LD 271
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Baxter Compensation Program LD 271 Title Page
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financial advice for claimants, but not including compensation

3.__Appeal board.__"Appeal board" means the authority board
when acting to hear and decide appeals of the compensation
panel's decisions as provided in section 22005.

4.__Authority.__"Authority" means the Baxter Compensation
Authority established in section 12004-G, subsection 26-E.

5.__Authority board or board.__"Authority board" or "the
board" means the 5-member governing body described in section
22002, subsection 3.

6.__Claimant.__"Claimant" means a person who alleges having
suffered abuse while a student at the Maine School for the Deaf
or the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf and applies for
compensation from the program.

7.__Claims consultant.__"Claims consultant" means a person
employed by the program to assist claimants in preparing their
claims for submission to the compensation panel.

8.__Compensation panel.__"Compensation panel" means the 3-
person panel appointed by the authority to hear claims and make
decisions, consisting of the determination of eligibility and
determination of the compensation amount, as provided in section

9.__Final compensation decision.__"Final compensation
decision" means the decision of the compensation panel with
regard to eligibility and level of compensation if it is not
appealed within 60 days of the decision, and the decision of the
appeal board if the decision of the compensation panel is

10.__Program.__"Program" means the Baxter Compensation Program
established in section 22021.

11.__Program director.__"Program director" means the person
appointed by the authority to direct the program as provided in
section 22003.

12.__Program principles.__"The program principles" means the
compilation of theoretical and practical bases for operation of
the program as provided in section 22007.

13.__Trust fund.__"Trust fund" means the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf Student Trust Fund established in Title 20-A,
section 7412.

§22002.__Baxter Compensation Authority

1.__Established.__The Baxter Compensation Authority,
established in section 12004-G, subsection 26-E, is a public
instrumentality of the State, and the exercise by the authority
of the powers conferred by this chapter is considered and held to
be the performance of essential governmental functions.

2.__Purpose.__The authority is established to administer the
Baxter Compensation Program.

3.__Members.__The authority board consists of 5 members, to be
appointed by the Governor, subject to review by the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
judiciary matters and confirmation by the Legislature.__
Collectively, the members must have knowledge and experience in
deaf culture; abuse and its effects; the legal system; and
redress and compensation principles.

4.__Chair; quorum.__The members of the board shall select a
chair from among the members.__Three members constitute a quorum.__
Action taken by the board must be by majority vote.

5.__Powers.__The authority may:

A.__Buy or lease real and personal property to carry out its

B.__Establish positions and employ and contract with persons
to carry out its duties; and

C.__Accept funds from all sources to be deposited in the
trust fund.

6.__Duties.__The authority has the following duties.

A.__The authority shall establish the Baxter Compensation
Program as provided in section 22021.

B.__The authority shall appoint a program director as
provided in section 22003.

C.__The authority shall appoint a compensation panel as
provided in section 22004.

D.__The authority board shall serve as the appeal board as
provided in section 22005.

E.__The authority shall complete the training and education
under section 22006.

F.__The authority shall adopt program guidelines as provided
in section 22007.

G.__The authority shall establish criteria for 3 tiers of
compensation based on the severity of abuse suffered by the
former students using well-established legal principles
governing awarding damages.__The 3 tiers of compensation
are:__$25,000;__$60,000; and__$100,000.

H.__The authority shall submit an annual written report by
January 15th of each year to the Governor, the Attorney
General and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over judiciary matters.__The report must
include information on the following:

(1)__The activities of the authority within the last 12

(2)__The number of employees and volunteers and their

(3)__Data pertaining to the following:

(a)__Requests for information;

(b)__Applications filed;

(c)__Claims submitted to the compensation panel;

(d)__Decisions made by the compensation panel, and
the nature of the decisions;

(e)__Decisions appealed to the appeal board, and
the grounds for and outcomes of the appeals;

(f)__Claims pending completion prior to being
submitted to the compensation panel;

(g)__Claims pending decision by the compensation

(h)__Claims pending resolution by the appeal
board; and

(i)__Awards made and paid;

(4)__Amount of compensation paid;

(5)__Any other information that would help to evaluate
the performance of the program; and

(6)__Any recommended legislation the authority
determines is necessary to carry out its duties.

I.__The authority shall develop an evaluation process to
make ongoing determinations concerning the program's
effectiveness and operation within the program guidelines.

7.__Application of laws.__The authority is subject to the
budget, accounts and control and auditing requirements of Part 4.

8.__Use of trust fund.__The authority may use up to 15% of the
trust fund for administrative expenses.

§22003.__Program director

The authority shall appoint a program director to serve as
staff to the authority and to direct the program.

§22004.__Compensation panel

1.__Appointment.__The authority shall appoint 3 persons to
serve as the compensation panel.__The compensation panel shall
make decisions about the eligibility of claimants and the
appropriate compensation payments to be made.

2.__Qualifications.__Collectively, the members of the
compensation panel must have the following qualifications:

A.__Familiarity with the legal system, including experience

(1)__Weighing evidence and making decisions based on
that evidence; and

(2)__Well-established legal principles that govern
awarding damages;

B.__Experience or knowledge of abuse and its effects; and

C.__Experience or knowledge of deaf culture.

3.__Chair.__The compensation panel members shall select a
chair from among the members.

4.__Decision-making; quorum.__The compensation panel members
shall work together as collaboratively as possible.__Decisions on

claims must be determined by a majority vote.__All 3 members must
be present in order for a vote to be taken.

5. Training and education.__Before handling any claims, the
compensation panel shall complete the training and education
under section 22006.

§22005.__Appeal board

1.__Appointment.__The authority board shall serve as the
appeal board to hear and decide appeals of the decision of the
compensation panel.

2.__Decisions.__Decisions on claims must be determined by a
majority vote.__Three members constitute a quorum.

§22006.__Training and education

1.__Training and education program.__The program director
shall coordinate training and education for the members of the
authority, the program director and the compensation panel in the
following subject areas:

A.__Deaf culture;

B.__Physical and sexual abuse and its effects;

C.__Basic applicable legal principles; and

D.__Any other subject useful to the operation of the

2.__Required.__Members of the authority, the program director
and the compensation panel shall participate in the training and

§22007.__Program principles and guidelines

1.__Duties.__The program has the following duties.

A.__The program shall provide American Sign Language
interpreters to ensure communication between program staff
and claimants, their families and friends and advocates
providing support.

B.__The program shall explain to the claimants the
compensation process from initial contact with the program
through acceptance of the award, release of the State from
further liability and the making of the apology.

C.__The program shall allow claimants to be accompanied in
all steps of the process by friends, family and other
support people.

D.__The program shall promote provision of support and
immediate access to counseling resources for claimants
recounting their experiences, especially those disclosing
abuse for the first time.

E.__The program shall inform as many former students as
possible about the program and give those students an
opportunity to apply for compensation.

F.__The program shall work with former students and their
families in situations in which the former student is not
capable of making decisions concerning participation in the

G.__The program shall develop a plan for working with and
providing services to former students no longer living in
the State.

2.__Program guidelines.__The authority shall adopt program
guidelines as the theoretical and practical bases for the
operation of the program that are consistent with subsection 1,
using the following sources as guidance:

A.__The final report of the Committee to Develop a
Compensation Program for Victims of Abuse at the Governor
Baxter School for the Deaf, established by Resolve 1999,
chapter 127, Part B;

B.__The guiding principles that have been adopted and used
by other compensation programs as bases for operation of the

C.__The report of the Law Commission of Canada, "Restoring
Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian
Institutions," issued in 2000;

D.__Judicial practice, in the State and elsewhere,
concerning the awarding of damages; and

E.__Any other reports, rules or other sources the authority
determines useful.

3.__Process.__The program guidelines are not rules and the
authority is not required to proceed under the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act in adopting the program guidelines,
although the authority may hold public hearings and solicit

comments as provided in that Act.__In developing the program
guidelines, the authority shall seek input from and work as
collaboratively as possible with all interested parties and
groups, including the deaf community.

§22008.__Status of members and employees

1.__State employees.__Members and employees of the authority
may not be construed to be state employees for the purpose of the
state civil service provisions of Part 2 and chapter 372, and any
other purpose except for the following:

A.__Employees of the authority are deemed state employees
for the purposes of the state retirement provisions of Part
20, and the state employee health insurance program under
chapter 13, subchapter II; and

B.__For the purposes of the Maine Tort Claims Act, the
authority is deemed a governmental entity and its members
and employees are deemed employees as those terms are
defined in Title 14, section 8102.

2.__Limitation of liability.__A person who is a member of the
authority or an employee of the authority is not subject to
personal liability for having acted within the course and scope
of the person's membership or employment to carry out any power
or duty under this chapter. The authority shall indemnify a
member or employee of the authority against expenses actually and
necessarily incurred by the person in connection with the defense
of any action or proceeding in which the person is made a party
by reason of past or present association with the authority.

§22009.__Public proceedings and records; confidentiality

1.__Public proceedings and records.__Except as provided in
subsection 2, all meetings and records of the authority are
subject to the provisions of Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter I.

2.__Confidential.__All information provided by a claimant or a
claimant's family is confidential until the claim is submitted to
the compensation panel.__Once the claim is submitted to the
compensation panel, the claim is a public record.


This chapter is repealed on July 1, 2007.



§22021.__Baxter Compensation Program

1.__Purposes.__The purposes of the Baxter Compensation Program

A.__To provide compensation to former students who suffered
abuse by a state employee or as a result of state action or
inaction while students at either the Maine School for the
Deaf or the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf;

B.__To assist in the victims' healing process by admitting
the State's responsibility for not protecting students from
abuse by a state employee or as a result of state action or
inaction while the victims were attending the Maine School
for the Deaf or the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf; and

C.__To apologize to the students who were abused and to
their families.

2.__Program director; duties.__The program director shall
direct the program.

A.__The program director is responsible for hiring,
supervising and firing all employees authorized by the
authority.__The program director shall maintain only the
number of employees necessary to operate the program.

B.__The program director is responsible for the day-to-day
operations of the program, including overseeing the work of
the claims consultants.

C.__The program director shall report to the authority on a
regular basis as determined by the authority, and shall keep
the authority informed about the program and its operation.

D.__The program director shall maintain communication with
the deaf community and other potential beneficiaries of the

3.__Location; travel.__The program must be established in a
central office location.__The program director and all program
personnel, including the claims consultants and the compensation
panel are based in the central office.__Claim consultants may
travel as needed to assist claimants in preparing their claims.__
The compensation panel may travel as needed to carry out its

4.__Claims consultants.__The program director shall hire a
sufficient number of claims consultants to work with the persons

applying for compensation.__Claims consultants must be selected
to provide personal and professional diversity sufficient to
allow claimants to select the claims consultant with whom they
feel the most comfortable.

A.__The qualifications for claims consultants include:

(1)__Fluency in American Sign Language;

(2)__Knowledge of or familiarity with abuse and its

(3)__Knowledge of or familiarity with deaf culture;

(4)__Ability to work with deaf interpreters;

(5)__Ability to work with and refer claimants to
therapists and counselors.

B.__The duties of claims consultants include:

(1)__Working with claimants and potential claimants;

(2)__Helping claimants prepare their materials for
submission to the compensation panel;

(3)__Recording claimants' stories and experiences for
use in the claims process, including presentation to
the compensation panel in written, audio or audio
visual formats;

(4)__Assisting claimants in collecting and
corroborating information;

(5)__Explaining the compensation program process to

(6)__Explaining the decision of the compensation panel;

(7)__Assisting claimants in assembling the materials
necessary to appeal the compensation panel's decision
to the appeal board;

(8)__Referring claimants to a professional outside the
program in order to secure legal and financial advice;

(9)__Referring claimants to counseling when
appropriate; and

(10)__Other reasonable duties necessary for the
operation of the program as assigned by the program

A claimant is not required to use the services of a claims
consultant to file a claim for compensation.


A person is eligible to receive compensation if:

1.__Victim of abuse.__That person was abused by a state
employee or as a result of state action or inaction while a
student at the Maine School for the Deaf or the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf, and the abuse occurred either at the school
or was associated with the school;

2.__Date of abuse.__The abuse occurred prior to January 1,
2001; and

3.__Filing deadline.__The claim for compensation is filed with
the program by March 31, 2006.

§22023.__Claim process

1.__Application.__A person may apply for compensation by
submitting a completed claim form to the program.

2.__Submit to compensation panel.__The claimant or, if
requested by the claimant, a claims consultant shall submit the
information about the claim to the compensation panel.


The compensation panel shall issue a decision on each
submitted claim.__The decision consists of 2 parts.

1.__Eligibility determination.__The compensation panel shall
determine whether the claimant is eligible to receive
compensation.__For the claimant to be eligible for compensation,
the compensation panel must determine that:

A.__The claimant was a student at the Maine School for the
Deaf or the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf.__The
compensation panel may use reliable information in addition
to the information included in the claim;

B.__The allegation of abuse includes abuse that occurred
before January 1, 2001; and

C.__The claimant was abused by a state employee or as a
result of state action or inaction while a student at the
Maine School for the Deaf or the Governor Baxter School for
the Deaf.__The compensation panel shall make this
determination if the compensation panel finds there is a
reasonable likelihood that the claimant was abused while a
student at the Maine School for the Deaf or the Governor
Baxter School for the Deaf.__The abuse may have occurred at
either school or elsewhere, but the abuse must have been
associated with attendance or residence at either school
while the State was responsible for the claimant's care and

2.__Determination of compensation amount.__If the compensation
panel determines that the claimant is eligible under subsection
1, the compensation panel shall review the claim to determine the
amount of compensation.__The panel shall apply the criteria
adopted under section 22002, subsection 6, paragraph G, to the
facts of the claim to determine which level of compensation is to
be awarded.__When making the determination, the panel shall award
compensation at the highest level that the facts of the claim

3.__Communication of the decision.__The compensation panel
shall provide to the claims consultant who assisted the claimant
or, if no claims consultant assisted the claimant, to a claims
consultant a written statement of the decision, including
separate findings on each of the determinations.__The claims
consultant shall provide the statement and explain its content
and meaning to the claimant.__The claims consultant shall also
explain the options available to the claimant if the claimant is
not satisfied with the compensation panel's decision.


1.__Appeal.__If the claimant is not satisfied with the final
decision of the compensation panel, the claimant may appeal the
decision to the appeal board.__The appeal must be submitted
within 60 days of the communication of the decision to the
claimant, although the appeal board may extend the time limit for
good cause.

2.__Appeal costs.__If the claimant appeals the decision, the
claimant is responsible for paying the costs of the appeal as

A.__If the claimant is appealing the compensation panel's
decision under section 22024, subsection 1 that the claimant
is not eligible for compensation, the claimant is not
required to pay any appeal costs.

B.__If the claimant is appealing the compensation panel's
decision under section 22024, subsection 2 regarding the
level of compensation, the costs must be paid as follows:

(1)__If the appeal board disagrees with the claimant
and upholds the compensation panel's decision, the
appeal cost is $2,500, to be withheld from the
compensation payment; or

(2)__If the appeal board agrees with the claimant and
increases the compensation award of the compensation
panel, the claimant is not required to pay any appeal

3.__Assistance of claims consultant.__At the request of a
claimant, a claims consultant shall assist the claimant in
assembling the materials necessary to appeal the decision.

4.__Appeal on record and appeal documents.__The appeal board
may make the decision on the appeal based solely on the record of
the claim and documents submitted with the appeal.__The appeal
board is not required to conduct a hearing or take testimony, but
may do so if it so chooses.

5.__Standard of review.__The appeal board shall review the
decision of the compensation panel and may overrule the decision
only if the appeal board determines the decision of the
compensation panel is arbitrary and capricious.

6.__Communication of decision.__The appeal board shall provide
to the claims consultant a written statement of the appeal
board's decision.__The claims consultant shall provide the
statement and explain its content and meaning to the claimant.

7.__Decision final.__The decision of the appeal board is final
and is not appealable to any court or other authority.


1.__Notification.__The claimant shall notify a claims
consultant whether the claimant will accept the compensation
awarded by the program.

2.__Release.__To receive payment of the compensation, the
claimant must release the State from any further liability by
signing a release form provided by the program.

3.__Financial advice.__A claims consultant shall provide to
the claimant who has been awarded compensation the names and

addresses of professionals who have agreed to work with claimants
to provide financial advice.__The program shall contribute to
professional fees for financial advice and fees for interpreting
services for claimants to obtain and use the advice as provided
in section 22042.


The program shall pay compensation within 30 days of the final
compensation decision, or as soon thereafter as possible.


1.__Personal apology.__When the program pays compensation, the
State shall issue a personal apology to the claimant.

2.__Process.__The State shall issue the apology as follows.

A.__The program director shall prepare the apology, and
deliver the document to the Legislature and the Governor.

B.__The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and the Governor shall personally sign the
apology document.




1.__Referrals.__Claims consultants shall refer claimants and
their families for counseling when the claims consultants believe
such referral may be helpful.

2.__Counseling.__Claimants are eligible for counseling without
cost to them as provided through the Department of Mental Health,
Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services.__The Department
of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
shall continue to provide counseling services for former students
of the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf and the Maine School
for the Deaf.

§22042.__Legal and financial advice

The compensation program shall provide stipends to each
claimant of up to $1,000 to secure legal advice and up to $1,000
to secure financial advice at any time during the process and
about any aspect of that claimant's claim, including the amount
of the compensation award.__The stipends may be used to pay the

costs of interpreting services to obtain and use the legal and
financial advice.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill is a recommendation of the Committee to Develop a
Compensation Program for Victims of Abuse at the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf, created by Resolve 1999, chapter 127, Part
B. The committee's final report was submitted in December 2000.

This bill creates the Baxter Compensation Authority, which
establishes the Baxter Compensation Program to pay compensation
to the former students who were sexually or physically abused
while attending the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf or its
predecessor, the Maine School for the Deaf. The authority board
consists of 5 members appointed by the Governor, subject to
review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over judiciary matters and confirmation by the

The Baxter Compensation Program will be run by a program
director, appointed by the authority board. Claims consultants
may help former students develop and file claims for
compensation. A 3-person compensation panel, appointed by the
authority, will review each claim individually and decide whether
the claimant is eligible for compensation and how much
compensation is appropriate. The claimant must show that there
is a reasonable likelihood that the claimant suffered abuse by a
state employee or because of the action or inaction of the State
while the claimant was a student at either the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf or the Maine School for the Deaf. The
compensation panel will apply criteria adopted by the authority
board to determine which of 3 tiers of compensation applies,
based on the severity of the abuse as well as other factors. The
3 tiers of compensation are $25,000, $60,000 and $100,000. The
claimant may appeal the decision of the compensation panel to the
authority board sitting as an appeal board. The appeal board may
overturn the compensation panel's decision only if it finds that
the decision was arbitrary and capricious. The final
compensation decision is not appealable to any court or other
tribunal. Claims must be filed by March 31, 2006. All
compensation must be paid out by July 1, 2007, when the program
ceases to exist.

The Baxter Compensation Authority shall report on an annual
basis to the Governor, the Attorney General and the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
judiciary matters.

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