LD 1310
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Maine Health Data Organization Laws LD 1310 Title Page
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Item 1

respecting providers of care. The organization shall collect,
process and analyze clinical and financial data as defined in this

Sec. 5. 22 MRSA §8703, sub-§3, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 653, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

B. The terms of departmental board members are 2-year
terms. Departmental board members may serve 3 full terms
consecutively an unlimited number of terms.

Sec. 6. 22 MRSA §8704, sub-§1, ¶A, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §6,
is further amended to read:

A. The board shall develop and implement data collection
policies and procedures for the collection, processing,
storage and analysis of clinical, financial and
restructuring data in accordance with this subsection for
the following purposes:

(1) To use, build and improve upon and coordinate
existing data sources and measurement efforts through
the integration of data systems and standardization of

(2) To coordinate the development of a linked public
and private sector information system;

(3) To emphasize data that is useful, relevant and is
not duplicative of existing data;

(4) To minimize the burden on those providing data;

(5) To preserve the reliability, accuracy and
integrity of collected data while ensuring that the
data is available in the public domain; and .

(6) To collect information from providers who were
required to file data with the Maine Health Care
Finance Commission. The organization may collect
information from additional providers and payors only
when a linked information system for the electronic
transmission, collection and storage of data is
reasonably available to providers.

Sec. 7. 22 MRSA §8704, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §8, is
further amended to read:

2. Contracts for data collection; processing. The board
shall may contract with one or more qualified, nongovernmental,

independent 3rd parties for services necessary to carry out the
data collection, processing and storage activities required under
this chapter. For purposes of this subsection, a group or
organization affiliated with the University of Maine System is
not considered a governmental entity. Unless permission is
specifically granted by the board, a 3rd party hired by the
organization may not release, publish or otherwise use any
information to which the 3rd party has access under its contract
and shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this chapter.
If an appropriate contract can not be entered into or is
terminated, data collection, processing and storage activities
required under this chapter may be performed by the organization
for a period of up to 12 months.

Sec. 8. 22 MRSA §8704, sub-§10, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 653, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

10. Quality improvement foundations. In order to conduct
quality improvement research, including, but not limited to,
monitoring of health care utilization, analyses of population-
based care, analyses of cost effectiveness and patient-oriented
outcomes of care, continuous quality improvement initiatives and
the development and implementation of practice guidelines, the
board may designate a quality improvement foundation foundations
if the board finds the following:

A. That the foundation conducts foundations conduct
reliable and accurate research consistent with standards of
health services and clinical effectiveness research; and

B. That the foundation has foundations have acceptable,
established protocols to safeguard confidential and
privileged information.

Sec. 9. 22 MRSA §8705, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §9, is
further amended to read:

2. Forfeitures. Except for circumstances beyond a person's
or entity's control, a person or entity that violates the
requirements of this chapter commits a civil violation for which
a forfeiture may be adjudged not to exceed $1000 per day for a
health care facility, payor, 3rd-party administrator or carrier
that provides only administrative services for a plan sponsor or
$100 per day for all other persons, entities and providers. A
forfeiture imposed under this subsection may not exceed $25,000
for a health care facility, payor, 3rd-party administrator or
carrier that provides only administrative services for a plan
sponsor for any one occurrence or $2,500 for any other person or
entity for any one occurrence.

Sec. 10. 22 MRSA §8706, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §11,
is further amended to read:

C. The operations of the organization must be supported
from 3 sources as provided in this paragraph:

(1) Fees collected pursuant to paragraphs A and B;

(2) Annual assessments of not less than $100 assessed
against the following entities licensed under Titles 24
and 24-A on the basis of the total annual health care
premium: nonprofit hospital and medical service
organizations, health insurance carriers, and health
maintenance organizations on the basis of the total
annual health care premium; and 3rd-party
administrators and carriers that provide only
administrative services for a plan sponsor on the basis
of administration of health benefits plans administered
for employers claims processed or paid for each plan
sponsor. The assessments are to be determined on an
annual basis by the board. Health care policies issued
for specified disease, accident, injury, hospital
indemnity, Medicare supplement, disability, long-term
care or other limited benefit health insurance policies
are not subject to assessment under this subparagraph.
The total dollar amount of assessments under this
subparagraph must equal the assessments under
subparagraph (3); and

(3) Annual assessments of not less than $100 assessed
by the organization against providers. The assessments
are to be determined on an annual basis by the board.
The total dollar amount of assessments under this
subparagraph must equal the assessments under
subparagraph (2).

The aggregate level of annual assessments under
subparagraphs (2) and (3) must be an amount sufficient to
meet the organization's expenditures authorized in the state
budget established under Title 5, chapter 149. The annual
assessment may not exceed $760,000 in fiscal year 1999-00.
In subsequent fiscal years, the annual assessment may
increase above $760,000 by an amount not to exceed 5% per
fiscal year. The board may waive assessments otherwise due
under subparagraphs (2) and (3) when a waiver is determined
to be in the interests of the organization and the parties
to be assessed.

Sec. 11. 22 MRSA §8707, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §12, is
further amended to read:

1. Public access; confidentiality. The board shall adopt
rules making available to any person, upon request, information,
except privileged medical information and confidential
information, provided to the organization under this chapter as
long as individual patients or health care practitioners are not
directly identified. The board may adopt rules to protect the
identity of certain health care practitioners, as it determines
appropriate.__The identity of practitioners performing abortions
as defined in section 1596 is confidential. The board shall
adopt rules governing public access in the least restrictive
means possible to information that may indirectly identify a
particular patient or health care practitioner.

Sec. 12. 22 MRSA §8707, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 653, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

3. Public health studies. The rules may allow exceptions to
the confidentiality requirements only to the extent authorized in
this subsection.

A. The board may approve access to identifying information
for patients or health care practitioners to the department
and other researchers with established protocols that have
been approved by the board for safeguarding confidential or
privileged information.

B. The rules must ensure that:

(1) Identifying information is used only to gain
access to medical records and other medical information
pertaining to public health;

(2) Medical information about any patient identified
by name is not obtained without the consent of that
patient except when the information sought pertains
only to verification or comparison of health data and
the board finds that confidentiality can be adequately
protected without patient consent;

(3) Those persons conducting the research or
investigation do not disclose medical information about
any patient identified by name to any other person
without that patient's consent;

(4) Those persons gaining access to medical
information about an identified patient use that
information to the minimum extent necessary to
accomplish the purposes of the research for which
approval was granted; and

(5) The protocol for any research is designed to
preserve the confidentiality of all health care
information that can be associated with identified
patients, to specify the manner in which contact is
made with patients or health care practitioners and to
maintain public confidence in the protection of
confidential information.

C. The board may not grant approval under this subsection
if the board finds that the proposed identification of or
contact with patients or health care practitioners would
violate any state or federal law or diminish the
confidentiality of health care information or the public's
confidence in the protection of that information in a manner
that outweighs the expected benefit to the public of the
proposed investigation.

Sec. 13. 22 MRSA §8708, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §14, is
further amended to read:

2. Additional information on ambulatory services and surgery.
Pursuant to rules adopted by the board for form, medium, content
and time for filing, each provider shall file with the
organization a completed data set, comparable to data filed by
health care facilities under subsection 1, paragraph B, for each
ambulatory service and surgery listed in rules adopted pursuant
to subsection 4, occurring after January 1, 1990. This
subsection may not be construed to require duplication of
information required to be filed under subsection 1.

Sec. 14. 22 MRSA §8708, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1999, c. 353, §14, is

Sec. 15. 22 MRSA §8708, sub-§6-A, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 353, §14,
is amended to read:

6-A. Additional data. Subject to the limitations of section
8704, subsection 1, the board may adopt rules requiring the
filing of additional clinical data from other providers and ,
payors, 3rd-party administrators and carriers that provide only
administrative services for a plan sponsor.

Sec. 16. 22 MRSA §8711, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 653, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by §7, is amended to read:

1. Development of health care information systems. In
addition to its authority to obtain information to carry out the
specific provisions of this chapter, the organization may require
providers and , payors, 3rd-party administrators and carriers

that provide only administrative services for a plan sponsor to
furnish information with respect to the nature and quantity of
services or coverage provided to the extent necessary to develop
proposals for the modification, refinement or expansion of the
systems of information disclosure established under this chapter.
The organization's authority under this subsection includes the
design and implementation of pilot information reporting systems
affecting selected categories or representative samples of payors
and providers, payors, 3rd-party administrators and carriers that
provide only administrative services for a plan sponsor.

Sec. 17. 24-A MRSA §1906, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 846, Pt.
D, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §4, is amended to read:

4. The administrator shall file with the superintendent the
names and addresses of the insurers, health care service plans,
health maintenance organizations and plan sponsors with whom the
administrator has entered into written agreements. If an
insurer, health care service plan, health maintenance
organization or plan sponsor does not assume or bear the risk,
the administrator must disclose the name and address of the
ultimate risk bearer. In addition, at the time of a license
renewal, the administrator shall also file with the
superintendent for the most recent complete calendar year for all
covered individuals in the State the total number of claims paid
by the administrator by each plan sponsor and the total dollar
amount of claims paid by each plan sponsor. This subsection
applies to the initial application for an administrator's license
and any renewal of a license.

Sec. 18. 24-A MRSA §2215, sub-§1, ¶¶O and P, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
677, §3 and affected by §5, are amended to read:

O. To a lienholder, mortgagee, assignee, lessor or other
person shown on the records of a carrier or producer as
having a legal or beneficial interest in a policy of
insurance, only if:

(1) No health care information is disclosed unless the
disclosure would otherwise be permitted by this
section; and

(2) The information disclosed is limited to that which
is reasonably necessary to permit that person to
protect its interests in the policy; or

P. To an affiliate whose only use of the information will be in
connection with an audit of the regulated insurance entity or the
marketing of a product or service of the

affiliate, if the information disclosed for marketing
purposes does not include health care information and if the
affiliate agrees not to disclose the information for any
other purpose or to unaffiliated persons. ; or

Sec. 19. 24-A MRSA §2215, sub-§1, ¶Q is enacted to read:

Q.__To state governmental entities in order to protect the
public health and welfare when reporting is required or
authorized by law and when the identification of individual
consumers is prohibited by statute.

Sec. 20. 24-A MRSA §4302, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Claims data.__A carrier that provides only administrative
services for a plan sponsor shall annually file with the
superintendent for the most recent complete calendar year for all
covered individuals in the State the total number of claims paid
for each plan sponsor and the total dollar amount of claims paid
for each plan sponsor.


This bill makes a number of technical corrections to the Maine
Health Data Organization laws and repeals language that is
outdated. In addition, this bill eliminates the restriction that
the identification of health care practitioners be kept
confidential in Maine Health Data Organization public data sets.
This bill requires 3rd-party administrators of health care plans
to submit clinical and claims data that are currently required of
all other health care providers and payors. This bill also
modifies the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
statutes to require 3rd-party administrators of health care plans
to submit additional reporting information to the Bureau of

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