LD 1735
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Vinalhaven Water District LD 1735 Title Page
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LR 2456
Item 1

Sec. 3. P&SL 1977, c. 99, §7 is repealed and the following enacted in its

*Sec. 7.__Number of trustees; terms.__The board of trustees of the
district is composed of 3 trustees.__A trustee must be a resident
of the district and reside in a household to which the district's
service is provided.__Trustees are elected to 3-year terms in
accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, section
6410, subsection 1.

Sec. 4. P&SL 1977, c. 99, §8, 5th ¶ is repealed and the following enacted
in its place:

Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A,
section 6410, subsection 7, the compensation of the trustees and
the treasurer of the board of trustees is determined by the board
of trustees.

Sec. 5. P&SL 1977, c. 99, §12, as amended by P&SL 1997, c. 42, §§1 and
2 and affected by §3, is repealed and the following enacted in
its place:

*Sec. 12.__Debt limit.__For accomplishing the purposes of this Act, and
for any other expenses that may be necessary for the carrying out
of those purposes, the district, through its trustees, is
authorized to borrow money temporarily and to issue for the money
its negotiable notes; and for the purpose of renewing and
refunding the indebtedness created, of paying any necessary
expenses and liabilities incurred under the provisions of this
Act, including organizational and other necessary expenses and
liabilities, whether incurred by the district or the
municipality, the district being authorized to reimburse the
municipality for any such expenses incurred by it, and in
acquiring properties, paying damages, laying pipes, mains,
aqueducts and conduits, constructing, maintaining and operating a
water plant or system and making renewals, additions, extensions
and improvements to the same, and to cover interest payments
during the period of construction, the district, through its
trustees, is also authorized to issue, from time to time, bonds,
notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the district in one
series or in separate series and to make subsequent renewals of
the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, the amount
or amounts, not exceeding the sum of $1,500,000 outstanding at
any one time, bearing interest at such rate or rates, and having
such terms and provisions as the trustees determine; except that,
in the case of a vote by the trustees to authorize bonds or notes
to pay for the acquisition of property, for the cost of a water
system or part of a water system, for renewal or additions or for
other improvements in the nature of capital costs, the estimated

cost of which, singly or in the aggregate included in any one
financing is $30,000 or more, or for renewing or refunding
existing indebtedness, notice of the proposed debt and of the
general purpose or purposes for which it was authorized must be
given by the clerk by publication at least once in a newspaper
having a general circulation in the Town of Vinalhaven.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the
district, through its trustees, may issue bonds, notes or other
evidences of indebtedness in amounts exceeding $1,500,000 at any
one time if a greater debt limit is established by referendum in
accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, section
6413.__The district may not have outstanding at any one time
bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness in amounts
exceeding any debt limit established by referendum in accordance
with Title 35-A, section 6413.

Sec. 6. Transition; trustees in office. Trustees of the Vinalhaven Water
District in office on the effective date of this Act may continue
in office for the remainder of their terms. When the term of
office of a trustee expires, that trustee's successor is
appointed in accordance with Private and Special Law 1977,
chpater 99, section 7.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill amends the charter of the Vinalhaven Water District.

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