LD 81 LR 568(01)
An Act To Update the Property Tax Exemption for Parsonages
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Farrington of Gorham
Committee: Taxation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
2007-08 2008-09 Projections 2009-10 Projections 2010-11
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $443,887 $456,904 $470,313 $484,128
General Fund $443,887 $456,904 $470,313 $484,128
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The cost of reimbursing municipalities 50% of the estimated property tax revenue loss associated with the increased exemption for parsonages is $443,887 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $456,904 in fiscal year 2008-09.