LD 1702
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection Program LD 1702 Title Page
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LR 1436
Item 1

be implemented in counties other than Cumberland County as follows.

A.__The fuel tank cap is subject to inspection beginning
January 1, 2002.

B.__The on-board diagnostic system is subject to inspection
beginning January 1, 2003.__A motor vehicle may not fail
inspection for failure to meet the inspection standard for
the on-board diagnostic system until January 1, 2004.

Sec. 5. 29-A MRSA §1762, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 786, §5, is
amended to read:

8. Enhanced inspection stations. Beginning January 1, 1999,
official inspection stations located in Cumberland County and
beginning January 1, 2002, official inspection stations located
in any other county shall offer enhanced inspections pursuant to
section 1751, subsection 2-A and may not offer inspections
pursuant to section 1751, subsection 2. Official inspection
stations located outside of Cumberland County may offer
inspections under section 1751, subsections 2 and 2-A. An
inspection station that offers enhanced inspections shall employ
an inspection mechanic certified to perform enhanced inspections.

Sec. 6. 36 MRSA §5219-U is enacted to read:

§5219-U.__Catalytic converter diagnostic test equipment purchased

by licensed inspection stations

An official inspection station licensed under Title 29-A,
section 1762 is allowed a credit against the tax imposed by this
Part on income earned by that station in an amount equal to the
cost paid between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2002 to
purchase up to 2 catalytic converter diagnostic testing devices
required to perform the enhanced motor vehicle inspection
required under Title 29-A, section 1751, subsection 2-A.__After
December 31, 2002, an official inspection station is entitled to
a credit equal to the cost paid to purchase a new catalytic
converter diagnostic testing device to replace one that fails.

Sec. 7. Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program requirement. The
Department of Environmental Protection shall submit to the United
States Environmental Protection Agency a revision to the state
implementation plan, required in the federal Clean Air Act,
Section 110, 42 United States Code, Section 7410, that
incorporates the motor vehicle inspection program under the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 29-A, chapter 15, subchapter 1, as
amended by this Act, to meet the requirement for a vehicle
emission control inspection and maintenance program in

the federal Clean Air Act, Section 184, 42 United States Code,
Section 7511c.


This bill extends to the entire State the enhanced motor
vehicle inspection program currently limited to motor vehicles
registered in Cumberland County. Under this bill, the program
applies statewide beginning on January 1, 2002 and is phased into
the other counties over a 2-year period in the same manner in
which the program was phased in when implemented in Cumberland
County. The fee for the enhanced inspection for all counties
other than Cumberland County remains at the current amount of

The bill also provides a tax credit in tax year 2002 for
official inspection stations who purchase the catalytic converter
diagnostic testing devices necessary to conduct the enhanced
inspections and allows a credit in 2003 and beyond for official
inspection stations who must purchase a new testing device to
replace one that fails.

The bill also requires the Department of Environmental
Protection to submit a revised state implementation plan to the
United States Environmental Protection Agency that incorporates
these changes into the enhanced motor vehicle inspection program.

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