LD 24
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Charter of the South Berwick Sewer District LD 24 Title Page
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LR 113
Item 1

is on the center line of said Liberty Street; thence turning and
running southerly by said Central Maine Power Company's fence line
to a corner; thence turning and running westerly by said Central
Maine Power Company's fence line to a 48-inch Willow tree on the
bank of the Salmon Falls River; thence turning and running
northwesterly and northerly, by the Salmon Falls River, to the
point of beginning; and including the following territory:
Beginning at the South Berwick-Berwick town line, at Route 4,
thence running by said Route 4 to the Pond Road; thence easterly to
the Cross Road; thence southeasterly to Knight's Pond Road; thence
westerly to the junction of Agamenticus Road and Emery's Bridge
Road; thence easterly to Agamenticus Bridge; thence southerly along
the Great Works River to the Salmon Falls River; and thence
northwesterly along Salmon Falls River to existing South Berwick
Sewer District plant; and including the following territory:__
Beginning at the point where the Great Works River intersects with
the Central Maine Power line right-of-way approximately 6,000 feet
from Route 91; thence running southwesterly along the westerly
sideline of the Central Maine Power line right-of-way to the
centerline of Route 91; thence turning and running southerly along
the centerline of Route 91 to a point on a line 1,500 feet from the
centerline and parallel to the centerline of Route 236; thence
running southwesterly on said line that is 1,500 feet from and
parallel with the centerline of Route 236 to the South Berwick-
Eliot town line; thence turning and running westerly along the
South Berwick-Eliot town line to the Salmon Falls River; thence
turning and running northerly along the Salmon Falls River to the
Great Works River; is hereby created a body politic and corporate
under the name of "South Berwick Sewer District", hereinafter
called the district, for the purposes of providing and maintaining
within the district a system of sewers, drains, sewage facilities
and sewage disposal plant when, as and if, such disposal plant
becomes necessary, for public purposes and for the health, comfort,
convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of said district.


This bill amends the territorial limits of the South Berwick
Sewer District.

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