LD 181
First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 1774
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Reduce the Cost of Moving Modular Homes and Increase Traffic Safety

Sec. 1. Maine Turnpike Authority to amend rules to allow movement of modular homes with load heights up to 14 feet, 6 inches. Resolved: That the Maine Turnpike Authority shall amend its rules to allow the issuance of a permit for the movement of a modular home with a load height up to 14 feet, 6 inches on portions of the Maine Turnpike with clearances of 15 feet or higher when the movement either originates or has a destination in the State.


This resolve directs the Maine Turnpike Authority to issue a permit for the movement of a modular home with a load height up to 14 feet, 6 inches on portions of the Maine Turnpike with clearances of 15 feet or higher when the movement either originates or has a destination in the State.

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