LD 392
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Select Committee to Study ... LD 392 Title Page
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Item 1

H.__"Out-of-area medical services" means medical care
services provided outside of the geographic region of a
community health plan corporation.

I.__"Program" means the Community Health Access Program
established in this section.

2. Program established.__The Community Health Access Program
is established within the Department of Human Services to provide
comprehensive health care services through local nonprofit
community health plan corporations governed by community boards.__
The program's primary goal is to provide access to health care
services to persons without health care insurance or who are
underinsured for health care services.__The purpose of the
program is to demonstrate the economic and health care benefits
of a locally managed, comprehensive health care delivery model.__
The program's emphasis is on preventive care, healthy lifestyle
choices, primary health care and an integrated delivery of health
care services supported by a medical data collection system.

3.__Service areas.__The Department of Human Services may
establish service areas for local plans developed by community
health plan corporations in different geographic regions of the
State.__A service area established by the Department of Human
Services must be an area that serves residents who seek regular
primary health care services in conjunction with support from a
hospital located in the same geographic region.

4.__Eligible population.__This subsection governs eligibility.

A.__The__following persons may enroll in plans developed by
community health plan corporations:

(1)__Micro-employers and their employees;

(2)__Medicaid recipients;

(3)__Self-insured employers and their employees to the
extent allowed under the federal Employee Retirement
Income Security Act;

(4)__Self-employed persons; and

(5)__Individuals without health care insurance.

B.__Individuals eligible for group health care benefits
through an individual's employment or spouse's employment
may not enroll.

5.__Community boards.__A local community health plan
corporation established pursuant to this section is governed by a
community board composed of community members.__The board
membership must include representation of primary and
complementary health care providers, mental health care
providers, micro-employers and individuals enrolled in a plan
offered by the community health plan corporation.__The community
boards shall establish bylaws and operating procedures.

6.__Authorized powers.__A community health plan corporation

A.__Develop a comprehensive health care benefit package that
may include, but is not limited to, primary and tertiary
health care services, mental health services, complementary
health care services, preventive health care services,
healthy lifestyle services and pharmaceutical services;

B.__Develop medical data collection systems that will
provide the program with the information necessary to
support medical management strategies and will determine the
costs and quality outcomes for the services provided;

C.__Establish a fee structure sufficient to cover the
actuarially determined costs of the comprehensive health
care benefit package offered;

D.__Develop a sliding fee schedule based on income to ensure
that the fees are affordable for individuals covered by a
plan offered by the community health plan corporation.__The
corporations are further authorized to establish mandatory
minimum contributions by employers;

E.__Collect fees from enrolled individuals and employers;

F.__Solicit and accept funds from private and public sources
to subsidize the corporation;

G.__Develop community preventive care education and wellness
programs.__A corporation may coordinate its community
preventive care education and wellness programs with
schools, employers and other community institutions;

H.__Enter into agreements with the Department of Human
Services to provide care for individuals covered by the
department's Medical Assistance Program in its geographic
region and to develop methods to share access to medical
information necessary for the program's medical data
collection system; and

I.__Enter into agreements with 3rd parties to provide needed
services to corporations including, but not limited to,
administration, claims processing, customer services, stop-
loss insurance, education, out-of-area medical services and
other related services and products.

7.__Community health plan corporation excess insurance. In
order to ensure adequate financial resources to pay for medical
services allowed in the benefit plans developed by community
health plan corporations, a community health plan corporation is
required to enter into agreements with insurers licensed in this
State to obtain community health plan corporation excess
insurance and to provide coverage for those portions of the
health care benefits package that expose the corporations to
financial risks beyond the resources of the corporation.

8.__Continuity.__Enrollment in a local plan offered by a
community health plan corporation authorized under this section
is not considered prior coverage for the purposes of Title 24-A,
section 2849-B, subsection 2, paragraph A.

9.__Cost-sharing agreements.__A local community health plan
corporation may enter into agreements with private health
insurance carriers or the Medicaid program in accordance with the

A.__A community health plan corporation may enter into
agreements with private health care insurers to cover
individual medical costs associated with all or a portion of
the costs resulting from the benefit plan or benefit plans
offered by the community health plan corporation.

B.__A community health plan corporation may enter into
agreements with the Department of Human Services to access
Medicaid coverage for all or a portion of the individual
medical costs resulting from the benefit plan or benefit
plans offered by the community health plan corporation.

C.__No later than January 1, 2002, the Department of Human
Services shall seek a waiver from the Federal Government as
necessary to permit funding under the Medicaid program to be
used for coverage of Medicaid-eligible individuals enrolled
in a plan offered by a community health plan corporation.__
The department may adopt rules required to implement the
waiver in accordance with this paragraph.__Rules adopted
pursuant to this paragraph are major substantive rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

10.__Medical and cost data.__The department shall provide
medical and cost data to each community health plan corporation
at the community health plan corporation's request in a format
usable by the community health plan corporation's medical data
collection system for the analysis of health care costs and
health care outcomes.

11.__Dissolution or sale.__Upon the dissolution, sale or other
distribution of assets of a community health plan corporation,
the community board may convey or transfer the assets of the
corporation only to one or more domestic corporations engaged in
charitable or benevolent activities substantially similar to
those of the community health plan corporation.

12.__Annual reports.__A local community health plan
corporation established pursuant to this section shall submit a
written report to the Commissioner of Human Services on or before
January 21st annually.__The report must address the financial
feasibility, fee structure and benefit design of the plan offered
by the community health plan corporation; the health quality
measures, health care costs and quality of health care outcomes
under the plan; and the number of persons enrolled in the plan.__
The commissioner may require more frequent reports and additional
information.__Annually, before March 15th of each year, the
Department of Human Services must submit a report summarizing the
plan's demonstrated effectiveness to the joint standing
committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over banking
and insurance matters and health and human services matters.

13.__Not subject to Title 24-A. A local plan developed by a
community health plan corporation established pursuant to this
section or a community health plan corporation organized pursuant
to this section is not subject to any other provisions of this
Title or Title 24-A.

14.__Rules.__The Department of Human Services shall adopt
rules establishing minimum standards for financial solvency,
benefit design, enrollee protections, disclosure requirements,
conditions for limiting enrollment and procedures for dissolution
of a community health plan corporation.__The department may also
adopt any rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this
section.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are major
substantive rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §1951, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 616, §1, is
further amended to read:

2. Private purchasing alliance. "Private purchasing
alliance" or "alliance" means a corporation licensed pursuant to

this section established under Title 13-A or Title 13-B to
provide health insurance to its members through multiple
unaffiliated one or more participating carriers.

Sec. 3. 24-A MRSA §1954, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 370, Pt. A,
§§1 and 2, is further amended to read:

2. Enrollee choice. Ensure that enrollees have a choice
among a reasonable number of competing carriers and types of
health benefit plans in accordance with the following.;

A. In every portion of the alliance's service area, the
alliance must offer at least 3 different carriers. When 3
participating carriers are not reasonably available in some
or all of the alliance's service area, the superintendent
may waive this requirement in accordance with standards and
procedures established by rule pursuant to this chapter.

Sec. 4. Department of Human Services to apply for waiver. By January 1,
2002, the Department of Human Services shall apply to the Federal
Government for a waiver to permit funding under the Medicaid
program to allow individuals and small employers to purchase
coverage under the Medicaid program. The waiver must provide for
a sliding scale fee based upon income and must be revenue-
neutral. The waiver must provide that any savings be used to
increase coverage for individuals and small employers. The
department may adopt rules required to implement the waiver
program in accordance with this section. Rules adopted pursuant
to this section are major substantive rules as defined in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.


This bill implements the recommendations of the Joint Select
Committee to Study the Creation of a Public/Private Purchasing
Alliance to Ensure Access to Health Care for All Maine Citizens.
The bill does the following.

1. It establishes the Community Health Access Program within
the Department of Human Services. The bill allows the department
to determine service areas throughout the State for the provision
of comprehensive health care services through local community-
based health plans. The community-based plans are managed by
nonprofit community health plan corporations and governed by
local boards. The program is primarily designed for individuals
without health insurance and micro-employers with 4 or fewer

2. It eliminates the requirement that a voluntary private
purchasing alliance offer at least 3 different carriers through
the alliance.

3. It directs the Department of Human Services to apply for a
waiver from the Federal Government to establish a Medicaid "buy-
in" program for individuals without health insurance coverage and
small employers as a benefit to their employees.

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