources of the State.

2.__Members.__The board consists of 6 members appointed by the
Governor.__Each member must be a citizen of the United States and
a resident of this State.__The board consists of:

A.__One public member; and

B.__Five foresters who hold valid licenses.

3.__Terms; removal.__Terms of the members of the board are for
3 years.__Members may be removed by the Governor for cause.

4.__Meetings; quorum.__The board shall meet at least once a
year and at such other times as the board determines necessary.__
A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for
the transaction of business under this chapter.

5.__Election of officers.__The board shall annually elect a
chair and other officers as it determines necessary.


The board may establish guidelines and rules by which this
chapter is administered.__Rules adopted pursuant to this chapter
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

1.__Education.__The board may adopt rules to be applied in
determining whether educational programs meet the license
qualifications under this chapter.

2.__License qualifications.__The board may adopt rules
relating to the qualifications of an applicant for a license
authorized under this chapter that ensure that an applicant is
sufficiently trustworthy and competent to practice forestry.

3.__Standards of practice.__The board may adopt rules
consistent with the standards set forth in this chapter governing
the practice of forestry in order to establish standards of
practice that serve the public interest.

4.__Other.__ The board may adopt and enforce other rules that
are necessary for the performance of its duties under this


The Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration,
pursuant to Title 10, section 8003, subsection 2-A, paragraph D,
may establish by rule fees for purposes authorized under this
chapter in amounts that are reasonable and necessary for their
respective purposes, except that the fee for a purpose may not
exceed $100 annually.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as define in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

§5508.__Duties and powers

The board has the following duties and powers, in addition to
those otherwise set forth in this chapter.

1.__Consent agreements. The board may execute a consent
agreement that resolves a complaint or investigation without
further proceedings pursuant to Title 10, section 8003,
subsection 5, paragraph B.

2.__Denial of license.__The board may not refuse to issue or
renew a license for a reason other than the failure to pay a
required fee unless the applicant has been afforded an
opportunity for an adjudicatory hearing consistent with the
board's rules.

3.__Hearings.__The board shall conduct hearings in conformity
with Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter IV to the extent
applicable.__The board after hearing may impose disciplinary
sanctions pursuant to Title 10, section 8003, subsection 5,

paragraph A-1.__In addition, the board, pursuant to Title 5,
section 10004, may revoke or suspend a license.

4.__Investigation.__The board shall investigate or cause to be
investigated all complaints made to it and all cases of
noncompliance with or violation of this chapter.

5.__License qualification.__The board shall evaluate the
qualifications for licensure under this chapter.

§5509.__Grounds for disciplinary action

1.__Grounds.__After a hearing pursuant to section 5508,
subsection 3, the board has the authority to impose disciplinary
sanctions at any time when a licensee is found guilty of one of
more of the following:

A.__Subject to Title 5, chapter 341, a Class A, B or C crime
or any other crime that bears directly on the practice of

B.__An act or conduct that constitutes deceit, misconduct,
misrepresentation, fraud, incompetence or gross negligence
in the practice of forestry;

C.__Procuring or attempting to procure a license under this
chapter by knowingly making a false statement, submitting
false information or making a material misrepresentation in
an application filed with the board;

D.__Aiding or abetting a person in conduct that constitutes
a violation of this chapter;

E.__Violating a rule adopted by the board or a provision of
this chapter; and

F.__An act or conduct that constitutes or demonstrates
unprofessional practice.



§5510.__General qualifications

1.__Application.__The applicant shall submit a properly
completed application on forms furnished by the board, together
with the prescribed fee.

2.__Criminal history information.__Subject to Title 5, chapter
341, the applicant shall provide criminal history record

§5511.__License limited to persons

A license issued under this subchapter may only be issued to a
person, and licensure must be determined based on individual and
personal qualifications.__A firm, company, partnership, limited
liability company or corporation may not be licensed under this


The licensee shall report any change of address or name or
other material change in the conditions or qualifications set
forth in the original application no later than 30 days after the
change.__Upon proper notice, the board's records must be changed
and a new license issued for the unexpired term of the current
license, if appropriate.

§5513.__Denial of license

A license may be denied to an applicant:

1.__Complete application.__Who fails to submit a completed
application within 30 days after being notified of the materials
needed to complete the application;

2.__Proof that applicant is trustworthy.__Who fails to provide
satisfactory proof that the applicant is trustworthy and
competent to conduct forestry practices in a manner that
safeguards the interests of the public;

3.__Suspension or revocation of license.__Who has had a
professional or occupational license suspended or revoked for
disciplinary reasons or an application rejected for reasons
relating to untrustworthiness within 3 years prior to the date of

4.__Conviction of crime.__Subject to Title 5, chapter 341, who
has been convicted of a Class A, B or C crime or a crime that
bears on the practice of forestry; or

5.__Meeting requirements of subchapter.__Who fails to meet the
professional qualifications for licensure as provided in this

§5514.__Intern forester

1.__Scope of practice.__An intern forester license entitles
the holder to perform forestry practices under the sponsorship of
a forester.

2.__Professional qualification.__Each applicant for an intern
forester license shall submit evidence of an associate's degree
or a bachelor's degree from a school or college with a curriculum
in forestry or graduation from a postgraduate curriculum in
forestry leading to a degree higher than a bachelor's degree in a
school or college approved by the board.

3.__Filing with board.__The requirements for licensure as an
intern forester are as follows.

A.__The internship may not commence until after the
applicant has met the education requirements of subsection

B.__Applicants shall apply to and be approved by the board
for internship prior to beginning their internship.

C.__The applicant shall submit 3 references from persons not
related to the applicant demonstrating the applicant's good
character to work as an intern forester.__One of the these
references must be from the individual who is proposed to
serve as the sponsor.

D.__The sponsor shall also submit a plan for the work
experience to be provided to the intern forester during the
internship and an explanation of the sponsor's work plan
signed by the sponsor.

4.__Continuing education required.__As a prerequisite to
renewal of an intern forester license, the applicant must
complete continuing education as set forth by rules adopted by
the board.

5.__Renewal.__Licenses expire annually on December 31st or on
a date the commissioner determines.__The board shall issue a
renewal license, subject to the limitations set forth in
subsection 6, upon receipt of the written request for renewal,
the annual fee and evidence of satisfactory completion of
continuing education as set forth in subsection 4.__Licenses may
be renewed up to 90 days after the date of expiration upon
payment of a late fee in addition to the renewal fee.__A person
who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days after
the license has expired is subject to all requirements governing
new applicants under this chapter.

6.__Limited license term.__Intern forester licenses may only
be renewed for 5 annual terms.__If after the 5th annual renewal

term the intern forester has not qualified for licensure as a
forester, the intern forester may reapply to recommence the
internship process, but may not receive any credit towards
completion of the new internship for work performed during the
prior internship.

7.__Endorsement of documents.__Plans, maps and reports issued
by the intern forester must be endorsed with the intern
forester's name and license number during the life of the intern
forester's license.__By endorsing a document the intern forester
is representing that the document, has been reviewed by the


1.__Scope of practice.__A forester license entitles the holder
to engage in the practice of forestry.

2.__Professional qualification.__The applicant must
demonstrate compliance with the professional qualifications as
set forth in section 5514, subsection 2.

3.__Internship.__An applicant for a forester license shall
complete an internship as follows.

A.__An applicant with an associate's degree shall
demonstrate 48 months of forestry experience as an intern
forester satisfactory to the board.__Applicants must
complete the 48 months within 6 calendar years prior to

B.__An applicant with a bachelor's degree or higher shall
demonstrate 24 months of forestry experience as an intern
forester satisfactory to the board.__Applicants must
complete the 24 months within 6 calendar years prior to

4.__Recommendation.__The applicant shall submit references
from 3 foresters familiar with the applicant's forestry practice.__
At least one of the references must be from the sponsor, unless
the sponsor is unavailable as a reference through no fault of the
applicant.__An applicant exempted under subsection 5 shall submit
references from 3 forestry professionals familiar with the
applicant's forestry practice.

5.__Exemption to internship; professional practice in another
jurisdiction. Notwithstanding subsection 3, the board may waive
the internship requirement, as set forth in subsection 3, for an
applicant who has at least 24 months of lawful prior professional
forestry practice in another jurisdiction within the

6-year period prior to application, as long as the practice is
determined by the board to be substantially equivalent to the
successful completion of forestry internship under subsection 3.

6.__Examination.__Each applicant for a forester license shall
submit an application and examination fee and successfully pass
an examination administered by the board designed to test an
individual's knowledge to engage in the practice of forestry.__
Applicants shall meet all other qualifications for licensure
prior to taking the examination.

7.__Continuing education required.__As a prerequisite to
renewal of a forester license, applicants must complete
continuing education as set forth by rules adopted by the board.

8.__Renewal.__Licenses expire annually on December 31st or on
a date the commissioner determines.__The board shall issue a
renewal license upon receipt of the written request for renewal,
the annual fee and evidence of satisfactory completion of
continuing education as set forth in subsection 7.__Licenses may
be renewed up to 90 days after expiration upon payment of a late
fee in addition to the renewal fee.__A person who submits an
application for renewal more than 90 days after the license
expiration date is subject to all requirements governing new
applicants under this chapter.

9. Endorsement of documents.__ Plans, maps and reports issued
by the forester must be endorsed with the forester's name and
license number during the life of the forester's license.

10.__Sponsor; supervisor.__A forester:

A.__May act as a sponsor for an intern forester__pursuant to
the requirements of section 5514 and rules adopted by the
board; and

B.__Must register with the board to supervise the activities
of an unlicensed person pursuant to rules adopted by the

§5516.__Nonresidents; applicants licensed in another jurisdiction

1.__Reciprocal agreements.__The board may enter into
reciprocal agreements with other jurisdictions that have
substantially equivalent licensure laws and accord substantially
equal reciprocal rights to residents licensed in good standing in
this State.

2.__Applicants licensed in another jurisdiction.__An applicant
who is licensed under the laws of another jurisdiction is
governed by this subsection.

A.__An applicant who is licensed under the laws of a
jurisdiction that has a reciprocal agreement with the board
may obtain a license upon the terms and conditions as agreed
upon through the reciprocal agreement.

B.__An applicant who is licensed in good standing under the
laws of a jurisdiction that has not entered into a
reciprocal agreement with the board may qualify for
licensure by submitting evidence satisfactory to the board
that the applicant has met all of the qualifications for
licensure equivalent to those set forth by this subchapter
for that level of licensure, including, but not limited to,
passing the examination as required by section__5515,
subsection 6.

C.__All nonresident license applicants shall submit with the
application an irrevocable consent that service of process
on the applicant for an action filed in a court of this
State arising out of the applicant's activities as a
forester in this State may be made by delivery of the
process to the Director of the Office of Licensing and
Registration if, in the exercise of due diligence, a
plaintiff can not effect personal service upon the

Sec. 5. Maine Revised Statutes amended; revision clause. Wherever in the
Maine Revised Statutes the words "State Board of Licensure for
Professional Foresters" appear or reference is made to those
words, they are amended to read and mean "Board of Licensure of
Foresters" and the Revisor of Statutes shall implement this
revision when updating, publishing or republishing the statutes.

Sec. 6. Transition provisions.

1. The Board of Licensure of Foresters is the successor in
every way to the powers, duties and functions of the former State
Board of Licensure for Professional Foresters.

2. All existing rules and procedures in effect, in operation
or adopted in or by the State Board of Licensure for Professional
Foresters or any of its administrative units or officers are
hereby declared in effect and continue in effect until rescinded,
revised or amended by the proper authority.

3. All existing contracts, agreements and compacts currently
in effect in the State Board of Licensure for Professional
Foresters continue in effect.

4. Any positions authorized and allocated subject to the
personnel laws to the former State Board of Licensure for
Professional Foresters are transferred to the Board of Licensure
of Foresters and may continue to be authorized.

5. All records, property and equipment previously belonging
to or allocated for the use of the former State Board of
Licensure for Professional Foresters become, on the effective
date of this Act, part of the property of the Board of Licensure
of Foresters.

6. All existing forms, licenses, letterheads and similar
items bearing the name of or referring to the State Board of
Licensure for Professional Foresters may be utilized by the Board
of Licensure of Foresters until existing supplies of those items
are exhausted.

Sec. 7. Change license status. On the effective date of this Act the
Board of Licensure of Professional Foresters shall change its
records pertaining to licenses in effect at that time to reflect
the changes in license status of licenses affected by the
provisions of this Act and shall issue the appropriate licenses
to implement the following:

1. Forester. Every person holding an active licensed
professional forester license must be issued a forester license
at the time the licensee next is issued a license.

2. Intern forester. Every person registered as an intern
must be issued an intern forester license at the time the
registrant next is issued a license.

3. Register intent to apply. An applicant for a forester
license shall register the applicant's intent to meet the
education provisions of the former Maine Revised Statutes, Title
32, chapter 75 by filing an application with the Board of
Licensure of Foresters on or before April 30, 2002 that
demonstrates the applicant's then-existing status towards meeting
the education, or the substituted experience, licensure
requirements under former Title 32, section 5012, subsection 1.
Pursuant to rules adopted by the board, the applicant shall also
demonstrate to the board on or before April 30, 2008 that the
applicant has met all of the requirements of the former Title 32,
chapter 75 by that date. With the exception of the education
requirements, the applicant shall satisfy all of the licensure
requirements of Title 32, chapter 76 in applying for a forester

license. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter


This bill changes the current methods to qualify for licensure
as a forester or intern forester and clarifies the definition of
certain terms, Board of Licensure of Foresters authority and
standards of practice. In addition, the proposed changes define
the scope of practice for foresters and intern foresters. The
bill includes a transition provision for license applicants who
are in the process of applying for a license under the provisions
of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32, chapter 75.

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