LD 2
pg. 1
LD 2 Title Page An Act to Clarify the Division Line Between the Towns of Deer Isle and Stoningt... LD 2 Title Page
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LR 517
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. P&SL 1897, c. 359, §1 is amended to read:

*Sect. 1. Town of Deer Isle, divided; bounds; New Town of Stonington. All that
part of the town Town of Deer Isle in the county County of
Hancock and state of Maine the State, lying southerly of the
following described lines, namely: Beginning at the center of
Warren's bridge at South East Harbor, thence over the waters of
Holt's pond westerly to the head of tide waters in said pond, at
the southwesterly corner of lot number twenty-three, as shown on
Peters' plan of said Deer Isle, at a granite post marked 'L;'
thence northerly by lots numbered twenty-three and twenty-six to
the Stephen Babbidge one hundred acre lot; thence by said
Babbidge lot and common land southwesterly to the shore of
George's pond; thence by the shore of said pond northwesterly to
the southeasterly corner of the Samuel Small one hundred acre
lot; thence by said Small's lot northerly seventy rods to the
northeast corner of said lot; thence by said lot southwesterly to
the head of Crockett's cove; thence by the thread of said cove
southwesterly to the waters of Penobscot bay; together with all
islands now belonging to the town of Deer Isle, lying southerly
of said line extended westerly over the waters of Penobscot bay,
and easterly through the waters of South East Harbor, leaving
Bray's mountain and Stinson's neck on the north, and Whitmore's
neck on the south, leaving Shabby Island to the northeast in Deer
Isle and Eastern Mark Island in Stonington to the southwest, the
line between the 2 islands Shabby and Eastern Mark to join the
1868 line that set off the Town of Deer Isle, together with the
inhabitants thereof, is incorporated into a separate town by the
name of Stonington, and said town Town of Stonington is hereby
invested with all the powers and privileges and subject to all
the duties and obligations incident to other towns of the state


This bill distinguishes the boundary line between the Town of
Deer Isle and the Town of Stonington.

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