LD 1698
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Governing DNA Testing LD 1698 Title Page
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LR 686
Item 1


The bill permits persons who are convicted of crimes but are
not required to submit to having a DNA sample drawn or persons
charged with criminal offenses but not yet tried to request that
a DNA sample be drawn. The bill allows persons who are
incarcerated to request that a DNA sample be drawn at any time
during incarceration. The bill permits those persons requesting
DNA samples to be given access to their records relating to the
samples. The bill also requires prosecutors to use all DNA
evidence available in a case, regardless of what the evidence
indicates. Finally, the bill specifies that if a person has been
sentenced and after sentencing has a DNA test that indicates that
the person did not commit the offense, the prosecutor must reopen
the case.

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