LD 202
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LR 543
Item 1

E. The Department of Public Safety;

F. The Department of Education;

G. The business community;

H. Local service agencies; and

I. Statewide organizations representing drug and mental
health court professionals.

§422. Programs

1. Drug and Mental Health Court Coordinator. The Judicial
Department shall employ a Drug and Mental Health Court
Coordinator. The Drug and Mental Health Court Coordinator is
responsible for helping the Judicial Department establish, staff,
operate and evaluate alcohol and drug treatment and mental health
treatment programs in the courts.

2. Pass-through services. The Administrative Office of the
Courts, with the assistance of the Drug and Mental Health Court
Coordinator, may enter into cooperative agreements or contracts

A. The Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services, Office of Substance Abuse or other
federal-licensed treatment providers or state-licensed
treatment providers to provide substance abuse services for
alcohol and drug treatment program participants and mental
health treatment or dual diagnosis treatment for treatment
program participants. To the extent possible, the alcohol
and drug treatment programs, mental health treatment
programs and dual diagnosis treatment programs must access
existing substance abuse treatment resources for alcohol and
drug treatment program participants;

B. The Department of Corrections, Division of Community
Corrections or other appropriate organizations to provide
for supervision of alcohol and drug treatment program

C. The Department of Corrections or other appropriate
organizations to provide for drug testing of alcohol and
drug treatment program participants;

D. Appropriate organizations to provide for a drug and
mental health court manager at each alcohol and drug
treatment program location; and

E. Appropriate organizations and agencies for training of
alcohol and drug treatment program staff and for evaluation
of alcohol and drug treatment program operations.

§423. Reports

The Judicial Department shall report to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary
matters by January 15, 2002 and annually thereafter on the
establishment and operation of alcohol and drug and mental health
and dual diagnosis treatment programs in the courts. The report
must cover at least the following:

1. Training. Judicial training;

2. Locations. Locations in which the alcohol and drug
treatment programs are operated in each prosecutorial district;

3. Participating judges and justices. Judges and justices
participating in the alcohol and drug treatment programs at each

4. Community involvement. Involvement of the local
communities, including the business community and local service

5. Education. Educational components;

6. Existing resources. Use of existing substance abuse and
mental health resources;

7. Statistics. Statistical summaries of each alcohol and
drug treatment program;

8. Collaboration. Demonstration of the collaboration
required under section 421, subsection 3, including agreements
and contracts, the entities collaborating with the Judicial
Department, the value of the agreements and contracts and the
amount of financial assistance provided by each entity; and

9. Evaluation of programs. Evaluation of alcohol and drug
treatment programs individually and overall.


This bill authorizes the Judicial Department to establish
mental health treatment programs in the Superior Courts and
District Courts.

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