LD 1277
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish a Single-payor Health Care System LD 1277 Title Page
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Item 1

entities that provide treatment and care at least as inclusive as
Medicaid coverage.

7.__Resident.__"Resident" means a person who resides within
the State, as defined by rules adopted by the board.

§6903.__Health Security Board

1.__Board established.__The Health Security Board, as
established in Title 5, section 12004-G, subsection 14-D,
consists of 19 members as follows.

A.__The commissioner or the commissioner's designee;

B.__The Executive Director of the Bureau of Health or the
executive director's designee;

C.__The Executive Director of the Bureau of Revenue Services
or the executive director's designee;

D.__The House chair of the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human
services matters;

E.__The Senate chair of the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human
services matters; and

F. A representative of each of the following, appointed by
the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature:

(1)__A statewide organization that advocates universal
health care;

(2)__A statewide organization that represents Maine
senior citizens;

(3)__A statewide organization that defends the rights
of children;

(4)__An organization that provides services to low-
income clients;

(5)__A statewide labor organization;

(6)__An organization representing health care

(7)__A statewide organization of physicians;

(8)__A statewide organization of nurses;

(9)__A statewide organization of health care providers;

(10)__A statewide organization of hospitals;

(11)__A statewide organization of long-term care

(12)__The business community;

(13)__A person from an organization representing the
self-employed; and

(14)__The public.

2.__Duties of board.__The duties of the board include:__
implementing this chapter; promoting the purposes of the plan;
setting reimbursement rates for participating providers; adopting
rules necessary to implement the plan; establishing systems for
enrollment, registration of providers for participation, rate
setting and contracts with providers of services and
pharmaceuticals; developing budgets with hospitals and
institutional providers; establishing a certificate of need;
administering the revenues of the plan; employing staff as
necessary to implement this chapter; developing plans and funding
for training and assistance for workers in the health care sector
displaced by moving to a single-payor health care system; and
conducting public hearings annually or more frequently regarding
resource allocation, revenues and services.

The board shall stress prevention of disease and maintenance of
health in the implementation of this plan and shall retain and
strengthen existing health facilities whenever possible.


The board shall adopt rules necessary to implement this
chapter and negotiate reimbursement rates with providers.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this chapter are routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.



§6911.__Eligibility and covered health care services

1. Eligibility.__Residents of the State are eligible to
receive covered health care services under the plan in accordance
with this section and must apply for an identification card to
enroll in the plan.

A.__The administrator of the plan is responsible for
collecting from individuals, insurance companies and must
reimburse providers in the State.

A person who is unable to provide information or documentation of
health care plan eligibility because of a health care condition
is covered for the period in which that person is unable to
provide the information.

2.__Covered health care services.__The plan must provide
coverage for health care services from a provider within this
State if those services are determined medically necessary by the
provider for the patient, except that the plan may not provide
cosmetic services.__Copayments may be charged only as charged
under current Medicaid coverage.__Deductibles may not be charged
to plan enrollees.__The plan must be at least as inclusive as
Medicaid coverage.__This subsection does not preclude
supplementary benefit insurance for services that are not
medically necessary.__Covered health care must include all
services and providers for which coverage is mandated under this
Title and must include all coverage offered by the Medicaid

3.__Service delivery.__Covered health care services are
governed by this subsection.

A.__Covered health care services must be provided to plan
enrollees by participating providers who are located within
the State and who are chosen by the plan enrollees.

B.__The plan must pay for health care services provided to a
plan enrollee while the enrollee is temporarily outside the
State.__The maximum period of time a plan enrollee may be
covered while out of state is 90 days per year.__A plan
enrollee may qualify to begin services out of state but, in
order to receive continued treatment, may be required to
receive treatment within the State.__Reimbursement for
services rendered out of state must be at rates set by the

C.__A participating provider may not charge plan enrollees
or 3rd parties for covered health care services in excess of
the amount reimbursed to that provider by the plan.

D.__A participating provider may not refuse to provide
services to a plan enrollee on the basis of health status,
medical condition, previous insurance status, race, color,
creed, age, national origin, citizenship status, gender,
sexual orientation, disability or marital status.

4.__Role of other health care programs.__Until the board
determines otherwise, the plan is supplemental to all coverage
available to a plan enrollee from another health care program,
including, but not limited to, the following programs:

A.__The Medicare program of the Social Security Act, Title
XVIII; the Medicaid program of the Social Security Act,
Title XIX; the civilian health and medical program as
referred to in 10 United States Code, Sections 1071 to 1106;
the federal Indian Health Care Improvement Act, 25 United
States Code, Sections 1601 to 1682; other 3rd-party payors
who may be billable for health care services; and any state
and local health programs, including, but not limited to,

workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance
pursuant to former Title 39 and Title 39-A.

Health care services billed to 3rd-party payors must be paid for
by those programs.__Coverage under the plan is supplemental to
that coverage.




The Agency of Health Security is established to administer the
plan.__The agency operates as an independent agency of the State.

§6922.__Maine Health Care Plan Fund

1.__Fund established.__The Maine Health Care Plan Fund is
established to finance the plan.

A.__Deposits into the fund and expenditures from the fund
must be made pursuant to this section and to rules adopted
by the board to carry out the purposes of this section.__
Payments into the fund may include premiums charged to plan
enrollees, payments from other governmental units, payments
from 3rd-party payors, payments under agreements of
cooperation and coordination for plan enrollees in other
insurance or health benefit programs and payments under any
system of revenue or taxation imposed by the Legislature to
fund the plan.

B.__All income generated pursuant to this chapter must be
deposited into the fund, which may not lapse but must be
carried forward from one fiscal year to the next.

C.__All funds remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal
year must be reported to the Legislature by January 1st of
the following year and may be used, by vote of the
Legislature, to expand the coverage of services paid for by
the plan.

D.__Expenditures from the fund are authorized for payments
to participating providers for health care services rendered
and payments for administration of the fund, the plan and
the agency.

2.__Budget.__The annual administrative costs for the agency
and for all administrative aspects of the plan may not exceed 5%
of the total annual budget for the fund.__The board shall
implement cost-control measures to reduce administrative costs
and eliminate unnecessary health care.__Cost-control measures may
not be implemented to limit necessary health care.

3.__Funding.__Funding must be provided from a combination of
sources, including:

A.__Payments from other government sources, including
federal, state and other government health and aid programs;

B.__Payments from workers' compensation, pension and health
insurance employee benefit plans and programs as provided by
this chapter and the rules adopted to implement this

C.__Payments from state, county and municipal governmental
units for coverage provided to employees of those units;

D.__Payments from any taxes or fees imposed by the
Legislature to fund the plan, which may include but are not
limited to corporate and individual income taxes; sales
taxes; payroll taxes dedicated to the health care plan; any
additional taxes to be determined by a feasibility study of
economic impacts to individuals and businesses of payment
options, including but not limited to corporate and
individual income tax rate increases; sales tax rate
increases; elimination of sales tax exemptions and
exclusions; establishing a payroll or other tax dedicated to
funding the plan; or other options proposed by the board or
the Legislature; and

E.__Payments by tobacco product manufacturers to the State
in settlement of claims brought against them by the State.


1.__Annual report.__By January 1st of each year, the board
shall submit to the Governor and to the Legislature an annual
report of the agency's operations and activities during the
previous year and the funding, tax and budget status of the plan.

2.__Public information.__The board may publish and disseminate
information helpful to the citizens of this State in making
informed choices in obtaining health care in conjunction with the
Bureau of Health.

Sec. 3. Report. By January 1, 2002, the Health Security Board
shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over human resources matters on options for
coordination of the Maine Single-payor Health Care Plan with
other health care plans and options for the Maine Single-payor
Health Care Plan to take over coverage of some persons on those
other health care plans with the plans to take effect January 1,


This bill establishes the Maine Single-payor Health Care Plan.
It establishes the Agency of Health Security as an independent
agency to administer the plan. Under the plan, enrollees choose
their own health care providers and the plan pays their bills.
Coverage under the plan is supplemental to other coverage. The
bill requires a report from the Health Security Board to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over human resources matters on the options for coordination of
the plan with other health care plans and for the plan to take
over coverage of some persons covered by those health care plans.
The bill requires an annual report from the board to the Governor
and the Legislature on the operation and activities of the plan.

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