‘An Act Regarding Persons with Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders in Jails and Correctional Facilities’
HP0679 LD 966 |
Session - 128th Maine Legislature C "A", Filing Number H-700, Sponsored by
LR 2063 Item 2 |
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents | Chamber Status |
Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘An Act Regarding Persons with Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders in Jails and Correctional Facilities’
Amend the bill by inserting after the title and before the enacting clause the following:
‘ Mandate preamble. This measure requires one or more local units of government to expand or modify activities so as to necessitate additional expenditures from local revenues but does not provide funding for at least 90% of those expenditures. Pursuant to the Constitution of Maine, Article IX, Section 21, 2/3 of all of the members elected to each House have determined it necessary to enact this measure.
Amend the bill by striking out everything after the enacting clause and before the summary and inserting the following:
‘Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §12004-I, sub-§74-J is enacted to read:
Public Safety | Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council | Expenses Only | 25 MRSA §2917 |
Sec. 2. 25 MRSA §2917 is enacted to read:
§ 2917. Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
(1) The House and Senate chairs of the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice and public safety matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services matters;
(2) The Commissioner of Public Safety or the commissioner's designee;
(3) The Commissioner of Health and Human Services or the commissioner's designee;
(4) The president of a statewide association of county sheriffs;
(5) A representative of the Consumer Council System of Maine established in Title 34-B, section 3611, designated by that organization;
(6) A representative of the agency designated by the Governor pursuant to Title 5, section 19502 to serve as the protection and advocacy agency for persons with disabilities, designated by that agency;
(7) A representative of a statewide organization that provides support, education and advocacy with regard to mental illness, designated by that organization; and
(8) A representative of a statewide organization that provides support, education and advocacy with regard to substance use disorders, designated by that organization.
The Department of Public Safety shall forward the information reported under this subsection to the council.
Sec. 3. 34-B MRSA §1226 is enacted to read:
§ 1226. Screening required for mental health conditions and substance use disorders
The department shall forward the information reported under this subsection to the Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council under Title 25, section 2917.
Sec. 4. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made.
Legislature 0081
Initiative: Appropriates funds for the ongoing costs of Legislators serving on the Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.
GENERAL FUND | 2017-18 | 2018-19 |
Personal Services
$0 | $440 |
All Other
$0 | $1,120 |
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GENERAL FUND TOTAL | $0 | $1,560 |
This amendment replaces the bill. The amendment establishes the Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to accept and review data on encounters between law enforcement agencies and members of the public and data gathered through the use of nationally validated screening and assessment tools when persons are admitted to jail. The council is required to collect and review data submitted by law enforcement agencies, sheriffs, regional jail administrators and intensive case managers, summarize and review the data and provide an annual report to the joint standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice and public safety matters and health and human services matters beginning January 15, 2021. The report must contain any recommendations for legislative action. A legislative committee that receives a report from the Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council may report out legislation to the Legislature based on the report.
The amendment requires each law enforcement agency in the State to submit to the Department of Public Safety on a quarterly basis beginning January 15, 2020 data that identifies law enforcement calls for service and encounters between law enforcement officers and certain members of the public and requires the department to forward that data to the Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.
The amendment requires a person admitted to a jail, regional jail or correctional facility to be assessed for mental health conditions and substance use disorders through use of a nationally validated screening and assessment tool. It requires that an intensive case manager assigned by the Department of Health and Human Services to a jail, regional jail or correctional facility submit in summary form to the department information gathered from an encounter with such a person. The amendment requires the department to forward this information to the Statewide Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.
The amendment adds a mandate preamble and an appropriations and allocations section.