LD 1710
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify the Maine Biomedical Research Program LD 1710 Title Page
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LR 2174
Item 1

F.__"Specified grant sources" means a federal agency, a
nonprofit foundation, private company or corporation, a
voluntary membership organization such as the American
Cancer Society, or an out-of-state educational university,
that, as of July 1, 2001, issues grants or contracts for the
purpose of producing peer-reviewed biomedical research when
the grantee retains complete editorial control over the
content of the research performed.

G.__"Medical school" means a state-based private nonprofit
medical school that, as of July 1, 2001, is authorized to
grant a doctorate degree in osteopathic or allopathic
medicine and is accredited by the American Osteopathic
Association or its successor or the Liaison Committee on
Medical Education or its successor.

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is amended to read:

2. Program established. The Maine Biomedical Research
Program is established to promote economic development and jobs
in the State primarily by making state investments in
organizations with successful results in attracting biomedical
research funds from specified grant sources.__As a secondary
purpose, the Maine Biomedical Research Program is intended to
provided incentive for small eligible institutions to grow.__The
program shall disburse program funds from the Maine Biomedical
Research Fund to eligible institutions pursuant to this section.
The department shall administer the program. The department

A. Develop and modify detailed program guidelines
consistent with this section in consultation as needed with
members of the biomedical community;

B. Review and if necessary verify applications for funds
from eligible institutions;

C. Determine whether the institution is an eligible

D. Verify that the proposed use of program funds is
consistent with subsection 4;

E. Determine the allocation that each eligible institution
will receive in a given biennium;

F. Advertise the availability of funds each biennium; and

G. Submit each biennium a summary report to the Governor
and the Legislature that compiles information reported to
the department as required by subsection 8 by all the
institutions that receive program funding.

Sec. 5. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is amended to read:

4. Use of funds. Program funds are intended to support
biomedical research in this State, with priority given to
research and research technologies with the potential to affect
diseases, and biomedical mechanisms or conditions that are either
caused by or related to tobacco use, such as, but not limited to,
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, emphysema and stroke.
An eligible institution receiving program funds under this
section may use those funds for any of the following purposes:

A. Project funding;

B. Facilities funding, including debt service;

C. Equipment used in research, including debt service; or

D. Ancillary support.

An eligible institution that receives funds under this section
may charge overhead expenses consistent with federal research
granting criteria. The institution may utilize up to 2% of the
program funds it receives to evaluate the impact of the research
it is conducting. An institution is not obligated to expend
program funds during the period in which those funds are
received, but may carry over funding for up to 5 years.

Sec. 6. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§5, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is amended to read:

D. A breakdown and explanation of all funding from federal
agencies and private foundations specified grant sources for
biomedical research, listing each specific source of funding
and its use; and

Sec. 7. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§6, ¶A, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

A.__The formula must link the amount of the program funds to be
received by an eligible institution to the total amount of
funding that the institution has received or expended from
specified grant sources during the previous 2 calendar years for
the purpose of producing peer-reviewed biomedical

research in on-site biomedical research laboratories in the
State.__An institution receiving more funding from federal
agencies and specified grant sources must receive more
program funds under the formula.

Sec. 8. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§6, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is amended to read:

B. The formula must be weighted to provide smaller eligible
institutions with a proportionally larger share of program
funds an incentive to grow.

Sec. 9. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§6, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is repealed.

Sec. 10. 5 MRSA §13103, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt.
SSS, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

9.__Rulemaking.__The department shall adopt rules to implement
this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in chapter 375, subchapter II-A.


The bill clarifies that eligible institutions for purposes of
receiving funds from the Maine Biomedical Research Program
consist of nonprofit biomedical research institutions, academic
medical centers or medical schools.

The bill also defines specified grant sources to include
federal agencies, nonprofit foundations, private corporations or
out-of-state educational institutions that issue grants or
contracts for peer-reviewed biomedical research where the grantee
retains complete editorial control over the content of the
research performed.

The bill provides the definition for "private nonprofit
biomedical research institution." The definition is based upon
that used by the Association of Independent Research

The bill provides the definition for "academic medical
center." This definition is based upon that used by the Alliance
of Independent Academic Medical Centers.

The bill provides the definition for "medical school."

The bill states that the purpose of the biomedical Research
Program is to promote economic development and jobs in the State,
and that the primary means for doing so is to make investments in
institutions with a track record of attracting biomedical
research funds to the State. A secondary purpose of the program
is to provide incentives for small biomedical research
institutions to grow.

The bill generalizes the scope of biomedical research to
include all diseases and biomedical mechanisms.

The bill amends the application procedure to incorporate the
amended definition of specified grant sources, and clarifies that
the allocation of funds to eligible institutions must be based on
the funding that the institution has received or expended for the
purpose of producing peer-reviewed biomedical research in on-
site, "wetbench" laboratories in this State.

The bill amends the section of the law pertaining to
allocation of funds to incorporate the amended definition of
specified grant sources.

The bill states that the allocation formula must provide
smaller institutions with an incentive to grow.

The bill repeals the minimum funding allocation provision.

The bill provides that rules adopted by the Department of
Economic and Community Development to implement the Maine
Biomedical Research Program are routine technical rules.

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