LD 766
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Item 1

1.__Child Development Services System.__"Child Development
Services System"__means regional sites, a state-level intermediate
educational unit and an Interdepartmental Coordinating Council for
Early Intervention established to ensure the provision of childfind
activities, early intervention services and free, appropriate
public education services to eligible children.

2.__Childfind.__"Childfind" means the identification, location
and evaluation, at no cost to the family, of children, from birth
to under 6 years of age, with disabilities.

3.__Council.__"Council" means the Interdepartmental
Coordinating Council for Early Intervention created in section

4.__Disability.__"Disability" means:

A.__For children from birth to under 3 years of age,
developmental delays as measured by appropriate diagnostic
instruments and procedures in one or more of the following
areas:__cognitive development; physical development,
including vision and hearing; communication development;
social or emotional development; or adaptive development,
with the delay being such that the child needs early
intervention services or a diagnosed physical or mental
condition that has a high probability of resulting in
developmental delay, with the condition being such that the
child needs early intervention services; or

B.__For children 3 years of age to under 6 years of age,
evaluated in accordance with 34 Code of Federal Regulations,
300.530-534, developmental delays, as measured by
appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, or
impairments in one or more of the following areas:__
cognitive development; physical development, including
vision and hearing; communication development; social or
emotional development; adaptive development; mental
retardation; hearing impairments, including deafness; speech
or language impairments; visual impairments, including
blindness; serious emotional disturbance; orthopedic
impairments; autism; traumatic brain injury; other health
impairments; specific learning disabilities; deaf-blindness;
or multiple disabilities, with the delay or impairment being
such that the child needs special education and related

5.__Early intervention services.__"Early intervention
services" means services that are designed to meet the
developmental needs of each child, from birth to under 3 years of
age, eligible under the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33 and the needs of
the family related to enhancing the child's development that are
provided under public supervision by qualified providers and that
are made available by use of 3rd-party resources or a system of
payments by families, including a schedule of sliding fees.

6.__Free, appropriate public education services.__"Free,
appropriate public education services" means those services that
are designed to meet the developmental needs of eligible
children, from 3 years of age to under 6 years of age, who have a
disability.__These services include:

A.__Early identification, screening and assessment services;

B.__Medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes

C.__Occupational therapy;

D.__Parent counseling and training;

E.__Physical therapy;

F.__Psychological services;

G.__Special instruction;

H.__Speech pathology and audiology;

I.__Developmental therapy; and


7.__Intermediate educational unit.__"Intermediate educational
unit," as defined in the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33, means any
public authority, other than a local education agency, under the
general supervision of a state education agency that is
established for the purpose of providing free, appropriate public
education on a regional basis and that provides special education
and related services to children with a disability within the

8.__Regional site.__"Regional site" means locally governed
regional intermediate educational units or private nonprofit
corporations established to ensure provision of services to
infants and children under this chapter.

§8423. Department of Human Services

1.__Responsibility.__The department is designated as the
state agency responsible for carrying out the State's obligations
under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20
United States Code, Chapter 33 for children from birth to under 6
years of age.

2.__Plan.__The department shall submit a proposal to the
Department of Education, which shall submit the State's plan for
meeting the requirements of the federal Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33 to
the Federal Government.__The State's plan may not require
services that exceed minimum federal requirements.

3.__Administration of federal funds.__The Department of
Education is the entity responsible for assigning financial
responsibility among appropriate agencies under 34 Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 303.143, July 1993 and in accordance
with 34 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 303.523, July 1993.__
The Department of Human Services shall administer the funds used
for children from birth to under 6 years of age.

4.__Rule-making authority.__The commissioner may adopt rules
necessary to implement this chapter in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act.__Except as otherwise provided,
those rules are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

5.__Contracts.__The department may enter into contracts,
leases and agreements and any other instruments and arrangements
that are necessary, incidental or convenient to the performance
of its duties and the execution of its powers under this chapter.

The department shall contract with the board of directors of a
private nonprofit corporation for no fewer than 3 years and
approve an annual entitlement plan with the board of directors of
an intermediate educational unit for the purpose of__ensuring
coordinated service delivery in each region of the State from
birth to under 6 years of age.

Contracts with boards of directors of private nonprofit
corporations and plans of intermediate educational units must

A.__That free screening, evaluation and referral services
are accessible to all children, from birth to under 6 years
of age;

B.__That children with disabilities, from 3 years of age to
under 6 years of age, have free, appropriate public
education services available to them; and

C.__That children, from birth to under 3 years of age, have
early intervention services available to them through 3rd-
party payment or through a system of payments by families,
including a schedule of sliding fees.

6.__Implementation of early intervention and of free,
appropriate public education services.__The department, through
the Child Development Services System, shall ensure:

A.__That free screening, evaluation and referral services
are accessible to all children, from birth to under 6 years
of age;

B.__That preschool children with disabilities,__from 3 years
of age to under 6 years of age, have free, appropriate
public education services available to them;

C.__That rules are developed, adopted and implemented
describing minimum standards for:

(1)__A least restrictive environment;


(3)__The rights of parents;

(4)__Free and appropriate public services;

(5)__Eligibility criteria;

(6)__The federal "childfind" program;

(7)__Program development, service descriptors and
service delivery;

(8)__An early childhood team;

(9)__An individualized family service plan;

(10)__Statements of assurances;

(11)__Procedural safeguards and appeals processes;

(12)__Due process hearings;

(13)__Confidentiality of information;

(14)__Data collection, reporting and utilization;

(15)__Surrogate parents;

(16)__Standardized procedures and rates of payment for
early intervention and free appropriate public
education services; and

(17)__The frequency and intensity of developmental
therapy and special instruction services;

D.__That children, from birth to under 3 years of age, have
early intervention services available to them through 3rd-
party payment or through a system of payments by families,
including a schedule of sliding fees; and

E.__That the nonsupplanting requirement under the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United
States Code, Chapter 33 and its implementing regulations is
addressed by the council for purposes of reporting under
section 8432.

7.__Regional site compliance.__The department, in consultation
with regional sites and the council, shall develop an action plan
with time lines to achieve compliance for regional sites that are
not in compliance with federal or state law.__The department may
assume temporary responsibility for operations at a site that
fails to meet compliance requirements.

§8424.__State intermediate educational unit; establishment;

powers; duties and obligations

The commissioner shall establish and supervise a state
intermediate educational unit to perform the following duties:

1.__Federal obligations.__For children from birth to under 6
years of age to develop and adopt statewide policies and rules
for carrying out the provisions of this chapter to meet federal
obligations under the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33, Subchapter II
and Subchapter VIII.__These obligations for children from birth
to under 6 years of age must include but are not limited to:

i.A.__Personnel standards;

ii.B.__A comprehensive system of personnel development;

C. Program monitoring;

iii.D.__Data collection and storage, consistent with
department policies;

E. Interagency agreements at the state level;

iv.F.__Public awareness;

v.G.__Payment for early intervention and free, appropriate
public education services; and

vi.H. Standards for frequency and intensity of
developmental therapy and special instruction services;

2. Program and policy compliance. To provide training and
technical assistance in the policies and procedures necessary to
meet all federal and state guidelines required by this chapter;

3.__Fiscal compliance.__To ensure regional site fiscal
compliance by reviewing or performing regular audits of site

4.__Free, appropriate public education training.__To provide
training and certification to regional site employees and others
in commitment of funds used to provide free, appropriate public

5.__Employees.__Employ professional and other staff necessary
to carry out the state-level functions required by this chapter;

6.__Suits.__Sue and be sued in its own name;

7.__Acquire supplies.__Acquire supplies, materials and
incidental services through cash purchases, sole-source purchase
orders and bids or contracts as necessary or convenient to
fulfill the purposes of this chapter;

8.__Acquire property.__Acquire by purchase, gift, lease or
rent any property, lands, buildings, structures, facilities or
equipment necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter;

9.__Other duties.__Perform other duties assigned by the
Legislature, delegate duties and authority, but not
responsibility, as necessary for the efficient operation of this
chapter and do any other acts or things necessary or convenient
to carry out the powers expressly granted or reasonably implied
in this chapter; and

10.__Dissemination of information.__Apply the federal Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380, as
amended by Public Law 93-568, and the federal Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33 to
the dissemination of information about children, from birth to
under 6 years of age, who are served by the Child Development
Services System.

All state intermediate educational unit employees are
employees for purposes of the Maine Tort Claims Act.

§8425. Regional site governance

Boards of directors of the regional sites established to
ensure childfind activities for children from birth to under 6
years of age, to coordinate early intervention services for
eligible children, from birth to under 6 years of age and to
coordinate free, appropriate public education services for
eligible children from 3 years of age to under 6 years of age
shall organize, at the discretion of each board, as a private
nonprofit corporation or an intermediate educational unit.__
Regional site boards of directors may take formal action, in
accordance with their regional bylaws, to dissolve or to
consolidate with another regional site board that has agreed to
the consolidation.__The process of dissolution and any decisions
to consolidate are subject to the approval of the department.

§8426.__Regional site board of directors

Each board of directors of a regional intermediate educational
unit or a private nonprofit corporation is responsible for
governance of its activities, including the management and
oversight of its general operations as established in section
8425.__Membership must include representatives of the regional
offices of the department and the Department of Mental Health,
Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, representatives
of participating school administrative units, parents of infants
and children with disabilities and other community members as
determined appropriate.__Terms of membership and methods of
appointment or election must be determined by board bylaws,
subject to approval of the department.

§8427. Regional site; administration

A regional site board of directors shall:

1.__Fiscal services; billing.__Provide fiscal management of
money allocated to it, in compliance with state and federal laws
and subject to proof by an annual audit.__Fiscal services may be
secured as a contracted or in-kind service.__Bill public and
private programs and 3rd-party payors for services provided to
eligible children and families;

2.__Employees.__Employ qualified professional and other staff
at the local site.__The board of directors has the authority to
hire, fire and supervise the staff of the regional site and to
develop and adopt personnel policies for its employees.__
Professional therapists may be employed as site staff when the
board and the state intermediate educational unit find that:

A.__Site staff therapists are needed to perform evaluations
of children to ensure appropriate service plans;

B.__Therapists serving children on a contractual basis are
unable to provide required services within the time lines
mandated by the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33; or

C.__Site staff therapists are able to provide services
comparable to those provided by contract therapists at an
identifiable savings, including all costs associated with
delivery of services to the Child Development Services
System, as determined by the commissioner;

3.__Collective bargaining.__Bargain collectively if employees
choose to be represented by a collective bargaining agent.__The
board of directors of a local intermediate education unit is a
public employer within the meaning of Title 26, section 962,
subsection 7.__Employees of a regional site board of directors
are public employees within the meaning of Title 26, section 962,
subsection 6;

4.__Fringe benefits.__Determine which fringe benefits may be
offered to employees, dependent on cost, ease of administration
and competitiveness in recruiting and retaining qualified

5.__Retirement plan.__Select an employee retirement plan
option that meets all applicable federal and state requirements;

6.__Contracts.__Subject to the approval of the department,
enter into contracts, leases and agreements and any other
instruments and arrangements that are necessary, incidental or
convenient to the performance of its duties and the execution of
its powers under this chapter.__A regional site board of
directors shall consider collaboration with school administrative
units that are operating or that wish to develop, pursuant to
Title 20-A, section 4253, early childhood programs in the
regional board's area in order to:

A.__Maximize the benefit of state interdepartmental
agreements and efforts;

B.__Maximize the effective use of qualified personnel,
facilities and other resources;

C.__Ensure consistent quality of early childhood
programming; and

D.__Facilitate the transition process, for children and
families, from the Child Development Services System to the
public school system;

7.__Suits.__Sue and be sued in its own name;

8.__Acquire supplies.__Acquire supplies, materials and
incidental services, through cash purchases, sole-source purchase
orders, bids or contracts, as necessary or convenient to fulfill
the purposes of this chapter;

9.__Acquire property.__Acquire by purchase, gift, lease or
rent any property, lands, buildings, structures, facilities or
equipment necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter;

10.__Other duties.__Fulfill other duties as necessary for the
efficient operation of this chapter and do any other acts or
things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly
granted or reasonably implied in this chapter; and

11.__Dissemination of information.__Apply the federal Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 United States
Code, Section 12329 and the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33 to the
dissemination of information about infants and children, from
birth to under 6 years of age, with disabilities who are served
through the regional site.

All regional site employees and board members of a regional
intermediate educational unit are employees for purposes of the
Maine Tort Claims Act.

§8428.__Regional site; duties and obligations

The board of directors of a private nonprofit corporation or
an intermediate educational unit shall:

1.__Childfind.__Ensure provision of childfind activities as
required by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33;

2.__Childcount.__Ensure provision of childcount activities as
required by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33;

3.__Part H.__Ensure appropriate data collection, training,
staff development and direct service provision to eligible
children, from birth to under 3 years of age, in accordance with
Part H of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33;

4.__Early intervention services.__Ensure that eligible
children, from birth to under 3 years of age, receive early
intervention services, in accordance with the payment provisions
established by the State;

5.__Free, appropriate public education.__Ensure that eligible
children, from 3 years of age to under 6 years of age, receive
free, appropriate public education services in collaboration with
school administrative units, when possible;

6.__Individual family service plan.__Coordinate development of
individual family service plans with eligible families;

7.__Service providers.__Contract, whenever possible, with
providers of early intervention services approved by the Bureau
of Medical Services within the department;

8.__Designate personnel for training.__Designate local
personnel for training to commit funds for free, appropriate
public education.__Personnel who commit funds for free,
appropriate public education must be trained and certified by the
state intermediate educational unit.__The board of directors
shall determine which trained and certified personnel may commit

9. Targeted case management.__Following certification by the
Bureau of Medical Services within the department, seek
reimbursement, whenever feasible, for targeted case management;

10.__Provider advisory board.__Establish an advisory board
consisting of representatives of area service providers to advise
the regional board of directors on matters related to the
provision of services to children and families within the__
region.__Provider advisory boards must be established subject to
rules established by the commissioner.__Rules adopted pursuant to
this subsection are major substantive rules as defined in Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

§8429.__Interdepartmental coordination

The council, as established in Title 5, section 12004-G,
subsection 15-B, is created as an advisory body to the
commissioner regarding the coordination of policies and programs
aimed at implementing the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter 33 and 34 Code of
Federal Regulations, 303.650 to 303.654, July 1993 for children
from birth to under 6 years of age.

The obligations of the council, as set forth in this section,
may be met at the commissioner's discretion by any other advisory
body to the commissioner required under the federal Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States Code, Chapter
33 for preschool-aged children with disabilities, provided that
the federal membership requirements of the council are met.

Membership of the council must be in keeping with the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States
Code, Chapter 33, contingent upon state participation in the
federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Parts B and
H.__Appointments to the council must be made by the Governor for
terms defined in rules adopted by the commissioner.__The council
shall meet at least quarterly.

The commissioner shall adopt rules describing the composition
of the council, selection process and duties of the members
consistent with the purposes of this chapter.

The council shall designate from among its members a steering
committee responsible to the council for carrying out the duties
described in this section.__The commissioner shall adopt rules
describing the composition, selection process and
responsibilities of the steering committee.

1.__Recommendations.__The council shall recommend to the
department, with the advice of the regional site boards of
directors, legislation that is needed to maintain or further
develop the statewide system of early intervention services.

2.__Consider issues.__The council shall consider, with the
advice of the regional site boards of directors and the state
intermediate educational unit, issues affecting early
intervention services in the State, including, but not limited

A.__Successful early intervention strategies;

B.__Personnel preparation and continuing education;

C.__Childfind activities and methods as required by the
federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20
United States Code, Chapter 33;

D.__Public awareness as required by the federal Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States Code,
Chapter 33; and

E.__Contemporary research.

3.__Bylaws.__The council shall develop and adopt bylaws for
its conduct.

4.__Advise.__The council shall advise the department in the
development and implementation of rules, to be carried out by the
department, as necessary to carry out the duties and purposes of
this chapter.

5.__Chair.__The council shall annually elect one member to
serve as chair.

6.__Compensation.__The members of the council are entitled to
compensation in accordance with Title 5, section 12004-G,
subsection 15-B.__Agency representatives on the council are
entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in the
performance of their council duties by the represented agencies
in accordance with the provisions for state employees.__Consumer
members are entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

7.__Staffing.__The department__and the state intermediate
educational unit shall provide to the council the equivalent of
one full-time professional staff person.

8.__Committee and advisory activities.__The council may
establish committees composed of parents, professionals, advocacy
group representatives, members of the board of directors and
employees in keeping with the bylaws adopted by the council.

9.__Voting.__The council shall adopt bylaws that define a
quorum for the purpose of conducting business of the council.

10.__Dispute resolution.__The council shall assist the lead
agency in dispute resolution in a manner consistent with 34 Code
of Federal Regulations, Section 303.524, July 1993.

§8430.__Distribution of funds to school administrative units

In addition to the programs authorized in this chapter, the
commissioner may authorize expenditures to school administrative
units for services for children, from birth to under 6 years of
age, who are disabled, in a manner consistent with Title 20-A,
sections 4251 to 4254 and section 15603, subsection 22, paragraph

1.__Governance and financial responsibility.__The school board
responsible for operating the preschool service shall assume the
financial responsibility for the program.__The school board is
entitled to receive the state subsidy for the program and may
charge tuition for costs that exceed expenditures made for those
programs in the base year.

2.__Dedication of funds.__Funds generated under the school
subsidy formula of the Department of Education through
expenditures for programs for children, from birth to under 6
years of age, who are disabled, must be committed to continue to
fund programs and services for the target population at the local

3.__Coordination of services and resource development
activities.__School administrative units shall coordinate their
program and service activities for children, from birth to under
6 years of age, who are disabled, with the regional sites to
avoid duplication and maximize the use of resources in accordance
with the rules adopted by the department.

§8431.__Annual report

The council shall provide to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over human services matters
and to the commissioner an annual report on the early
intervention services in the State.__This report must include a
demonstration that:__the funds provided under the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United States
Code, Chapter 33, Subchapter II and Subchapter VIII were used to
supplement and increase, and not to supplant, the level of other
federal, state and local funds that are available for children
with disabilities; and the federal funds generated under the
federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 United
States Code, Chapter 33, Subchapter II and Subchapter VIII were
not used to satisfy a financial commitment for services that
would have been paid for by a health agency or another agency
pursuant to policy or practice but for the fact that these
services are now listed on the individualized family service
plans of children with disabilities.

Sec. 4. 22 MRSA §8823, sub-§2, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 647, §2,
is amended to read:

C. A representative of hospitals, a representative of
health carriers, a representative of the Child Development
Services System established in Title 20-A, section 7724
pursuant to section 8421 and a representative of the

Sec. 5. 26 MRSA §962, sub-§7, ¶A, as amended by PL 1999, c. 775, §13,
is further amended to read:

A. Any officer, board, commission, council, committee or
other persons or body acting on behalf of:

(1) Any municipality or any subdivision of a

(2) Any school, water, sewer, fire or other district;

(3) The Maine Turnpike Authority;

(4) Any board of directors functioning as a regional
intermediate education unit pursuant to Title 20-A 22,
section 7730 8425;

(5) Any county or subdivision of a county;

(6) The Maine State Retirement System; or

(7) The Governor Baxter School for the Deaf; or

Sec. 6. Transition provisions.

1. Funds transferred. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 5, sections 1585 and 1586, all accrued
expenditures, assets, liabilities, balances, appropriations or
allocations, transfers, revenues and other available funds in any
account or subdivision of any account of the Child Development
Services System under the Department of Education are transferred
to the Department of Human Services as required by the assignment
of responsibilities of this Act.

2. Personnel and employment benefits transferred. All
employees of the Child Development Services System under the
Department of Education are transferred to the Department of
Human Services as required by the assignment of responsibilities
of this Act.

3. Equipment and property transferred. All equipment,
records and property of the State used by employees and officials
of the Child Development Services System under the Department of
Education are transferred to the Department of Human Services as
required by the assignment of responsibilities of this Act.

4. Financial order required. The Commissioner of Human
Services and the Commissioner of Education shall jointly request,
by financial order through the State Budget Office, the
Governor's approval of the funds, positions, equipment and
property to be transferred.

5. Rules and procedures. All rules and procedures currently
in effect and in operation pertaining to the Child Development
Services System under the Department of Education remain in
effect until rescinded or amended as provided by state law.

6. Contracts and agreements. All contracts and agreements
currently in effect with respect to the Child Development
Services System under the Department of Education remain in
effect until rescinded, terminated or modified as provided by
state law.

7. Organization and operation. Planning or preparatory work
necessary to implement this Act may occur prior to the effective
date of this Act but is not binding until the effective date of
this Act.

Sec. 7. Implementation. The transfer of responsibility for
administration of the Child Development Services System from the
Department of Education to the Department of Human Services takes
effect July 1, 2002. Following the effective date of this Act,
the Commissioner of Human Services shall review this Act and
institute a study of the transfer. The study must identify any
necessary amendments to this Act and other issues necessitating
legislative action to accomplish the purposes of the Act. The
commissioner shall report the results of the study to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
health and human services matters and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education
and cultural affairs matters by December 1, 2001. Following
receipt of the commissioner's report, either legislative
committee may introduce legislation to the Second Regular Session
of the 120th Legislature to amend or clarify this Act.

Sec. 8. Collaborative work. The Department of Human Services shall
require collaboration in the administration of the following
programs: Head Start; Medicaid; early and periodic screening,
diagnosis and treatment; and the Child Development Services
System. The Commissioner of Human Services shall report to the
Legislature by March 1st of each year on the collaborative work
being done within the department.

Sec. 9. Effective date. Sections 1 to 5 of this Act take effect July
1, 2002.


This bill transfers responsibility for administering the Child
Development Services System from the Department of Education to
the Department of Human Services, effective July 1, 2002. The
Child Development Services System is responsible for identifying
eligible children and ensuring and coordinating the provision of
appropriate developmental services for children from birth to 6
years of age with disabilities.

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