LD 289
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Page 1 of 2 An Act Regarding Horse Racing LD 289 Title Page
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LR 1104
Item 1

commercial racetrack track shall notify the commission within 30
days of receiving notice if the racetrack commercial track objects
to the location of the facility based on adverse impact to the
commercial track. The commission shall suspend consideration of
the application for the 30-day objection period. If the commission
receives an objection from a racetrack commercial track in whose
market area the facility would be located within the 30-day period,
the commission shall reject the application. If the commission
does not receive an objection within that period, the commission
may proceed to consider the application. For purposes of this
section, the market area is the area within a 50-mile radius of the
commercial racetrack track.

Sec. 6. 8 MRSA §275-N, as amended by PL 1999, c. 568, §1, is
further amended to read:

§275-N. Limitations on off-track betting facilities

The commission may not allow interstate simulcasting or
license any off-track betting facility for any calendar year
unless during the preceding calendar year there were at least 150
race dates on which live racing actually was conducted at the
commercial tracks. Interstate simulcasting always must be
allowed at any commercial track that conducted at least 136 35
race dates during the immediately preceding calendar year or at
an existing commercial track as defined in section 275-A,
subsection 1, paragraph B at which at least 35 race dates were
conducted during the immediately preceding year if the interstate
simulcasting at the commercial track is conducted during the
regular meeting. For the purposes of this section, any race date
that the commission determines was canceled due to a natural or
other disaster must be counted as a race date.

Sec. 7. 8 MRSA §285, sub-§3, ķA, as repealed and replaced by PL 1997,
c. 735, §7, is amended to read:

A. Two persons representing commercial tracks licensees:
one representing and recommended by each of the 2 commercial
harness racing tracks licensees in the State;


This bill amends the definition of a "commercial track" by
deleting the different criteria that currently apply to areas
with different populations. It also makes technical changes to
make the use of this term consistent with the term "commercial

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