LD 287
pg. 1
LD 287 Title Page An Act To Require Fiscal Impact Notes for Proposed Agency Rules LD 287 Title Page
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LR 954
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §8063, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 233, is
amended to read:

Every rule proposed by an agency must contain a fiscal impact
note at the end of the rule. The note must be placed on the rule
prior to any public hearing and, in the case of rules adopted
without a hearing, prior to the sending of notice under section
8053. The fiscal impact note must describe with specificity the
estimated cost to the regulated community, including, but not
limited to, municipalities and, counties, individuals and
businesses, for implementing or complying with the proposed rule.
If the proposed rule will not impose any cost on municipalities
or counties the regulated community, the fiscal impact note must
state that fact.


This bill requires state agencies to expand fiscal impact note
requirements for the regulated community of a proposed rule.

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