LD 1405
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Encourage Joint Child Rearing Between Divorced Parents LD 1405 Title Page
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LR 1159
Item 1

B.__In awarding primary residential care, there is a
presumption affecting the burden of proof that joint
residential care is in the best interest of a minor child.__
The court shall follow the following order of preference in
ordering a child's primary residential care:

(1)__To both parents jointly:

(a)__Upon finding that both parents are suitable
parents, the court may require the parents to
submit a plan for implementation of the
residential care order; or

(b)__The parents acting individually or in concert
may submit a residential care implementation plan
to the court prior to the issuance of a
residential care order;

(2)__To either parent:

(a)__If the parents agree to an award of primary
residential care to one parent, the court shall
make that award;

(b)__In designating the parent responsible for
providing the child's primary residential care,
the court shall consider, among other factors,
which parent is more likely to allow the child
frequent and continuing contact with the other
parent, including physical access.__The court may
not apply a preference for one parent over the
other in determining the child's primary
residential care based on the parent's gender; or

(c)__If a parent requests to be designated as the
parent responsible for providing the child's
primary residential care, that parent has the
burden of proof that joint residential care is not
in the child's best interest; or

(3)__To a 3rd person, to a suitable society or
institution for the care and protection of children or
to the department, upon a finding that awarding the
child's primary residential care to either or both
parents will place the child in jeopardy as defined in
Title 22, section 4002, subsection 6.

C.__The court may award reasonable rights of contact with a
minor child to a 3rd person.

D.__The order of the court awarding parental rights and
responsibilities must include the following:

(1)__Allocated parental rights and responsibilities,
shared parental rights and responsibilities or sole
parental rights and responsibilities, according to the
best interest of the child as provided in subsection 3.__
Pursuant to paragraph B, an award of shared parental
rights and responsibilities may include either an
allocation of the child's primary residential care to
one parent and rights of parent-child contact to the
other parent or a sharing of the child's primary
residential care by both parents as provided in
paragraph B;

(2)__Conditions of parent-child contact in cases
involving domestic abuse as provided in subsection 6;

(3)__A provision for child support as provided in
subsection 8 or a statement of the reasons for not
ordering child support;

(4)__A statement that each parent must have access to
records and information pertaining to a minor child,
including, but not limited to, medical, dental and
school records and other information on school
activities, whether or not the child resides with the
parent, unless that access is found not to be in the
best interest of the child or that access is found to
be sought for the purpose of causing detriment to the
other parent. If that access is not ordered, the court
shall state in the order its reasons for denying that

(5)__A statement that violation of the order may result
in a finding of contempt and imposition of sanctions as
provided in subsection 7;

(6)__A statement of the definition of shared parental
rights and responsibilities contained in section 1501,
subsection 5, if the order of the court awards shared
parental rights and responsibilities; and

(7)__If the court declines to enter an order awarding
joint primary residential care pursuant to this
section, a statement of reasons for denial of an award
of joint residential care.

An order modifying a previous order is not required to
include provisions of the previous order that are not

E.__The order of the court may not include a requirement
that the State pay for the defendant to attend a batterers'
intervention program unless the program is certified under
section 4014.

Sec. 4. 19-A MRSA §1653, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. B,
§2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

7. Violation of order concerning parental rights and
responsibilities and contact. Either parent may petition the
court for a hearing on the issue of noncompliance with the order
issued under subsection 2 2-A. If the court finds that a parent
has violated a part of the order, the court may find that parent
in contempt and may:

A. Require additional or more specific terms and conditions
consistent with the order;

B. Order that additional visitation be provided for a
parent to take the place of visitation that was wrongfully
denied; or

C. Order a parent found in contempt to pay a forfeiture of
at least $100.


This bill establishes the policy that parents should be
awarded shared parental rights and responsibilities unless the
court finds that the joint responsibility would not be in the
child's best interest. The court must provide that the parents
equally share the responsibility for providing their child's
residential care, unless the court makes a finding that the equal
sharing is not in the child's best interest. The parents may
agree to a sharing of parental rights and responsibilities,
including the provision of residential care, which the court must
accept or provide written reasons why the agreement is not in the
child's best interest.

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