LD 669
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify the Use of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund LD 669 Title Page
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LR 780
Item 1

C. Establish a preference for those municipalities with
higher local property tax burdens. The comparative local
property tax burden must be determined under section 5681;

D. Establish Following the preference described in
paragraph B, establish a preference for capital investment
projects undertaken jointly by 2 or more municipalities or
that provide substantial regional benefits;

E. Adopt other criteria as it determines necessary to
ensure that loans and grants made under this section
maximize the ability of municipalities to accommodate
planned growth and economic development; and

F. Condition any loans and grants under this section on
consistency with the municipality's comprehensive plan or
local growth management program.


This bill clarifies that public service infrastructure
includes streetscape improvements that are critical to the
"livability" of communities and the hardware necessary to support
the development and operation of geographic information systems.
It also clarifies that the highest priority for these funds is
service centers and prioritizes preferences for grant awards from
the Municipal Investment Trust Fund.

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