
123rd Legislature

First Regular Session

Chapter 39

H.P. 620 - L.D. 823

Resolve, To Create an Effective Deer Habitat Enhancement and Coyote Control Program

Sec. 1. Deer habitat enhancement and coyote control program. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife shall establish a working group to review existing programs and efforts related to creating, enhancing and maintaining critical deer habitat in the State and reducing predation of deer by coyotes. In reviewing the programs and efforts, the working group shall look for ways to improve and increase wintering habitat for deer and for ways to increase the survivorship of deer on a year-round basis. The working group shall also establish methods of controlling coyote populations and set goals to manage the coyote populations; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife shall report the working group's findings, recommendations and draft legislation under section 1 to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by December 30, 2007. The Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife may submit legislation related to the report to the Second Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.

Effective September 20, 2007

Office of the Revisor of Statutes
State House, Room 108
Augusta, ME 04333