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First Regular Session of the 119th


     Sec. BBB-1. 5 MRSA §13122-J is enacted to read:

§13122-J.    Comprehensive research and development evaluation

     The foundation shall develop and submit to the Governor and the Legislature by December 31, 1999 and on the first day of each legislative session every 5 years thereafter an evaluation of state investments in research and development. The evaluation must:

     1. Outcome measures. Establish outcome measures considered appropriate by public and private practitioners in and outside of the State in the fields of research and development and economic development. Practitioners in this State must include, but not be limited to, a representative from the University of Maine System, a representative of the targeted technology sectors, a representative of the Department of Economic and Community Development and representatives of other state agencies having economic development responsibility;

     2. Independent reviewers. Utilize nationally recognized independent reviewers to assess the competitiveness of technology sectors in this State and the impact of research and development activities in this State on economic development in this State; and

     3. Recommendations. Include recommendations to the Legislature on existing and proposed state-supported research and development programs and activities to affect technology-based economic development in this State.

     Sec. BBB-2. Plan for comprehensive evaluation of research and development investments. By December 31, 1999 the Maine Science and Technology Foundation shall submit to the Joint Select Committee on Research and Development a plan for a comprehensive evaluation of state investments in research and development. The plan must be developed collaboratively by public, private and nonprofit entities.

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