LD 1645
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Address Confidentiality of Records in the Medical Examiner Act LD 1645 Title Page
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persons and agencies consistent with the available resources of the

Sec. 4. 22 MRSA §3022, sub-§11, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 339, §2, is

Sec. 5. 22 MRSA §3022, sub-§§12, 13 and 14 are enacted to read:

12.__Access to or dissemination of confidential records.__
Except as specified in subsections 10 and 13, access to or
dissemination of records made confidential under subsection 8 is
limited to:

A.__A criminal justice agency for the purpose of the
administration of criminal or juvenile justice;

B.__A person for whom the Chief Medical Examiner determines
access is necessary or desirable to carry out a duty under
this Act;

C.__A person for whom the Chief Medical Examiner determines
access is necessary or desirable to allow for the harvesting
of a decedent's organs and other tissues;

D.__A person when authorized or required under any state or
federal law, rule or regulation; and

E.__A person pursuant to a court order.

Access to or dissemination of records as provided under
paragraphs A to C can be done as a matter of course by the Chief
Medical Examiner unless the Attorney General directs otherwise.

13.__Access to certain information by certain persons.__Unless
a medical examiner case is under investigation by the Department
of the Attorney General or the office of a district attorney and
the Attorney General or the district attorney determines that
there is a reasonable possibility that release or inspection
interferes with a criminal investigation or prosecution by the

A.__A copy of a report or other items identified in
subsection 8, paragraphs F and G may be inspected and
obtained, upon payment of any required fee under section
3035, by:

(1)__A next of kin of the deceased, as defined under section
2843-A.__The Chief Medical Examiner may provide the original of
the items described in subsection 8,

paragraph G to the next of kin or other person to whom
that item is addressed or directed;

(2)__An insurer that may be responsible for payment of
benefits as a result of a death if relevant to the
payment obligation;

(3)__An attorney representing the estate of the
decedent or the decedent's property if relevant to the
representation; and

(4)__An attorney representing a person or a person's
estate and exploring a possible civil action against
the estate of the decedent if relevant to the
representation; and

B.__A person may inspect and obtain a copy of communications
identified in subsection 8, paragraphs C and D, except work
product as defined in Rule 16(b)(3) of the Maine Rules of
Criminal Procedure, as long as the communications would
otherwise be open to inspection and release if in the
possession or custody of the Department of the Attorney
General or the office of a district attorney.

As used in this subsection and subsections 10 and 12, "person"
means a natural person, including a public servant, and a
corporation, partnership, unincorporated association or other
nonhuman legal entity, including a governmental unit.

14.__Testing for HIV.__Notwithstanding Title 5, chapter 501,
the Chief Medical Examiner in a medical examiner case may test
for the human immunodeficiency virus and may disclose the test
result as authorized under subsection 12.


This bill amends the Medical Examiner Act as follows.

1. Confidentiality of records in the possession or custody of
a medical examiner of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner is
comprehensively addressed. In addition to incorporating those
records currently made confidential, the bill significantly
broadens current law by including as confidential communications
with the office of a district attorney relating to a medical
examiner case, report documents, as defined, photographs and
transparencies, histological slides, videotapes and other like
items and mechanical or electronic data compilations relating to
a medical examiner case.

2. Access to or dissemination of records made confidential is
expressly addressed and "person" is defined for those purposes.
Each provision authorizing access or dissemination reflects
current practice.

3. Finally, testing for HIV when determined necessary by the
Chief Medical Examiner and disclosure of test results are
expressly authorized notwithstanding current law governing the
testing for HIV and the disclosure of the results of those tests.

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