LD 1400
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Provide Health Insurance to Uninsured Maine Residents LD 1400 Title Page
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LR 51
Item 1

coverage or are eligible for coverage under the Medicaid or Cub
Care programs are not eligible.

5.__Exception.__The purchasing pool formed pursuant to this
section is eligible for group coverage without regard to the
provisions of Title 24-A, section 2808.

6.__Rules.__The Commissioner of Human Services shall adopt
rules necessary to administer the purchasing pool.__Rules adopted
pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined
in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

7.__Funding.__Any initial funding required for the
establishment and administration of a purchasing pool pursuant to
this section must be allocated by the Legislature from the Fund
for a Healthy Maine established in Title 22, section 1511.


This bill establishes a health coverage purchasing pool to
make health coverage available through the power of a group
purchase to residents of the State who are unable to obtain or to
afford coverage. The bill requires covered persons to pay
premiums to cover the costs of their coverage and any
administrative costs. The bill requires the Commissioner of
Human Services to select the health coverage plan to be offered
through the purchasing pool and requires the commissioner to
provide any necessary administrative services. The bill requires
that at least one health plan offered by the purchasing pool have
an annual deductible of $10,000. The purchasing pool is exempt
from the prohibition on forming a group for the purpose of
purchasing insurance provided in the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 24-A, section 2808. The bill requires the commissioner to
adopt rules to administer the purchasing pool. The bill also
requires that any initial funding required for the establishment
of the purchasing pool be allocated from the Fund for a Healthy

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