LD 1286
pg. 1
LD 1286 Title Page An Act to Extend Landowner Limited Liability to Environmental Liability Page 2 of 2
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LR 1856
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §159-D is enacted to read:

§159-D.__Limited liability for environmental damage

1.__Definitions.__As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A.__"Damage" means damage to the air, land or water of the
State or any other environmental damage subject to civil or
administrative action by a private person or department or
agency of the State.

B.__"Person" means an owner, lessee, manager or occupant of
or holder of an easement over premises.

C.__"Premises" has the same meaning as in section 159-A,
subsection 1, paragraph A.

2.__Limited liability.__A person who would otherwise be a
responsible party for damage to a premises is not liable for the
damage if the person can establish by a preponderance of the
evidence that the damage was caused solely by an unauthorized act
or omission of a 3rd party who is not that person's employee or
agent.__ A person seeking relief from liability for the acts or
omission of a 3rd party causing damage to the premises must
demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the person
exercised due care and took precautions with respect to
foreseeable acts or omissions by 3rd parties or the consequences
that could foreseeably result from such acts or omissions in
light of all relevant facts and circumstances.__For purposes of
this subsection, a person may demonstrate the exercise of due
care if the person did not know or have reason to know that a 3rd
party was causing the damage.

Sec. 2. 17-A MRSA §111 is enacted to read:

§111.__Environmental damage caused by 3rd party

1.__It is an affirmative defense when a person who would
otherwise be a responsible party for damage to a premises can
establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the damage was
caused solely by an unauthorized act or omission of a 3rd party
who is not that person's employee or agent.__A person pleading
the affirmative defense must demonstrate by a preponderance of
the evidence that the person exercised due care and took
precautions with respect to foreseeable acts or omissions by 3rd
parties or the consequences that could foreseeably result from

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