LD 1350
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Provisions Governing Reports by Political Action Committees... LD 1350 Title Page
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LR 715
Item 1

A person operating a broadcasting station within this State
may not broadcast any such communication without an oral or
visual announcement of the name and address of the political
action committee that made or financed the expenditure for the
communication and statement that reads: "A copy of our report is
available from and may be viewed at the office of the Commission
on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices."

An expenditure, communication or broadcast which that results
in a violation of this section may result in a civil penalty of
no more than $100 $200. Enforcement and collection procedures
shall must be in accordance with section 1062-A.

Sec. 5. 21-A MRSA §1056, sub-§1, as amended by IB 1995, c. 1, §16, is
further amended to read:

1. Aggregate expenditures. A committee may not make
expenditures in support of or opposition to the candidacy of one
person or to a political committee in an aggregate amount greater
than $5,000 in any election. Beginning January 1, 1999, a
committee may not make contributions in support of the candidacy
of one person aggregating more than $500 in any election for a
gubernatorial candidate, or $250 in any election for any other

Sec. 6. 21-A MRSA §1056-B, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 729, §8,
is amended to read:

2. Content. A report must contain an itemized account of
each contribution received and expenditure made aggregating in
excess of $100 in any election; the date of each contribution;
the date and purpose of each expenditure; and the name of each
contributor, payee or creditor. Total contributions or
expenditures of less than $500 in any election need not be
itemized. The report must state whether the purpose for
receiving contributions and making expenditures is in support of
or in opposition to the ballot question.

Sec. 7. 21-A MRSA §1056-A, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 715, §3, is

Sec. 8. 21-A MRSA §1057, as amended by PL 1989, c. 504, §§27 and
31, is repealed.

Sec. 9. 21-A MRSA §1057-A is enacted to read:

§1057-A.__Appointment of treasurer; record-keeping requirements

1.__Appointment of treasurer.__A political action committee
required to register under section 1053 shall appoint a treasurer

before accepting contributions or making expenditures. The
treasurer shall file all reports required under this subchapter
and under section 1019 and shall retain all records of the
political action committee required under this subchapter for a
minimum of 4 years.

2.__Appointment of deputy treasurer.__A political action
committee may appoint a deputy treasurer.__In the absence of the
treasurer, the deputy treasurer has the same powers and
responsibilities as the treasurer.__The political action
committee must report the name and address of the deputy
treasurer to the commission no later than l0 business days after
the appointment of the deputy treasurer.

3.__Committee expenditures.__Only the treasurer or deputy
treasurer may make expenditures on behalf of the political action

4.__Segregated funds.__All funds of a political action
committee must be segregated from and may not be commingled with
any personal funds of the treasurer, another officer or a member
of the committee.__Personal funds of the treasurer, another
officer or a member of the committee used to support the
committee must be recorded and reported to the treasurer as
contributions to the political action committee.

5.__Report of contributions and expenditures.__A person who
receives a contribution for the political action committee shall
report that contribution to the treasurer within 5 business days
of the receipt.

A.__A person who receives a contribution in excess of $10
for the political action committee must report to the
treasurer the amount of the contribution, the name and
mailing address of the person making the contribution and
the date on which the contribution was received.

B.__If the contribution is more than $50, the record of the
contribution must include the occupation, employer and
business address, if any, of the donor.

6.__Record keeping.__The treasurer of a political action
committee shall keep detailed records of all contributions
received and of all expenditures that the treasurer makes as
provided in this section.__The treasurer shall keep a detailed
and exact account of:

A.__All cash or in-kind contributions made to the political
action committee, including any contributions by the treasurer,
officers, agents and members of the committee;

the date and amount of each contribution; and the name and
address of each contributor of more than $10.__The account
must include the aggregate amount of all contributions from
each contributor for the calendar year;

B.__The name and mailing address and occupation and business
address, if any, of each person contributing more than $50
to the political action committee;

C.__All expenditures made to or on behalf of a candidate,
campaign or political action committee;

D.__The identity and address of each candidate, campaign or
political action committee to whom or on whose behalf a
contribution was made and the date and amount of that

E.__For candidates to whom or on whose behalf the political
action committee has made an expenditure, the office sought
by each candidate or the district the candidate seeks to
represent; and

F.__All expenditures made or authorized by the political
action committee, the date and purpose of each expenditure
and the name of each payee and creditor.

7.__Other records to be kept.__The treasurer of a political
action committee shall obtain and keep:

A.__A receipt or bill for every expenditure made by or on
behalf of the political action committee that states the
purpose of the expenditure;

B.__All canceled checks and checks rendered in payment of
obligations incurred by the political action committee; and

C.__Bank statements containing a record of the political
action committee's deposits and expenditures.

Sec. 10. 21-A MRSA §1060, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 161, §6,
is amended to read:

Contributions and expenditures reported to the commission must
be certified by the treasurer for completeness and accuracy. The
reports must contain the following information and any additional
information required by the commission to monitor the activities
of political action committees:

Sec. 11. 21-A MRSA §1060, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 161, §6,
is amended to read:

4. Itemized expenditures. An itemization of expenditures The
treasurer shall itemize all in-cash or in-kind expenditures made
by the political action committee and the date of each
expenditure made to support or oppose any candidate, campaign,
political committee, political action committee, political party,
referendum or initiated petition. The commission may specify the
categories of expenditures which that are to be reported and any
additional information required to enable the commission to
closely monitor the activities of political action committees;

Sec. 12. 21-A MRSA §1060, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1991, c. 839, §30,
is further amended to read:

6. Identification of contributions. Names and mailing
addresses of contributors who have given more than $50 to the
political action committee after the committee has registered
under section 1053, the occupation, employer and business
address, if any, of each donor, the amount contributed by each
donor and the date of the contribution. The information already
reported as required by section 1053, subsection 7 should not be
duplicated; and

Sec. 13. 21-A MRSA §1061, as amended by PL 1993, c. 695, §36, is

Sec. 14. 21-A MRSA §1061-A is enacted to read:

§1061-A.__Dissolution of committees

1.__Termination report.__A political action committee shall
file a termination report with the commission whenever that
committee determines that:

A.__Contributions will no longer be accepted, obligations
will no longer be incurred and no further expenditures will
be made to any candidate, political committee or political

B. The political action committee will not initiate,
support, oppose or influence in any way the outcome of a
referendum, initiated petition, election or primary;

C.__The political action committee has no outstanding
obligations; and

D.__Its assets do not exceed $50.

The termination report must show any contributions or
expenditures made by the political action committee from the

completion date of the previous report to the date of
termination.__If a termination report is not filed, the political
action committee shall continue to file periodic reports as
required in this chapter.

2.__Post-campaign reports.__A political action committee with
a surplus or deficit in excess of $50 must continue to file
reports as required in this subchapter until the surplus or
deficit is eliminated.

3.__Disposition of surplus.__A political action committee may
dispose of a surplus exceeding $50 only by:

A.__Pro rata distribution to the political action
committee's contributors;

B.__A gift to a qualified political party within the State,
including any county or municipal subdivision of that party;

C.__An unrestricted gift to the State;

D.__Contributing to one or more candidates registered under
section 1013-A or qualified under sections 334, 336, 354 and
355 or to political action committees established to promote
the election of those candidates, as long as the amount
contributed does not exceed the contribution limits
established by section 1015;

E.__Repaying a loan or retiring a debt incurred to defray
campaign expenses; or

F.__Making a gift to a charitable or educational
organization that is not prohibited for tax reasons from
receiving that gift.

Sec. 15. 21-A MRSA §1064 is enacted to read:

§1064.__Civil offenses

If no other penalty for a violation of this subchapter is
prescribed, the commission may assess a penalty equal to 3 times
the amount of an unlawful contribution or expenditure.


This bill amends the provisions governing reports by political
action committees by:

1. Indicating when changes to a registration form must be
reported to the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election

2. Changing the penalty from $100 to $200 for violation of
the attribution requirements for political action committees;

3. Enacting requirements for the appointment of treasurer and
record keeping by the treasurer;

4. Setting up guidelines for the dissolution of a political
action committee; and

5. Authorizing the Commission on Governmental Ethics and
Election Practices to assess a penalty equal to 3 times the
amount of an unlawful contribution for violation of the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 21-A, chapter 13, subchapter IV.

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