LD 1630
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Item 1

B.__Made to finance the purchase of real property or the
construction of a dwelling or to refinance a prior credit
transaction made for such purpose.

Credit property insurance, credit involuntary unemployment
insurance and other consumer credit insurance specifically
authorized by the superintendent under rules adopted pursuant to
section 2865 or chapter 40-A are subject to this chapter.

This chapter does not apply to credit insurance under section
707, subsection 1, paragraph I or to debt cancellation agreements
entered into between a financial institution and its debtors.

Sec. 5. 24-A MRSA §2851-A is enacted to read:

§2851-A.__Short title

This chapter may be known and cited as the "Consumer Credit
Insurance Act."

Sec. 6. 24-A MRSA §2852, as enacted by PL 1969, c. 132, §1, is
amended to read:

§2852. Purpose; construction

The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public welfare
by regulating consumer credit life insurance and credit health
insurance. Nothing in this chapter is intended to prohibit or
discourage reasonable competition. This chapter shall must be
liberally construed.

Sec. 7. 24-A MRSA §2853, sub-§§2-A to 2-C are enacted to read:

2-A. "Credit involuntary unemployment insurance" means
involuntary unemployment insurance insuring a debtor pursuant to
or in connection with a specific loan or other credit

2-B. "Credit property insurance" means property insurance on
property that is purchased on credit or pledged as collateral on
a loan when the insurance is purchased by or issued to the debtor
in connection with that loan or credit transaction.

2-C.__"Consumer credit insurance" means insurance subject to
this chapter under section 2851.

Sec. 8. 24-A MRSA §2854, as enacted by PL 1969, c. 132, §1, is
amended to read:

§2854. Forms available

Credit life insurance and credit health Consumer credit
insurance shall may be issued only in the following forms:

1. Individual life. Individual policies of life insurance
issued to debtors on the term plan;

2. Individual accident and health. Individual policies of
health insurance issued to debtors on a term plan, or disability
benefit provisions in individual policies of credit life

3. Group life. Group policies of life insurance issued to
creditors providing insurance upon the lives of debtors on the
term plan;

4. Group accident and health. Group policies of health
insurance issued to creditors on a term plan insuring debtors, or
disability benefit provisions in group credit life insurance
policies to provide such coverage;

4-A.__Individual credit property insurance.__Individual
policies of property insurance on property that is purchased on
credit or pledged as collateral on a loan when the insurance is
purchased by or issued to the debtor in connection with that loan
or credit transaction;

4-B.__Group credit property insurance.__Group policies of
property insurance on property that is purchased on credit or
pledged as collateral on a loan when the insurance is purchased
by or issued to the debtor in connection with that loan or credit

4-C.__Individual credit involuntary unemployment insurance.__
Individual involuntary unemployment policies insuring a debtor
pursuant to or in connection with a specific loan or other credit
transaction but not including disability insurance policies;

4-D.__Group credit involuntary unemployment insurance.__Group
involuntary unemployment policies insuring a debtor pursuant to
or in connection with a specific loan or other credit transaction
but not including disability insurance policies; or

5. Combination. A combination under subsections 1 and 2, or
under 3 and 4.

The superintendent may by rules adopted pursuant to section
2865 or chapter 40-A designate other permissible types of
consumer credit insurance.

Sec. 9. 24-A MRSA §2856, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5. For credit involuntary unemployment insurance, benefits
must start after a waiting period of not longer than 30 days but
need not be retroactive to the first day of unemployment and must
have a maximum benefit period of at least 6 months.

Sec. 10. 24-A MRSA §2857, as amended by PL 1995, c. 238, §1, is
further amended to read:

§2857. Policy provisions; delivery or disclosure to debtors

1. Policy or certificate delivered. All consumer credit life
insurance and credit health insurance shall must be evidenced by
an individual policy, or in the case of group insurance by a
certificate of insurance, which individual policy or group
certificate of insurance shall must be delivered to the debtor.

2. Content of policy or certificate. Each individual policy
or group certificate of consumer credit life insurance or credit
health insurance must, in addition to other requirements of law,
set forth the name and home office address of the insurer, the
name or names of the debtor, or, in the case of a certificate
under a group policy, the identity by name or otherwise of the
debtor; the premium or amount of payment, if a separate
identifiable charge is paid by the debtor separately for consumer
credit life insurance and credit health insurance; a description
of the coverage, including the amount and term of the coverage,
and any exceptions, limitations and restrictions, including
conditions under which the policy may be terminated, which must
be highlighted in bold print; and must state that the benefit is
paid to the creditor to reduce or extinguish the unpaid
indebtedness and, wherever the amount of insurance may exceed the
unpaid indebtedness, that any excess is payable to a beneficiary,
other than the creditor, named by the debtor or to the debtor's
estate. During the 30 days immediately following the
commencement date, the debtor may cancel the insurance and
request in writing a full refund of premium for any reason.

3. When delivered. The individual policy or group certificate
of insurance shall must be delivered to the insured debtor at the
time the indebtedness is incurred, except as otherwise provided.

4. Notice of proposed insurance. If the individual policy or
group certificate of insurance is not delivered to the debtor at
the time indebtedness is incurred, a copy of the application for
such policy or a notice of proposed insurance, signed by the

debtor and setting forth the name and home office address of the
insurer, the name or names of the debtor, the premium or amount
of payment by the debtor, if a separate identifiable charge is
made separately for consumer credit life insurance and credit
health insurance, the amount, term and a brief description of the
coverage provided, shall must be delivered to the debtor at the
time such indebtedness is incurred. Failure to comply with the
foregoing requirement shall preclude precludes the use of such
application as evidence in any action brought against the
insured. The copy of the application for, or notice of proposed
insurance, shall must refer exclusively to insurance coverage,
and shall must be separate and apart from the loan, sale or other
credit statement of account, instrument or agreement, unless the
information required by this subsection is prominently set forth
therein. Upon acceptance of the insurance by the insurer and
within 30 days of the date upon which the indebtedness is
incurred, the insurer shall cause the individual policy or group
certificate of insurance to be delivered to the debtor. The
application or notice of proposed insurance shall must state that
upon acceptance by the insurer the insurance shall become becomes
effective as provided in section 2856.

5. Risk not accepted. If the named insurer does not accept
the risk, the debtor shall must receive a policy or certificate
of insurance setting forth the name and home office address of
the substituted insurer and the amount of the premium to be
charged, and if the amount of premium is less than that set forth
in the notice of proposed insurance, an appropriate refund shall
must be made.

Sec. 11. 24-A MRSA §2858, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1973, c. 585, §12,
is further amended to read:

5. Group certificate filing. If a group policy of consumer
credit life insurance or credit health insurance has been
delivered in this State before September 16, 1961, or has been or
is delivered in another state before or after such date, the
insurer shall be required to file only the group certificate and
notice of proposed insurance delivered or issued for delivery in
this State as specified in section 2857, subsections 2 and 4, and
such forms shall must be approved by the superintendent, if they
conform with the requirements specified in such subsections and
if the schedules of premium rates applicable to the insurance
evidenced by such certificate or notice are not in excess of the
insurer's schedules of premium rates filed with the

Sec. 12. 24-A MRSA §2859, as amended by PL 1993, c. 149, §§1 to 3,
is further amended to read:

§2859. Premium rates; refunds; accounts credited

when insurance not issued

1. Rates filed; life and health. Any insurer may revise its
schedules of premium rates from time to time, and shall file such
revised schedules with the superintendent; however, no upward
revision in insurance charges to debtors may be made in
connection with closed-end credit which that would apply to
debtors whose credit insurance is already in force. In the case
of open-end credit, the debtor must be given a 31-day notice
prior to an upward revision unless a waiver of that notice is
obtained from the superintendent, in which case the notice of the
upward revision must be given at the next regular billing cycle.
No An insurer shall may not issue any credit life insurance
policy or credit health insurance policy for which the premium
rate exceeds that determined by the schedules of such insurer as
then on file with the superintendent.

1-A.__Rates filed and approved; property and casualty.__All
rates charged in connection with credit property insurance or
credit involuntary unemployment insurance must be filed and
approved in accordance with section 2304-A.__An insurer may not
issue any credit property insurance or credit involuntary
unemployment insurance policy for which the premium rate exceeds
those rates filed and approved by the superintendent.

1-B. Rating standards. The superintendent may by rules
adopted pursuant to section 2865 or chapter 40-A establish
specific rating standards for particular types of consumer credit

2. Refund. Each individual policy or group certificate shall
provide that in the event of termination of the insurance prior
to the scheduled maturity date of the indebtedness, any refund of
an amount paid by the debtor for insurance shall must be paid or
credited promptly to the debtor. The superintendent shall
prescribe a minimum refund and no refund which that would be less
than such minimum need be made. The formula to be used in
computing such refund shall must be filed with and approved by
the superintendent.

3. Accounts credited where insurance not issued. If a
creditor requires a debtor to make any payment for consumer
credit life insurance or credit health insurance and an
individual policy or group certificate of insurance is not
issued, the creditor shall immediately give written notice to
such debtor and shall promptly make an appropriate credit to the

4. Termination. Any policy for consumer credit insurance
issued subsequent to the enactment of this section shall must
contain a provision that the insurance provided for may only be
terminated under only the following conditions:

A. The date the indebtedness is discharged, renewed or

B. Upon written request of a debtor;

C. When a debtor is insured under an individual or group
policy, nonpayment by such a debtor of any required premium
over 31 days past due, provided that at least 10 days prior
to termination the debtor has been given a notice of the
right to cure in substantially the same form required by
Title 9-A, section 5-110, subsection 3;

D. In the case where debtors are insured under group
policies, the group policy may be terminated after 31 days
prior notice to the debtor from the creditor;:

(1) In a noncontributory policy, at the option of the

(2) At the time the insurance risk is transferred to a
succeeding insurance carrier; or

(3) If the group policyholder fails to pay the premium; or

E. In the case where credit is extended on open-ended

(1) At attainment by the debtor of an age determined in
advance by the contract of insurance; or

(2) If the creditor elects to terminate all insurance on
credit extended on an open-ended basis.;

F. If credit is extended on a closed-end basis, coverage
for an individual insured under the policy may be terminated
upon expiration of the term of the loan or term for which a
charge was paid; or

G. When consumer credit insurance is paid for by the debtor in a
single premium at the inception of the debt, if the debt is
placed in charged-off status by the creditor because the debt is
uncollectible, the insurance coverage may be terminated by the
creditor and any refund of premium must be applied against any
outstanding indebtedness. The creditor

shall give notice of the termination of insurance coverage
to the debtor at the debtor's last known address.

Sec. 13. 24-A MRSA §2860, as amended by PL 1973, c. 585, §12, is
further amended to read:

§2860. Authorized insurer, agent required

All policies of consumer credit life insurance and credit
health insurance shall may be delivered or issued for delivery in
this State only by an insurer authorized to transact such
insurance therein, and shall may be issued only through holders
of licenses or authorizations issued by the superintendent.

Sec. 14. 24-A MRSA §2861, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1969, c. 132, §1,
is amended to read:

2. The amount charged to a debtor for any consumer credit
life or credit health insurance shall may not exceed the premiums
charged by the insurer, as computed at the time the charge to the
debtor is determined.

Sec. 15. 24-A MRSA §2865 is enacted to read:


The superintendent may adopt rules establishing specific
requirements and procedures for consumer credit insurance
policies, certificates of coverage and rates, consistent with the
purposes of this chapter.__These rules may specify additional
types of consumer credit insurance that may be issued on an
individual basis or, pursuant to chapter 40-A, on a group basis.__
Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical
rules as defined by Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 16. 24-A MRSA c. 40-A is enacted to read:



§2951.__Group property and casualty insurance

1.__Group coverage permitted.__The following lines of property
and casualty insurance may be written on a group basis, subject
to the requirements of this section and other applicable law:

A.__Liability insurance issued to a risk purchasing group in
compliance with chapter 72-A;

B.__Credit involuntary unemployment insurance issued to a
debtor group in compliance with chapter 37; and

C.__Other lines of insurance designated by the
superintendent in compliance with rules adopted pursuant to
section 2953.

2.__Terms of coverage.__A policy must provide insured group
members with terms of coverage that are no less favorable to the
insured than would be required for comparable nongroup policies,
at rates consistent with the requirements of this Title.

3.__Certificate of coverage.__An insured group member must be
issued a certificate of coverage adequately describing that
insured's rights and responsibilities under the group policy in a
manner satisfactory to the superintendent, delivered in the same
time and manner as is required for the delivery of comparable
nongroup policies.

§2952.__Termination of coverage

Cancellation and nonrenewal of group policies and of coverage
of group members under group policies are governed by this

1.__Involuntary termination.__Involuntary termination of the
group policy is governed by section 2908.__Individual insureds do
not have standing to contest cancellation or nonrenewal of the
group policy unless they have the right to represent the group

2.__Prior notice of involuntary termination of coverage.__
Except as otherwise provided in this section, individual insureds
have the same rights to prior notice before involuntary
termination of coverage and opportunity for hearing before the
superintendent to contest the termination as would be available
under the cancellation control laws applicable to comparable
nongroup policies.

3.__Termination of group policy.__Termination of the group
policy, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a valid ground for
termination of coverage for all group members, if adequate notice
to group members has been given in accordance with subsection 2.

4.__Termination of group membership.__Termination of group
membership is a valid ground for termination of the member's
coverage under a group policy, if the certificate of coverage so

provides.__If the certificate of coverage gives adequate notice
that coverage ceases immediately upon voluntary withdrawal from
the group, no further advance notice is required as a condition
precedent to the termination of coverage.

5.__Continued coverage.__An insurer's obligation to issue or
offer continued coverage to a group member under this chapter may
be satisfied by the issuance or offer of a comparable nongroup


The superintendent may adopt rules, which are routine
technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-
A, establishing specific requirements and procedures for group
property and casualty policies, certificates of coverage and
rates, consistent with the purposes of this chapter.__These rules
may specify additional types of insurance that may be issued on a
group basis and the types of groups that may be policyholders, if
the superintendent determines that the issuance of multiple
individual policies to group members in accordance with chapter
40 does not adequately address the needs of the market.


This bill amends the Maine Revised Statues, Title 24-A,
chapter 37 to permit the issuance of additional types of consumer
credit insurance. Currently, chapter 37 only permits the
issuance of credit life and credit accident and health insurance.
This bill extends the provisions of this chapter to expressly
permit the issuance of and clarify the regulation of credit
involuntary unemployment insurance and credit property insurance.

This bill also adds a new chapter 40-A to Title 24-A that
expressly permits the issuance of the following types of property
and casualty insurance on a group basis: credit involuntary
unemployment insurance, credit property insurance and other types
of insurance authorized to be issued on a group basis under rules
adopted by the Superintendent of Insurance. Currently, it is
unclear whether these types of insurance may be issued on a group
basis. This bill expressly permits the issuance of these
products and provides regulatory protections for this insurance.

This bill authorizes the superintendent to adopt rules
regarding consumer credit insurance including the creation of
rating standards. It also authorizes the superintendent to adopt
rules to establish specific requirements for group property and
casualty insurance policies and rates. The latter rules may also

specify additional types of insurance that may be issued on a
group basis.

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