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Abortion Legislation in Maine
Updated through the 130th Legislature


This legislative history includes former Maine statutes, proposed and enacted legislation, and other legislative instruments related to abortion from 1820 to present.

Current statutes governing abortions can be found in 22 MRS Chapter 263-B.


Year Statute / LD Amendments Final
Legislative Record
Remarks & Debate
Other Documents & News Clips Full LD
1821 Laws of Maine 1821, c. 2, §§9-11

An Act Providing for the Punishment of the Crimes of Murder, Manslaughter, felonious Maims and assaults, and Duelling, and for the Prevention Thereof
1840 RS 1840, c. 160, §§11-14

Of Offenses Against Chastity, Morality and Decency
1857 RS 1857, c. 124, §§7, 8

Concealment of Births and Procuring Abortions
1871 RS 1871, c. 124, §§7, 8

Concealment of Births and Procuring Abortions
1883 RS 1883, c. 124, §§7, 8

Concealment of Births and Procuring Abortions
1903 RS 1903, c. 125, §§7, 8

Concealment of Births and Procuring Abortions
1907 OTP-ND:
HD 531

An Act prohibiting publications relating to patent or other medicines in language of immoral tendency, or of ambiguous character, and protecting the public against the dangers from the indiscriminate distribution of samples of medicine
Enacted with amendment:

Conference Committee "B"

Proposed amendments:

Senate "A"
Senate "B"
House "A"
PL 1907, c. 189, §1 House, March 26, 1907
p. 864-865
1909 SD 485

An Act to amend chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the Laws of nineteen hundred and seven prohibiting publications relating to patent or other medicines in language of immoral tendency, or of ambiguous character, and protecting the public against the dangers from the indiscriminate distribution of samples of medicine
N/A PL 1909, c. 192 No debate. N/A N/A
1916 RS 1916, c. 126, §§8-10

Concealment of Births and Procuring Abortions
1921 Bill not printed
An Act to amend Chapter 126 of the Revised Statutes relating to accessories

Not Printed

N/A PL 1921, c. 153 No debate. N/A N/A
1930  RS 1930, c. 135, §§8-10

Concealment of Births and Procuring Abortions
1935 LD 169

An Act Relating to Abortion
N/A ONTP No debate. N/A N/A
1943 LD 234

An Act Relating to Procuring or Attempting to Procure Abortion or a Miscarriage

LD 805
N/A PL 1943, c. 236 No debate. N/A N/A
1944  RS 1944, c. 121, §§9-11

Abortion, Attempt to Procure and Concealment of Birth
1954  RS 1954, c. 134, §§9-11

Abortion, Attempt to Procure and Concealment of Birth
1964 17 MRS §§51-53

Abortion; Concealment of Birth
1967 LD 647

An Act Repealing the Law Making Prescribing of Contraceptives a Crime
N/A PL 1967, c. 78 No debate. News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1967 LD 478

An Act Relating to Unjustified and Justified Abortions

LD 1695
N/A Died between houses Senate, June 5, 1967
p. 2806-2811

House, June 14, 1967
p. 3298-3316
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1969 LD 783

An Act Relating to Termination of Human Pregnancy by Therapeutic Abortion
Proposed amendment:

House = Indefinitely postponed
Senate = ONTP
House, May 15, 1969
p. 2114-2130

Senate, May 22, 1969
p. 2443-2445
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1971 LD 144

An Act Repealing the Abortion Law
N/A ONTP No debate. News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1971 LD 1373

An Act Relating to Termination of Human Pregnancy by Therapeutic Abortion
N/A ONTP No debate. N/A N/A
1971 LD 1406

An Act Relating to Termination of Human Pregnancy by Medical Decision

LD 1736
Proposed amendments:

House = Indefinitely postponed
Senate = ONTP
House, May 19, 1971
p. 2809-2831

Senate, May 20, 1971
p. 2917-2920
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1973 HP 857

Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Call A Convention for the Purpose of Amending the United States Constitution Relative to Abortion
Proposed amendment:

Adopted House, February 28, 1973
p. 560-577

Senate, March 1, 1973
p. 634-639
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1973 LD 887

An Act Relating to Reporting of Data of Abortions Performed by an Attending Physician
N/A Leave to withdraw House, June 14, 1973
p. 4257
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1973 LD 888

An Act Prohibiting the Use and Sale of Human Fetus for Experimentation
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1973 LD 952

An Act Relating to Discrimination Against Persons Who Refuse to Perform or Assist Abortions
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1973 LD 953

An Act Relating to Immunity of Persons or Hospitals Refusing to Perform or Assist in Abortions

LD 1992
Proposed amendment:

PL 1973, c. 518 House, June 5, 1973
p. 3775-3788

Senate, June 6, 1973
p. 3881-3884

House, June 11, 1973
p. 4059-4060
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1973 LD 1529

An Act Regulating Abortion Procedures

LD 2035
N/A Indefinitely postponed House, June 14, 1973
p. 4249-4265

Senate, June 19, 1973
p. 4533-4539
Court Opinion:  Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1973 LD 1824

An Act to Prevent Criminal Abortion Practices
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. N/A N/A
1974 HP 1897

Joint Order Commending the Pro-Life Education Association
N/A Passed Senate, January 23, 1974
p. 317-318

Senate, January 24, 1974
p. 357-361
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1975 LD 314

An Act Creating the Maine Criminal Code

Enacted with amendments:


Proposed amendments:

H-669     H-696
H-689     H-697
PL 1975, c. 499, §5-A Senate, April 25, 1975
p. B705-B706

Senate, June 5, 1975
p. B1656

House, June 9, 1975
p. B1722-B1727

House, June 10, 1975
p. B1786-B1791

House, June 16, 1975
p. B1983-B1987
Court Opinion:  Opinion of the Justices, 338 A. 2d 802 (Me. 1975)

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1975 LD 493

An Act to Forbid the Expenditure of State Funds for Abortions
N/A ONTP No debate. News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1975 LD 1614

An Act to Remove Invalidated Language Concerning Abortion from Maine Statutes
N/A Leave to withdraw Senate, May 20, 1975
p. B1170-1171

House, May 21, 1975
p. B1175-B1177
Court Opinion:  Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1975 LD 1616

An Act Regulating Abortion Procedures
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Court Opinion:  Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) N/A
1977 LD 1198

An Act Relating to Reporting of Data of Abortions Performed by an Attending Physician

LD 1831
Proposed amendments:

PL 1977, c. 389 House, June 1, 1977
p. 1349

House, June 6, 1977
p. 1466

House, June 9, 1977
p. 1557

House, June 13, 1977
p. 1595-1596

House, June 15, 1977
p. 1670-1672

Senate, June 15, 1977
p. 1697-1698

Senate, June 21, 1977
p. 1870-1871
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1977 LD 1253

An Act to Prohibit the Use of State Funds for Abortions, Except to Save the Mother's Life
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Attorney General Opinion:  March 21, 1977

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1977 LD 1297

An Act Relating to Prenatal Scientific Determination of Sex
N/A Died between houses Senate, May 13, 1977
p. 1051-1053
Attorney General Opinion:  May 3, 1977

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1978 LD 2132

An Act to Make Additional Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine

LD 2199
Numerous amendments enacted and proposed. See Full LD History.

PL 1977, c. 696 House, March 17, 1978
p. 631-637

House, March 17, 1978
p. 638

Senate, March 17, 1978
p. 641-645

Senate, March 17, 1978
p. 650-651
1979 LD 604

An Act to Insure Parental Participation in a Minor's Decision to have an Abortion

Enacted with amendment:


Proposed amendments:

H-505     S-185
H-523     S-263
PL 1979, c. 413 Senate, May 14, 1979
p. 1148-1151

Senate, May 21, 1979
p. 1300-1303

House, May 23, 1979
p. 1355-1360

House, May 30, 1979
p. 1469-1472

Senate, May 31, 1979
p. 1528-1530
Court Opinion:  Women's Community Health Ctr., Inc. v. Cohen, 477 F. Supp. 542 (D. Me. 1979)

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1979 LD 676

An Act to Clarify Certain Provisions Relating to the Statistical Reporting of Abortions

Enacted with amendments:

PL 1979, c. 363 House, May 8, 1979
p. 1042

Senate, May 18, 1979
p. 1271-1272
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1979 LD 806

An Act to Prohibit Abortions after Viability
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Court Opinion:  Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1979 LD 1061

An Act to Limit Abortions in the Second and Third Trimesters to Certain Specified Situations

LD 1612
Proposed amendments:

PL 1979, c. 405 House, May 16, 1979
p. 1194-1197

Senate, May 16, 1979
p. 1204

House, May 17, 1979
p. 1208-1212

Senate, May 22, 1979
p. 1334-1335

Senate, May 23, 1979
p. 1376-1378
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1979 LD 1410

An Act Appropriating Funds for Abortion Procedures for Persons Otherwise Eligible Under Medicaid and to Effect Substantial Savings in the Costs of Government Services
N/A Indefinitely postponed Senate, May 24, 1979
p. 1402-1403

House, May 29, 1979
p. 1408-1412
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. N/A
1979 LD 1482

An Act to Insure that Informed Consent is Obtained before an Elective Abortion is Performed

Enacted with amendments:


Proposed amendment:

PL 1979, c. 360 Senate, May 14, 1979
p. 1152-1153

House, May 17, 1979
p. 1218-1220

House, May 18, 1979
p. 1258-1259

Senate, May 24, 1979
p. 1403-1405
Court Opinion:  Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Court  Opinion:
  Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 479 (1972)

Court Opinion:
  Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth, 428 U.S. 52 (1976)

Court Opinion: 
Women's Community Health Ctr., Inc. v. Cohen, 477 F. Supp. 542 (D. Me. 1979)

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

1980 LD 1703

An Act to Make Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine

LD 1964
Enacted with amendments:

S-426     H-856

Proposed amendments:

PL 1979, c. 663 Senate, February 28, 1980
p. 272

House, March 7, 1980
p. 332

House, March 10, 1980
p. 353-354

House, March 11, 1980
p. 378

Senate, March 11, 1980
p. 385
News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1983 LD 115

An Act Relating to Abortion by Saline Injection
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1983 LD 201

An Act Relating to Abortions in Third Trimester
N/A Leave to withdraw House, May 3, 1983
p. 719
Court Opinion:  Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Committee File: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1985 LD 134

An Act Requiring the Presence of a 2nd Physician when Abortions are Performed after Viability
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1985 LD 387

An Act to Require Parental Consent in the Case of Minors' Abortions

Proposed amendments:

Died between houses House, June 13, 1985
p. 1222-1230

House, June 13, 1985
p. 1230-1231

House, June 14, 1985
p. 1253-1256

House, June 14, 1985
p. 1263-1265

Senate, June 14, 1985
p. 1269-1271

Senate, June 14, 1985
p. 1275-1276
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1985 LD 1113

An Act Relating to Parental or Court Consent Prior to Performing an Abortion on a Minor
N/A Leave to withdraw House, June 13, 1985
p. 1224, 1228, 1229

House, June 14, 1985
p. 1255
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1985 LD 1184

An Act to Provide Adequate Medical Services for Victims of Rape, Gross Sexual Misconduct or Sexual Abuse
Enacted amendment:

PL 1985, c. 375 House, June 7, 1985
p. 1079-1080

House, June 10, 1985
p. 1105
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

1987 LD 1441

An Act to Clarify Reporting of Induced and Spontaneous Abortions
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1989 LD 551

An Act to Allow Recovery for Wrongful Death of Unborn Children
Proposed amendments:

Veto sustained House, June 8, 1989
p. 1166-1173

Senate, June 13, 1989
p. 1324-1327

House, June 19, 1989
p. 1544-1549

House, June, 30, 1989
p. 1784

House, June, 30, 1989
p. 1799-1800
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1989 LD 622

An Act to Require Parental Consent to a Minor's Abortion

Enacted with amendments:


Proposed amendments:

H-128     S-99
H-149     S-339
PL 1989, c. 573 House, May 4, 1989
p. 661-675

House, May 5, 1989
p. 687-693

Senate, May 8, 1989
p. 711-715

Senate, May 8, 1989
p. 715-721

Senate, May 9, 1989
p. 736-738

House, May 15, 1989
p. 794-797

House, May 15, 1989
p. 796-797

Senate, July 1, 1989
p. 1866

Senate, July 1, 1989
p. 1924
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1989 LD 881

An Act Regarding the Disposal of Fetal Remains
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1989 LD 1374

An Act to Clarify Reporting Requirements for Induced and Spontaneous Abortions

N/A PL 1989, c. 274 No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1991 SP 756

Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Preserve Federal Funding
Adopted as amended by:

Adopted as amended in concurrence No debate. N/A Yes
1992 SP 971

Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and the Congress of the United States to Support the Legal Availability of RU-486 for Appropriate Research and, If Indicated, Clinical Practice
N/A Adopted in concurrence No debate. N/A Yes
1993 LD 318

An Act to Protect Reproductive Privacy in Maine

Proposed amendments:

H-101     H-109
H-102     H-112  
H-103     H-113
H-104     H-126
H-105     H-128
H-107     H-129  
PL 1993, c. 61 Senate, March 30, 1993
p. S-319-S-320

Senate, March 30, 1993
p. S-320-S-327

House, April 6, 1993
p. H-397-H-424

House, April 6, 1993
p. H-428-H-429

House, April 8, 1993
p. H-442-H-450

House, April 8, 1993
p. H-454

Senate, April 8, 1993
p. S-382

Senate, April 12, 1993
p. S-399-S-400
Attorney General Opinion: Op. Me. Att'y Gen. 90-2

Court Opinion:
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Court Opinion: 
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Court Opinion: 
Women's Community Health Center, Inc. v. Cohen, Civil No. 79-165-P (D. Me. Sept. 9, 1982)

Committee File: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1993 LD 819

An Act to Ensure a Woman's Right to Know

Proposed amendments:

Died between houses House, April 6, 1993
p. H-403

House, April 6, 1993
p. H-424-H-425

Senate, April 8, 1993
p. S-370-S-371
Court Opinion: Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Committee File: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1993 LD 820

An Act to Ensure a Parent's Right to Know

Proposed amendments:

ONTP House, April 6, 1993
p. H-403

House, April 6, 1993
p. H-425-H-428

Senate, April 8, 1993
p. S-371-S-372
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1995 LD 630

An Act to Require a 24-Hour Waiting Period before an Abortion May Be Performed

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 15, 1995
p. H-1031-H-1039

Senate, June 16, 1995
p. S-1166-S-1167
Court Opinion: Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Committee File: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1995 LD 633

An Act to Require Parental Notification for Minors Seeking Abortions

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 15, 1995
p. H-1041-H-1052

Senate, June 16, 1995
p. S-1167-S-1169
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1995 LD 679

An Act to Strengthen the Laws Currently Governing the Failure to Preserve the Life of a Live Born Person
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1995 LD 1158

An Act to Preserve the Life of Viable Fetuses
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1995 LD 1216

An Act to Amend the Maine Civil Rights Act to Provide Greater Protections to Reproductive Facilities

Enacted with amendment:


Proposed amendment:

PL 1995, c. 417 House, June 13, 1995
p. H-970

House, June 22, 1995
p. H-1231-H-1235
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1997 LD 4

An Act to Preserve the Life of Viable Fetuses
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1997 LD 57

An Act to Strengthen the Laws Governing the Failure to Preserve the Life of a Live-born Person
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File: Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1997 LD 441

An Act to Prohibit Family Planning Agencies from Using State Funds for Certain Expenses Related to Abortion Services
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1997 LD 535

An Act to Ban Partial Birth Abortions

Proposed amendments:

H-163     H-183
H-164     H-184
H-181     H-187
H-182     H-188
Died between houses House, February 20, 1997
p. H-145

House, April 10, 1997
p. H-438-H-442

House, April 10, 1997
p. H-442-H-453

House, April 14, 1997
p. H-464-H-470

Senate, April 15, 1997
p. S-535-S-541

House, April 16, 1997
p. H-497

House, June 20, 1997
p. H-1382
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1997 LD 661

An Act to Require a 24-hour Waiting Period before an Abortion May Be Performed

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, April 14, 1997
p. H-471-H-473

Senate, April 15, 1997
p. S-541-S-542
Court Opinion: Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Committee File: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1997 LD 662

An Act to Require Parental Notification for Minors Seeking Abortions
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, April 14, 1997
p. H-473-H-478
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1997 LD 732

An Act to Amend the Laws of Murder and Manslaughter to Include the Death of a Fetus

Proposed amendments:

Indefinitely postponed Senate, February 20, 1997
p. S-166-S-167

House, May 22, 1997
p. H-1075-H-1077

House, May 23, 1997
p. H-1095-H-1098

House, June 1, 1997
p. H-1352-H-1353

Senate, June 1, 1997
p. S-1393-S-1394
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1999 LD 134

An Act to Prohibit Family Planning Agencies from Using State Funds for Certain Expenses Related to Abortion Services
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1999 LD 137

An Act to Require Parental Notification for Minors Seeking Abortions

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 20, 1999
p. H-1240-H-1246

Senate, May 21, 1999
p. S-1149-S-1150
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1999 LD 571

An Act to Prohibit Partial-birth Abortion
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1999 LD 917

An Act to Ban Partial Birth Abortion Except to Protect the Life or Health of the Mother
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1999 LD 918

An Act to Mandate Abortion Reporting Standards
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1999 LD 1128

An Act Creating Offenses Against Unborn Children

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 20, 1999
p. H-1247-H-1249
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
1999 LD 1593

An Act to Ban Partial Birth Abortion

Proposed amendment:

Died between houses

Not approved at referendum:

Nov. 2, 1999

Yes:  185,541
No:  232,113
House, May 20, 1999
p. H-1229-H-1237

Senate, May 21, 1999
p. S-1153-S-1154
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
1999 LD 2123

An Act to Require a 24-hour Waiting Period before an Abortion May Be Performed

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 20, 1999
p. H-1238-H-1240
Court Opinion:  Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Committee File: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2001 LD 119

An Act to Ban Partial Birth Abortion in the 3rd Trimester Except to Save the Life of the Mother
N/A ONTP House, May 1, 2001
p. H-551-H-553
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2001 LD 135

An Act to Ban Partial Birth Abortion
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2001 LD 1204

An Act to Preserve the Life and Health of Women

No debate.

Committee File: Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2001 LD 1310

An Act to Amend the Maine Health Data Organization Laws
Enacted with amendments:


Proposed amendments:

PL 2001, c. 457 House, May 31, 2001
p. H-1155

House, June 6, 2001
p. H-1269
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2001 LD 1391

An Act to Ensure Safety and Health Standards in Outpatient Medical or Surgical Facilities

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 1, 2001
p. H-554-H-556
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2001 LD 1406

An Act Creating Offenses Against Unborn Children

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 1, 2001
p. H-561-H-562
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2001 LD 1494

An Act to Require Parental Notification of Abortion

Proposed amendments:

ONTP House, May 1, 2001
p. H-556-H-560
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2001 LD 1602

An Act to Prevent Violence Against Pregnant Mothers

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 1, 2001
p. H-562-H-563
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2001 LD 1689

An Act to Amend the State's Abortion Reporting Law

Proposed amendment:


No debate.

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2003 LD 299

An Act To Amend the Abortion Reporting Laws To Eliminate Immunity for a Physician Who Reports Data on an Abortion

No debate.

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2003 LD 798

An Act To Amend the Abortion Consent Laws

Proposed amendments:

ONTP House, May 22, 2003
p. H-752-H-756

Senate, May 22, 2003
p. S-766-S-768

House, May 27, 2003
p. H-815

Senate, February 11, 2004
p. S-1239
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2003 LD 1101

An Act To Establish and Enforce Abortion Facility Safety Requirements

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 22, 2003
p. H-747-H-748
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2003 LD 1102

An Act To Protect the Mental Health of Women and Girls

No debate.

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips: 
Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2003 LD 1129

An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Abortion Reporting

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 22, 2003
p. H-749-H-750
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2003 LD 1567

An Act To Implement Recommendations of the MCJUSTIS Policy Board Concerning the Drafting of Crimes and Civil Violations Pursuant to Resolve 1997, Chapter 105, as Amended

Enacted with amendment:

PL 2003, c. 452 No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2004 LD 1884

An Act To Strengthen the Enforcement Provisions of the Maine Health Data Organization
Enacted with amendment:


Proposed amendment:

PL 2003, c. 659 Senate, April 5, 2004
p. S-1530-S-1531

House, April 7, 2004
p. H-1555-H-1556
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2005 LD 25

An Act To Educate Women on the Medical Risks Associated with Abortion

Proposed amendment:


No debate.

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2005 LD 262

An Act To Protect Unborn Children from Acts of Violence

Enacted with amendment:


Proposed amendment:

PL 2005, c. 408 House, June 7, 2005
p. H-922-H-928

Senate, June 9, 2005
p. S-1220-S-1221

House, June 10, 2005
p. H-977

Senate, June 13, 2005
p. S-1249-S-1252
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2005 LD 908

An Act To Protect Homosexuals from Discrimination
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2005 LD 1479

An Act To Ensure Systematic Reporting of Abortions
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2005 LD 1512

Resolve, Directing the Bureau of Health To Study the Effectiveness and Quality of Reproductive Counseling

Enacted with amendment:

Res. 2005, c. 114 House, June 7, 2005
p. H-917-H-918
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

Report:  Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion Data: Legislative Report in Response to LD 1512 (Jan. 4, 2006)
2005 LD 1575

An Act To Require Parental Notification of Teenage Abortions

Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 7, 2005
p. H-918-H-920

Senate, June 8, 2005
p. S-1194-S-1196
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2007 LD 49

Resolve, To Deny Family Status to Fetuses
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2007 LD 61

An Act To Add Abortion Providers to the List of Mandated Reporters to the Department of Health and Human Services
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2007 LD 973

An Act To Require the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention To Publish Abortion Statistics
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2007 LD 1309

An Act To Provide Equity in Funding for Women's Health Services
N/A ONTP No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2009 LD 1599

An Act Regarding the Maternal and Infant Death Review Panel

Enacted with amendment:

PL 2009, c. 531 No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2011 LD 116

An Act To Require a 24-hour Waiting Period prior to an Abortion
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 7, 2011
p. H-811-H-814
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2011 LD 924

An Act To Educate Women on the Medical Risks Associated with Abortion
Proposed amendments:

ONTP House, June 7, 2011
p. H-806-H-811
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2011 LD 1457

An Act To Strengthen the Consent Laws for Abortions Performed on Minors and Incapacitated Persons
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 7, 2011
p. H-814-H-819
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2011 LD 1463

An Act Regarding Offenses against an Unborn Child
Proposed amendment:

ONTP Senate, June 6, 2011
p. S-1074-S-1081

House, June 7, 2011
p. H-798-H-803
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2013 LD 463

An Act To Prohibit the Sale and Purchase of Human Fetal Tissue
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2013 LD 760

An Act Regarding Informed Consent to an Abortion
Proposed amendments:

ONTP House, June 12, 2013
p. H-960-H-964

Senate, June 13, 2013
p. S-1218-S-1224
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2013 LD 972

An Act To Educate Women on the Medical Risks Associated with Abortion
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2013 LD 1193

An Act To Allow a Wrongful Death Cause of Action for the Death of an Unborn Child
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 12, 2013
p. H-954-H-960

Senate, June 13, 2013
p. S-1228-S-1231
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2013 LD 1339

An Act To Strengthen the Consent Laws for Abortions Performed on Minors and Incapacitated Persons
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 12, 2013
p. H-964-H-967

Senate, June 13, 2013
p. S-1232-S-1234

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2013 LD 1504

Resolve, Directing the Adjutant General of the State To Ensure the Maine Code of Military Justice Addresses Sexual Trauma in the Military
Enacted with amendment:

Res. 2013, c. 66

No debate.

Report:  Report on Resolve Chapter 66, LD 1504, 126th Maine State Legislature, Resolve, Directing the Adjutant General of the State to Ensure the Maine Code of Military Justice Addresses Sexual Trauma in the Military (2014)

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2015 LD 83

An Act To Strengthen the Consent Laws for Abortions Performed on Minors and Incapacitated Persons
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, May 27, 2015
p. H-526

House, June 17, 2015
p. H-914-H-921

Senate, June 17, 2015
p. S-1122-S-1130

House, June 18, 2015
p. H-934
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2015 LD 1065

An Act To Amend the Law Regarding Temporary Powers of Attorney over Minors and Incapacitated Persons
Enacted with amendment:

PL 2015, c. 467 No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2015 LD 1312

An Act To License Outpatient Surgical Abortion Facilities
N/A ONTP House, April 16, 2015
p. H-308

House, April 23, 2015
p. H-323

House, May 27, 2015
p. H-522-H-527

Senate, June 12, 2015
p. S-999-S-1001
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2017 LD 327

An Act To Allow a Wrongful Death Cause of Action for the Death of a Viable Fetus
Proposed amendments:

Died between houses House, June 9, 2017
p. H-837-H-840

House, June 13, 2017
p. H-900

Senate, June 20, 2017
p. S-1172-S-1176

House, June 23, 2017
p. H-1059
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2018 LD 1763

An Act To Authorize Certain Health Care Professionals Who Are Not Physicians To Perform Abortions
N/A Died on adjournment No debate. News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2019 LD 20

An Act To Provide Coverage for Abortion Services for MaineCare Members
N/A Leave to withdraw No debate. Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian. Yes
2019 LD 820

An Act To Prevent Discrimination in Public and Private Insurance Coverage for Pregnant Women in Maine
Enacted with amendments:

PL 2019, c. 274 House, May 7, 2019
p. H-474-H-488

Senate, May 14, 2019
p. S-645-S-649

House, June 12, 2019
p. H-937-H-938

Senate, June 12, 2019
p. S-1099-S-1100
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2019 LD 1261

An Act To Authorize Certain Health Care Professionals To Perform Abortions
N/A PL 2019, c. 262 House, May 21, 2019
p. H-617-H-619

House, May 23, 2019
p. H-650

Senate, May 23, 2019
p. S-739-S-742
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:
  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
2021 LD 748

An Act To Remove Coverage under the MaineCare Program for Abortions Not Covered by Medicaid
Proposed amendment:

ONTP Senate, June 17, 2021
p. S-1117-S-1118
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2021 LD 825

An Act To Ensure Equality in Women's Health Care Access in Maine by Requiring Facilities Providing Abortions To Inform Patients of Options and Alternatives
Proposed amendment:

ONTP Senate, June 16, 2021
p. S-1075-S-1076
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2021 LD 851

An Act To Ensure Women Are Informed of Abortion Pill Reversal
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 16, 2021
p. H-840-H-841
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2021 LD 915

An Act To Conform State Funding to the Federal Hyde Amendment Limiting Funding for Some Abortion Services
Proposed amendment:

ONTP House, June 16, 2021
p. H-841

Senate, June 17, 2021
p. S-1120-S-1121

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2021 LD 1225

An Act To Provide Dignity for Fetal Remains by Requiring Their Interment or Cremation
Proposed amendment:

ONTP Senate, June 16, 2021
p. S-1078-S-1079
Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

2021 LD 1229

An Act To Require Certain Medical Providers To Administer Ultrasounds and Provide Information to Certain Pregnant Patients
Proposed amendments:

ONTP House, June 16, 2021
p. H-841-H-842

Senate, June 17, 2021
p. S-1123-S-1124

Committee File:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.

News Clips:  Please contact a Reference Librarian.
