LD 1736
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Item 1

§6-201. Applicability

This Part applies to a person engaged in this State in
entering into consumer credit transactions and to a person having
an office or place of business in this State who takes
assignments of and undertakes direct collection of payments from
or enforcement of rights against debtors arising from these
transactions. In addition, this Part applies to a person,
wherever located, who takes assignments of and undertakes direct
collection of payments from or enforcement of rights against
debtors arising from a consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle
subject to this Title. This Part also applies to a person, other
than a supervised financial organization, wherever located, who
takes assignments of and undertakes direct collection of payments
from or enforcement of rights against debtors arising from a
consumer credit transaction subject to Article IX.

Sec. 5. 9-A MRSA §10-102, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 66, §5,
is further amended to read:

B. "Credit services organization" does not include:

(1) A supervised financial organization as defined in
section 1-301, subsection 38-A;

(2) A supervised lender as defined in section 1-301,
subsection 39, except that, with respect to any
transaction in which a supervised lender is acting
solely as a credit services organization, section 10-
302 applies;

(3) A person licensed by the Real Estate Commission to
the extent that the person is engaged in activities
regulated by that commission;

(4) A person currently admitted to the practice of law
in this State;

(5) Any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation
under the United States Internal Revenue Code, Section
501(c)(3) to the extent that the organization's
activities are consistent with those set forth in its
application for tax exemption to the Internal Revenue
Service; or

(6) A consumer reporting agency, as defined in the
Fair Credit Reporting Act, Title 10, chapter 210.

Sec. 6. 10 MRSA §1313-A, sub-§2, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
155, Pt. B, §6 and affected by §13, are amended to read:

A. A consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer
report for employment purposes only if:

(1) The person who obtains the report from the agency
certifies to the agency that:

(a) The person has complied with paragraph B with
respect to the consumer report, and the person
will comply with section 1320 with respect to the
consumer report if section 1320 becomes
applicable; and

(b) Information from the consumer report will not
be used in violation of any applicable federal or
state equal employment opportunity law or
regulation; and

(2) The consumer reporting agency provides with the
report, or has previously provided, a summary of the
consumer's rights under this Act as prescribed by the
Federal Trade Commission under 15 United States Code,
Section 1681g(c)(3).

B. A Except as provided in paragraph B-1, a person may not
procure a consumer report or cause a consumer report to be
procured for employment purposes with respect to any
consumer, unless:

(1) A clear and conspicuous disclosure has been made
in writing to the consumer before the report is
procured or caused to be procured, in a document that
consists solely of the disclosure, that a consumer
report may be obtained for employment purposes; and

(2) The consumer has authorized in writing the
procurement of the report by that person.

Sec. 7. 10 MRSA §1313-A, sub-§2, ¶¶B-1 and B-2 are enacted to read:

B-1.__A person who procures a consumer report on a consumer
described in paragraph B-2, subparagraph (1) for employment
purposes shall provide to the consumer, by oral, written or
electronic means, notice that a consumer report may be obtained
for employment purposes and a summary of the

consumer's rights under section 1320, subsection 1-B,
paragraph C:

(1)__When the consumer applies for employment by mail;

(2)__When the consumer has consented, orally, in
writing or electronically, to the procurement of the
report by that person.

B-2.__Paragraph B-1 applies to a person procuring a consumer
report on a consumer in connection with the consumer's
application for employment only if:

(1)__The consumer is applying for a position over which
the federal Secretary of Transportation has the power
to establish qualifications and maximum hours of
service pursuant to the provisions of 49 United States
Code, Section 31502 or a position subject to safety
regulation by a state transportation agency; and

(2)__As of the time at which the person procures the
consumer report or causes the report to be procured,
the only interaction between the consumer and the
person in connection with that employment application
has been by mail, telephone, computer or other similar

Sec. 8. 10 MRSA §1313-A, sub-§2, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 155, Pt.
B, §6 and affected by §13, is amended to read:

C. In Except as provided in paragraph C-1, in using a
consumer report for employment purposes, before taking any
adverse action based in whole or in part on the report, the
person intending to take the adverse action shall provide to
the consumer to whom the report relates:

(1) A copy of the report; and

(2) A description in writing of the rights of the
consumer under this Act as prescribed by the Federal
Trade Commission under 15 United States Code, Section

Sec. 9. 10 MRSA §1313-A, sub-§2, ¶¶C-1 and C-2 are enacted to read:

C-1.__If a consumer described in paragraph C-2 applies for
employment by mail, telephone, computer or other similar means
and if a person who has procured a consumer report on

the consumer for employment purposes takes adverse action on
the employment application based in whole or in part on the
report, then the person shall provide to the consumer to
whom the report relates, in lieu of the notices required
under paragraph B, subparagraph (1) and under section 1320,
within 3 business days of taking such action, an oral,
written or electronic notification:

(1)__That adverse action has been taken based in whole
or in part on a consumer report received from a
consumer reporting agency;

(2)__Of the name, address and telephone number of the
consumer reporting agency that furnished the consumer
report, including a toll-free telephone number
established by the agency if the agency compiles and
maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis;

(3)__That the consumer reporting agency did not make
the decision to take the adverse action and is unable
to provide to the consumer the specific reasons why the
adverse action was taken; and

(4)__That the consumer may, upon providing proper
identification, request a free copy of a consumer
report and may dispute with the consumer reporting
agency the accuracy or completeness of any information
in a report.

If, under subparagraph (4), the consumer requests a copy of
a consumer report from the person who procured the report,
then, within 3 business days of receiving the consumer's
request together with proper identification, the person
shall send or provide to the consumer a copy of a report and
a summary of the consumer's rights as prescribed by the
Federal Trade Commission under 15 United States Code,
Section 1681g(c)(3).

C-2.__Paragraph C-1 applies to a person procuring a consumer
report on a consumer in connection with the consumer's
application for employment only if:

(1)__The consumer is applying for a position over which
the federal Secretary of Transportation has the power
to establish qualifications and maximum hours of
service pursuant to the provisions of 49 United States
Code, Section 31502 or a position subject to safety
regulation by a state transportation agency; and

(2)__As of the time at which the person procures the
consumer report or causes the report to be procured,
the only interaction between the consumer and the
person in connection with that employment application
has been by mail, telephone, computer or other similar

Sec. 10. 10 MRSA §1313-A, sub-§§4 to 7 are enacted to read:

4.__Information regarding inquiries.__Except as provided in
section 1315, a consumer reporting agency may not furnish to any
person a record of inquiries in connection with a credit or
insurance transaction that are not initiated by a consumer.

5.__Election of consumer to be excluded from lists.__A
consumer may elect to have the consumer's name and address
excluded from any list provided by a consumer reporting agency
under subsection 3 in connection with a credit or insurance
transaction that is not initiated by the consumer by notifying
the agency in accordance with paragraph A that the consumer does
not consent to any use of a consumer report relating to the
consumer in connection with any credit or insurance transaction
that is not initiated by the consumer.

A.__A consumer shall notify a consumer reporting agency:

(1)__Through the notification system maintained by the
agency under paragraph D; or

(2)__By submitting to the agency a signed notice of
election form issued by the agency for purposes of this

B.__Upon receipt of notification of the election by a
consumer through the notification system maintained by a
consumer reporting agency under paragraph D, the agency

(1)__Inform the consumer that the election is effective
only for the 2-year period following the election if
the consumer does not submit to the agency a signed
notice of election form issued by the agency for
purposes of paragraph A, subparagraph (2); and

(2)__Provide to the consumer a notice of election form,
if requested by the consumer, not later than 5 business
days after receipt of the notification of the election
through the notification system established under
paragraph D.

C.__An election by a consumer under this subsection:

(1)__Is effective with respect to a consumer reporting
agency beginning 5 business days after the date on
which the consumer notifies the agency in accordance
with paragraph A;

(2)__Is effective with respect to a consumer reporting

(a)__Subject to subparagraph (3), during the 2-
year period beginning 5 business days after the
date on which the consumer notifies the agency of
the election, in the case of an election for which
a consumer notifies the agency only in accordance
with paragraph A, subparagraph (1); or

(b)__Until the consumer notifies the agency under
subparagraph (3), in the case of an election for
which a consumer notifies the agency in accordance
with paragraph A, subparagraph (2);

(3)__Is not effective after the date on which the
consumer notifies the agency, through the notification
system established by the agency under paragraph D,
that the election is no longer effective; and

(4)__Is effective with respect to each affiliate of the

D.__A consumer reporting agency shall establish a
notification system.

(1)__Each consumer reporting agency that, under
subsection 3, furnishes a consumer report in connection
with a credit or insurance transaction that is not
initiated by a consumer shall:

(a)__Establish and maintain a notification system,
including a toll-free telephone number, that
permits any consumer whose consumer report is
maintained by the agency to notify the agency,
with appropriate identification, of the consumer's
election to have the consumer's name and address
excluded from a list of names and addresses
provided by the agency for such a transaction; and

(b)__Publish not less than annually, in a
publication of general circulation in the area
served by the agency:

(i)__A notification that information in
consumer files maintained by the agency may
be used in connection with such transactions;

(ii)__The address and toll-free telephone
number for consumers to use to notify the
agency of the consumer's election under this

(2)__An affiliate of a consumer reporting agency that
establishes and maintains a notification system,
including a toll-free telephone number, and publishes
information under subparagraph (b) on the agency's own
behalf and on behalf of any of its affiliates in
accordance with this paragraph is considered to be in
compliance with this paragraph.

E.__Each consumer reporting agency that compiles and
maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis shall
establish and maintain a notification system for purposes of
paragraph D jointly with other such consumer reporting

6.__Certain use or obtaining of information prohibited.__A
person may not use or obtain a consumer report for any purpose

A.__The consumer report is to be obtained for a purpose for
which the consumer report is authorized to be furnished
under this section; and

B.__The purpose is certified in accordance with section 1321
by a prospective user of the report through a general or
specific certification.

7.__Furnishing reports containing medical information.__A
consumer reporting agency may not furnish for employment purposes
or in connection with a credit or insurance transaction or a
direct marketing transaction a consumer report that contains
medical information about a consumer unless the consumer consents
in writing to the furnishing of the report.

Sec. 11. 10 MRSA §1313-B is enacted to read:

§1313-B.__Requirements relating to information contained in

consumer reports

1.__Information excluded from consumer reports; prohibited
items.__Except as authorized under subsection 2, a consumer
reporting agency may not make any consumer reports containing any
of the following items of information:

A.__Cases under federal law, Title 11 or under the federal
Bankruptcy Act that, from the date of entry of the order for
relief or the date of adjudication, as the case may be,
antedate the report by more than 10 years;

B.__Civil suits, civil judgments and records of arrest that,
from date of entry, antedate the report by more than 7 years
or until the governing statute of limitations has expired,
whichever is the longer period;

C.__Paid tax liens that, from date of payment, antedate the
report by more than 7 years;

D.__Accounts placed for collection or charged to profit and
loss that antedate the report by more than 7 years; or

E.__Any other adverse item of information, other than
records of conviction of crimes, that antedates the report
by more than 7 years.

2.__Exempted cases.__The provisions of subsection 1 are not
applicable in the case of any consumer credit report to be used
in connection with:

A.__A credit transaction involving, or that may reasonably
be expected to involve, a principal amount of $150,000 or

B.__The underwriting of life insurance involving, or that
may reasonably be expected to involve, a face amount of
$150,000 or more; or

C.__The employment of any individual at an annual salary
that equals, or that may reasonably be expected to equal,
$75,000 or more.

3.__Running of reporting period.__The reporting period for
consumer reports runs as follows.

A.__The 7-year period referred to in subsection 1, paragraphs D
and E begins with respect to any delinquent account that is
placed for collection, internally or by referral to a 3rd party,
whichever is earlier, charged to profit and loss or subjected to
any similar action upon the expiration of a 180-day period
beginning on the date of the

commencement of the delinquency that immediately preceded
the collection activity, charge to profit and loss or
similar action.

B.__Paragraph A applies only to items of information added
to the file of a consumer on or after December 30, 1997.

4.__Information required to be disclosed.__Any consumer
reporting agency that furnishes a consumer report that contains
information regarding any case involving a consumer that arises
under federal law or Title 11 shall include in the report an
identification of the chapter of Title 11 under which the case
arises if provided by the source of the information.__If any case
arising or filed under Title 11 is withdrawn by the consumer
before a final judgment, the consumer reporting agency shall
include in the report that the case or filing was withdrawn upon
receipt of documentation certifying the withdrawal.

5.__Indication of closure of account by consumer.__If a
consumer reporting agency is notified pursuant to section 1320-A,
subsection 4 that a credit account of a consumer was voluntarily
closed by the consumer, the agency shall indicate that fact in
any consumer report that includes information related to the

6.__Indication of dispute by consumer.__If a consumer
reporting agency is notified pursuant to section 1320-A,
subsection 3 that information regarding a consumer that was
furnished to the agency is disputed by the consumer, the agency
shall indicate that fact in each consumer report that includes
the disputed information.

Sec. 12. 32 MRSA §6104, sub-§1, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 155, Pt.
A, §2, is amended to read:

D. Banks, bank holding companies, credit unions, building
and loan associations, savings and loan associations,
savings banks or mutual banks organized under the laws of
any state or the United States, provided that Supervised
financial organizations as defined in Title 9-A, section 1-
301, subsection 38-A as long as they do not engage in the
business of issuing or selling payment instruments through
authorized delegates who are not banks, bank holding
companies, credit unions, building and loan associations,
savings and loan associations, savings banks or mutual banks
supervised financial organizations as defined in Title 9-A,
section 1-301, subsection 38-A; and


This bill amends various laws administered by the Office of
Consumer Credit Regulation. This bill clarifies that
transactions entered into following electronic mail solicitations
by lenders and creditors are subject to the Maine Consumer Credit
Code. The bill excludes limited-purpose financial institutions
from certain provisions of the Maine Consumer Credit Code. The
bill grants to the Director of the Office of Consumer Credit
Regulation the power to issue a temporary order suspending the
license of a supervised lender under circumstances in which
delaying such an order would result in harm to consumers.

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